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Last active June 18, 2024 17:44
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  • Save FranckPachot/c4bac9d7c3e1f79caf092668f13684b9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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create extension if not exists postgres_fdw;
select format('
create server if not exists "gv$%1$s"
foreign data wrapper postgres_fdw
options (host %2$L, port %3$L, dbname %4$L)
', host, host, port, current_database()) from yb_servers();
select format('
drop user mapping if exists for admin
server "gv$%1$s"
',host) from yb_servers();
select format('
create user mapping if not exists for current_user
server "gv$%1$s"
--options ( user %2$L, password %3$L )
',host, 'yugabyte', 'SECRET')
from yb_servers();
select format('
drop schema if exists "gv$%1$s" cascade
',host) from yb_servers();
select format('
create schema if not exists "gv$%1$s"
',host) from yb_servers();
select format('
import foreign schema "pg_catalog"
limit to ("yb_active_session_history","pg_stat_statements")
from server "gv$%1$s" into "gv$%1$s"
', host) from yb_servers();
with views as (
select distinct foreign_table_name
from information_schema.foreign_tables t, yb_servers() s
where foreign_table_schema = format('gv$%1$s',
select format('drop view if exists "gv$%1$s"', foreign_table_name) from views
union all
select format('create or replace view public."gv$%2$s" as %1$s',
select %2$L as gv$host, %3$L as gv$zone, %4$L as gv$region, %5$L as gv$cloud,
* from "gv$%2$s".%1$I
', foreign_table_name, host, zone, region, cloud)
,' union all '), foreign_table_name
) from views, yb_servers() group by views.foreign_table_name ;
\! sleep 5
drop function if exists gv$ash;
create or replace function public.gv$ash(seconds interval default '60 seconds')
samples real,
"#req" bigint,
"#rpc" bigint,
"#ysql" bigint,
component text,
event_type text,
event_class text,
wait_event text,
info text,
host text,
zone text,
region text,
cloud text,
secs int
as $$
select sum(sample_weight) as samples
, count(distinct root_request_id) as "#req"
, count(distinct rpc_request_id) as "#rpc"
, count(distinct ysql_session_id) as "#ysql"
, wait_event_component as component, wait_event_type as event_type
, wait_event_class as event_class, wait_event
, coalesce ( 'tablet_id: '||wait_event_aux, substr(query,1,60) ) as info
, h.gv$host, h.gv$zone, h.gv$region, h.gv$cloud
, extract(epoch from max(sample_time)-min(sample_time))::int as secs
from gv$yb_active_session_history h
left outer join gv$pg_stat_statements s
on s.gv$host=h.gv$host and s.queryid=h.query_id
group by
wait_event_component, wait_event_type, wait_event_class, wait_event
, wait_event_aux, substr(query,1,60)
, h.gv$host, h.gv$zone, h.gv$region, h.gv$cloud
order by 1 desc
$$ language sql;
select * from gv$ash();
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