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Created April 2, 2016 01:42
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from heapq import heappush, heappop
from numpy import array, copy
S = 's'
P = 'p'
F = '*'
O = 'O'
C = ' '
class Cell:
def __init__(self, x, y, t):
self.type = t
self.f = float('inf')
self.g = float('inf')
self.x = x
self.y = y
def dist(self, other):
if other is self:
return float('inf')
return abs(self.x - other.x) + abs(self.y - other.y)
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.f < other.f
def __str__(self):
return self.type
class Node:
def __init__(self, matrix, bound, index, path):
self.matrix = matrix
self.bound = bound
self.index = index
self.path = path
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.bound < other.bound
def read_map(inp):
locations = []
goals = []
start = None
for i, line in enumerate(inp.split('\n')):
if line.startswith('|'):
for char in line:
if char != '|':
if char == S:
start = Cell(len(locations[i - 1]), i - 1, S)
locations[i - 1].append(start)
elif char == F:
goal = Cell(len(locations[i - 1]), i - 1, F)
locations[i - 1].append(goal)
locations[i - 1].append(Cell(len(locations[i - 1]), i - 1, char))
return locations, goals, start
def search(locations, goal, start):
dirs = [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)]
closed = []
heap = []
start.f = start.dist(goal)
start.g = 0
start.type = P
heappush(heap, start)
while heap:
q = heappop(heap)
if q is goal:
nbs = [locations[q.y + d[1]][q.x + d[0]] for d in dirs
if 0 <= q.y + d[1] < len(locations) and 0 <= q.x + d[0] < len(locations[q.y + d[1]])]
for n in nbs:
if n in closed or n.type in (O, P):
tf = q.g + 1
if n not in heap:
heappush(heap, n)
elif tf >= n.g:
n.p = q
n.g = tf
n.f = n.g + n.dist(goal)
return False
goal.type = S
cur = goal.p
while hasattr(cur, 'p'):
cur.type = P
cur = cur.p
return True
def to_map(locations):
result = '+%s+\n' % ''.ljust(len(locations[0]), '-')
for row in locations:
result += '|%s|\n' % ''.join(map(str, row))
result += '+%s+' % ''.ljust(len(locations[0]), '-')
return result
def reduce_matrix(matrix):
total = 0
for row in matrix:
low = min(row)
if low != float('inf'):
total += low
for i in xrange(len(row)):
row[i] = row[i] - low
for i in xrange(len(matrix)):
col = matrix[:, i]
low = min(col)
if low != float('inf'):
total += low
for n in xrange(len(col)):
col[n] = col[n] - low
return total
def check_bound(matrix, s, d):
total = matrix[s][d]
matrix[d][s] = float('inf')
matrix[s] = [float('inf') for _ in matrix[s]]
matrix[:, d] = [float('inf') for _ in matrix[:, d]]
return total
def try_path(m, start, path):
cs, _, s = read_map(m)
for g in path:
if search(cs, cs[g.y][g.x], s):
cs, _, s = read_map(to_map(cs))
s.type = 'e'
cs[start.y][start.x] = 's'
return to_map(cs)
return ''
def branch_bound(m):
cs, gs, s = read_map(m)
gs.insert(0, s)
l = []
for g in gs:
l.append([o.dist(g) for o in gs])
nodes = []
matrix = array(l)
r = reduce_matrix(matrix)
heappush(nodes, Node(matrix, r, 0, []))
while True:
cur = heappop(nodes)
for i in xrange(len(cur.matrix)):
if cur.matrix[cur.index][i] != float('inf') and i != 0:
cp = copy(cur.matrix)
total = cur.bound
total += check_bound(cp, cur.index, i)
node = Node(cp, total, i, cur.path[:])
heappush(nodes, node)
if len(node.path) == len(gs):
path = try_path(m, s, [gs[n] for n in [n.index for n in node.path] if n != 0])
if path:
return path
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