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Last active May 29, 2024 06:31
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Frida code to enumerate the Golang symbols
const utils = {
colors: {
red: function(string) {
return '\x1b[31m' + string + '\x1b[0m';
green: function(string) {
return '\x1b[32m' + string + '\x1b[0m';
yellow: function(string) {
return '\x1b[33m' + string + '\x1b[0m';
blue: function(string) {
return '\x1b[34m' + string + '\x1b[0m';
cyan: function(string) {
return '\x1b[36m' + string + '\x1b[0m';
ascii: function(address) {
var address = ptr(address);
var output = [];
for (var i=0; i<Process.pointerSize; i++) {
var b = address.shr(Process.pointerSize * i).and(0xff);
if ((b > 0x1f) && (b < 0x7f)) {
} else {
return output.join('');
backtrace: function(context) {
return 'Backtrace:\n' + Thread.backtrace(context, Backtracer.FUZZY).map(DebugSymbol.fromAddress).join('\n') + '\n';
telescope: function(address) {
var items = this.addressResolve(address);
var results = [];
for (var i=0; i < items.length - 1; i++) {
var item = items[i];
var range = Process.findRangeByAddress(item['address']);
if(range) {
if (^.w.$/)) {
else if (^..x$/)) {
else if (^r..$/)) {
else {
var output = results.join(' -> ');
output += (" = " + items[items.length - 1]['address']);
output += (": " + this.ascii(items[items.length - 1]['address']));
return output;
addressResolve: function(address, stack) {
address = ptr(address);
if (!stack) {
stack = [];
if (stack.length > 10) {
return stack;
var record = {
address: address,
try {
if (Process.pointerSize == 8) {
record['value'] = address.readU64();
} else {
record['value'] = address.readU32();
try {
record['string'] = address.readUtf8String();
} catch (error) {}
catch (error) {
// console.warn('Address ' + address + ' is not a pointer');
if (record['value']) {
stack = this.addressResolve(ptr(record['value']), stack);
return stack;
const Golang = {
gopclntab: null,
symbolmap: null,
findGopclntab: function() {
if (this.gopclntab) {
return this.gopclntab;
const pattern = "FB FF FF FF 00 00";
var mainmodule = Process.enumerateModules()[0];
var ranges = Process.enumerateRangesSync('r--');
for (var ri in ranges) {
var range = ranges[ri];
if (range['base'] && range['size'] &&
range['file'] && (range['file']['path'] == mainmodule['path'])) {
var matches = Memory.scanSync(range['base'], range['size'], pattern);
if (matches && matches.length > 0) {
// console.log(JSON.stringify(matches));
for (var mi in matches) {
// Check if this is the table by comparing its first entry defined
// address with the defined offset + the found address.
var address = matches[mi]['address'];
// console.log(hexdump(address));
var entry = address.add(8).add(Process.pointerSize).readPointer();
var offset = address.add(8).add(Process.pointerSize * 2).readPointer();
if (address.add(offset).readPointer().compare(entry) == 0) {
// console.log(address);
this.gopclntab = address;
return this.gopclntab;
return null;
enumerateSymbolsSync: function() {
if (this.symbolmap) {
return this.symbolmap;
var address = this.findGopclntab();
var output = [];
if(address) {
// Read the header
var headerSize = 8;
var tableBase = address;
var recordSize = Process.pointerSize * 2;
var cursor = address.add(headerSize);
var tableEnd = address.add(cursor.readUInt() * recordSize);
cursor = cursor.add(Process.pointerSize);
// Enumerate the records
while (( == -1)) {
var offset = cursor.add(Process.pointerSize).readPointer();
var functionAddress = tableBase.add(offset).readPointer();
var nameOffset = tableBase.add(offset).add(Process.pointerSize).readU32();
var name = tableBase.add(nameOffset).readUtf8String();
address: functionAddress,
name: name,
table: tableBase.add(offset),
tableBase: tableBase,
cursor = cursor.add(recordSize);
this.symbolmap = output;
return this.symbolmap;
findSymbolByName: function(name) {
var map = this.enumerateSymbolsSync();
for (var index in map) {
if (map[index]['name'] === name) {
return map[index]['address'];
return null;
findSymbolsByPattern: function(pattern) {
var map = this.enumerateSymbolsSync();
var output = []
for (var index in map) {
if (map[index]['name'].match(pattern)) {
return output;
function golanghooks() {
(function() {
var name = 'crypto/aes.NewCipher';
var address = Golang.findSymbolByName(name);
if (address != null) {
console.log('[!] Hooking: ' + name + ' @ 0x' + address.toString(16));
try {
Interceptor.attach(address, {
onEnter: function(args) {
onLeave: function(result) {
var rsp = this.context['rsp'];
var key = hexdump(rsp.add(Process.pointerSize * 1).readPointer(), {length:32});
for (var i=0; i<4; i++) {
console.log('[' + i +'] ' + utils.telescope(rsp));
rsp = rsp.add(Process.pointerSize);
console.log("Key:\n" + key));
catch (error) {
(function() {
var name = 'crypto/cipher.newCFB';
var address = Golang.findSymbolByName(name);
if (address != null) {
console.log('[!] Hooking: ' + name + ' @ 0x' + address.toString(16));
try {
Interceptor.attach(address, {
onEnter: function(args) {
onLeave: function(result) {
var rsp = this.context['rsp'];
var iv = hexdump(rsp.add(Process.pointerSize * 3).readPointer(), {length:16});
for (var i=0; i<4; i++) {
console.log('[' + i +'] ' + utils.telescope(rsp));
rsp = rsp.add(Process.pointerSize);
console.log("IV:\n" + iv));
catch (error) {
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