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Last active December 23, 2015 19:39
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  • Save FrankDeGroot/6684148 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save FrankDeGroot/6684148 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Compare database table with XML contents. Kept for code that extracts parameters from a query string, adds them to a SqlCommand and copies values from variables with the same name.
$cn = new-object Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection 'Server=.;Database=CIA;Trusted_Connection=true'
$q = @'
select count(*) from journaalposten.unv_conversierekeningschema
where grootboeksysteem='QIS' and maatschappij=@m and gb_rekening=@gbr and kostenplaats=@kp and kostendrager=@kd
$cm = new-object Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand -a $q, $cn
$p = $cm.parameters
[regex]::matches($q, '@\w+') | % { $p.addwithvalue($_.value, '') } | out-null
[xml]$x=gc *.xml
$cs = @()
foreach ($e in $x.ledgerEntryList.ledgerEntry) {
$m = $e.businessUnitRef.externalIdentifier
$yd = if ($e.yearDamage.nil -eq 'true') { '' } else { $e.yearDamage }
foreach ($l in $e.ledgerEntryLineList.LedgerEntryLine) {
$gbr = $l.amtTypeCode
$kd = if ($l.productVersionCoverageExternalCode.nil -eq 'true') { '' } else { $l.productVersionCoverageExternalCode }
$kp = if (-not $yd -and $kd) { '0' } else { $yd }
$p | % { $_.value = (get-variable $_.parametername.substring(1)).value } | out-null
if (-not $cm.executescalar()) {
$cs += "$m.$gbr.$kp.$kd" -replace '\.\.$',''
$cs | group | select name | sort name
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