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Created June 2, 2022 12:02
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# purpose: helper script to determine my max heart rate
# load libraries
#### Read and Filter Data ----
# grab data
d <- read.csv("Activities.csv")
# convert string pace to numeric seconds pace
get_pace_seconds <- function(x){
temp <- strsplit(x, ":")[[1]]
return((as.numeric(temp[1]) * 60) +
d$avg_pace_seconds <- unlist(lapply(d$Avg.Pace, function(x) get_pace_seconds(x)))
# filter
# method 1: hardest efforts
# d <- d %>% filter(pace_seconds <= 330 | Distance > 20)
# method 2: over the lower bound
# d <- d %>% filter(Max.HR > 182)
# method 3: top 5%
d <- d %>% filter(Max.HR < 200) %>%
filter(Activity.Type == "Running") %>%
arrange(desc(Max.HR)) %>%
#### Priors ----
# priors for mean of max hr
curve(dnorm(x, 190, 2),
from = 182,
to = 194)
# prior for standard deviation of max hr
curve(dunif(x, 2, 4), from = -2, to = 10)
# now "prior predictive simulation"
sample_mu <- rnorm(1e4, 188, 1)
sample_sigma <- runif(1e4, 1, 5)
prior_p <- rnorm(1e4, sample_mu, sample_sigma)
dens(prior_p, xlab="Max HR Values")
abline(v = 182, col="blue", lty=2)
abline(v = 194, col="blue", lty=2)
# how much lands "inside" of our limits?
cum_dist <- ecdf(prior_p)
1-((cum_dist(182)) + (1-cum_dist(194)))
#### Posterior (brute force) ----
# brute force calculation of posterior (from Rethinking)
mu.list <- seq(from=188, to=194, length.out = 200)
sigma.list <- seq(from=2, to=5, length.out = 200)
post <- expand.grid(mu=mu.list, sigma=sigma.list)
post$LL <- sapply(1:nrow(post), function(i) sum(
dnorm(d$Max.HR, post$mu[i], post$sigma[i], log=TRUE)
post$prod <- post$LL + dnorm(post$mu, 188, 1, TRUE) +
dunif(post$sigma, 1, 5, TRUE)
post$prob <- exp(post$prod - max(post$prod))
# on line above, remember, if not log, all probabilities quickly go to zero
# plot contour and heatmap
contour_xyz(post$mu, post$sigma, post$prob)
image_xyz(post$mu, post$sigma, post$prob)
# sample the posterior distribution
sample.rows <- sample(1:nrow(post), size=1e4, replace=TRUE, prob=post$prob) <- post$mu[sample.rows]
sample.sigma <- post$sigma[sample.rows]
# plot samples
plot(, sample.sigma, cex=0.5, pch=16, col=col.alpha(rangi2, 0.1))
# possibilities intervals for mean and standard deviation
#### Posterior (quap) ----
flist <- alist(
Max.HR ~ dnorm( mu, sigma),
mu ~ dnorm(188, 1),
sigma ~ dunif(1, 5)
m4.1 <- quap(flist, data=d)
# might be an issue here!
# why would mean and sd be negatively correlated?
# is it the number of data points are each band?
# if so, does this invalidate the results?
# extract samples from the posterior
post <- extract.samples(m4.1, n=1e4)
# sample the samples
test <- rnorm(10000, post$mu, post$sigma)
# how much lands "inside" of our limits?
cum_dist <- ecdf(test)
1-((cum_dist(182)) + (1-cum_dist(194)))
# plot posterior distribution
plot(density(test), xlab="Max HR Values")
abline(v = 182, col="blue", lty=2)
abline(v = 194, col="blue", lty=2)
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