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Created July 28, 2010 10:52
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  • Save FrancisVarga/494034 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save FrancisVarga/494034 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="asdoc" default="main">
<property file="./" />
<target name="main" depends="clean,compile" description="full build of asdocs"/>
<target name="clean">
<delete dir="./asdoc" failOnError="false" includeEmptyDirs="true"/>
<mkdir dir="./asdoc"/>
<target name="generateASDoc" depends="clean">
<exec executable="${asdoc.exe}" failonerror="true">
<arg line='-doc-sources ${domainextensions}'/>
<arg line='-main-title "${title}"' />
<arg line='-window-title "${title}"' />
<arg line='-output ${outputfolder}' />
# window and document title for the documentation
title = Basilicom AS3 Flex4 Core
# class-folders you want to search for classes to be included in the docs, seperated by spaces (for example ../com/ ../net/ )
# to include every .as and .mxml file within your project, just state ../
domainextensions = src/
# the folder (within the bin folder) whereto the asdoc html-files will be outputted
outputfolder = asdoc/
# the location of your asdoc
asdoc.exe = /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4/sdks/4.5.0/bin/asdoc
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