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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Save FranciscoG/9117026 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A super tiny router. Don't even know if you can call this a router, it's more of an module organizer thingy.
* tinyRouter.js
* Super simple JS router class, like super super simple
* doesn't use any regex to match url pathnames or hashes
* just takes a route name, looks for that function that matches it and runs it
* this is really only useful in small projects where you have a few pages and not a ton of JS
* but enough so where you still want to keep things organized
* there is one reserved route name
* universal : always runs this route before other routes
* this is kind of an offshoot of Paul Irish's DOM-Based routing:
var tinyRouter = (function() {
function Router(info) {
this.methods = info;
Router.prototype.process = function() {
var route = document.body.getAttribute('data-route'); //supporting back to IE8, why not
if (route === 'universal'){
throw new Error("universal is a reserved name, don't use it");
if (typeof this.methods.universal !== 'undefined'){
// always run what's in 'universal' before other routes
// only want to process defined routes
if (typeof route !== 'undefined') {
var execRoute = this.methods[route];
if (typeof execRoute === 'function') {
return Router;
* How to use:
Step 1: on your page you add a 'data-route' attribute to your body tag like this:
<body data-route="users">
Step 2: Create your Route functions, tinyRouter takes an Object Literal as its only parameter
var yourMainModule = new tinyRouter({
universal: function() {
// this is an optional route (but a reserved name, so don't use it in data-route)
// runs this route on every page before the other routes
users: function() {
// do stuff specific to users page
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