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Created May 26, 2020 05:36
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Peterson/Filter Lock
extern crate log;
use std::{
cell::{RefCell, UnsafeCell},
sync::atomic::{AtomicU8, Ordering},
thread_local! {
static THREAD_ID: RefCell<u8> = RefCell::new(0);
const N: u8 = 32;
struct Peterson {
level: UnsafeCell<Box<[u8; N as usize]>>,
victim: UnsafeCell<Box<[u8; N as usize]>>,
thread_id: AtomicU8,
unsafe impl Sync for Peterson {}
struct PetersonLock<'a> {
peterson: &'a Peterson,
impl Peterson {
fn new() -> Self {
Self {
level: UnsafeCell::new(Box::new([0; N as usize])),
victim: UnsafeCell::new(Box::new([0; N as usize])),
thread_id: AtomicU8::new(0),
fn acquire<'a>(&'a self) -> Option<PetersonLock<'a>> {
THREAD_ID.with(|id| {
if *id.borrow() == 0 {
let old_value = self.thread_id.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
*id.borrow_mut() = old_value + 1;
if self.thread_id.load(Ordering::Relaxed) == N {
return None;
THREAD_ID.with(|id| {
debug!("Acquring lock for {}", *id.borrow());
let self_thread_id = *id.borrow();
let level = unsafe { &mut *self.level.get() };
let victim = unsafe { &mut *self.victim.get() };
for current_level in 1..N {
level[self_thread_id as usize] = current_level;
victim[self_thread_id as usize] = self_thread_id;
while self.same_or_higher(self_thread_id, current_level)
&& victim[current_level as usize] == self_thread_id
Some(PetersonLock { peterson: &self })
fn same_or_higher(&self, thread_id: u8, current_level: u8) -> bool {
let level = unsafe { &*self.level.get() };
for k in 1..N {
if k != thread_id && level[k as usize] >= current_level {
return true;
fn release(&self) {
THREAD_ID.with(|id| {
debug!("Releasing lock for {}", *id.borrow());
unsafe {
(*self.level.get())[*id.borrow() as usize] = 0;
impl<'a> Drop for PetersonLock<'a> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
mod tests {
use simplelog::{Config, LevelFilter, SimpleLogger};
use std::{
time::{Duration, SystemTime},
use crate::*;
fn it_works() {
SimpleLogger::init(LevelFilter::Trace, Config::default()).unwrap_or(());
let lock = Arc::new(Peterson::new());
let first_lock = lock.clone();
let second_lock = lock.clone();
let third_lock = lock.clone();
let first_handle = thread::spawn(move || {
info!("Acquiring T1 lock");
let _guard = first_lock.acquire().expect("Could not acquire lock");
info!("Using T1 lock for 3 seconds");
info!("Done with T1 lock");
let second_handle = thread::spawn(move || {
info!("Acquiring T2 lock");
let _guard = second_lock.acquire().expect("Could not acquire lock");
info!("Using T2 lock for 3 seconds");
info!("Done with T2 lock");
let third_handle = thread::spawn(move || {
info!("Acquiring T3 lock");
let _guard = third_lock.acquire().expect("Could not acquire lock");
info!("Using T3 lock for 1 second");
info!("Acquiring T3 lock again");
let other_guard = third_lock.acquire().expect("Could not acquire lock");
info!("Using T3 lock for 1 second");
info!("Done with T3 lock");
fn it_works_with_max_threads() {
SimpleLogger::init(LevelFilter::Trace, Config::default()).unwrap_or(());
let lock = Arc::new(Peterson::new());
let counter = Rc::new(UnsafeCell::new(0));
let outer_ref = counter.clone();
(1..N).into_iter().for_each(move |_| {
let lock_ref = lock.clone();
let counter_ref = unsafe { &mut *outer_ref.get() };
thread::spawn(move || {
let _guard = lock_ref.acquire().expect("Could not acquire lock");
let old_value = *counter_ref;
*counter_ref += 1;
assert_eq!(old_value + 1, *counter_ref);
debug!("Updated counter {}", *counter_ref);
let start = SystemTime::now();
while (unsafe { *counter.get() }) < (N - 1)
&& SystemTime::now().duration_since(start).unwrap().as_secs() < 5
let counter_value: &u8 = unsafe { &*counter.get() };
assert_eq!(N - 1, *counter_value);
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