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Last active November 9, 2023 13:05
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  • Save FrankSpierings/ab67d28e858c5003fca4d259cb8a5c2d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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AppLocker On Windows 10 Pro
# Requires system privileges!
# Thank you:
$xmls = (ls -filter '*.xml' $path |% {$_.FullName})
$Appx, $Dll, $Exe, $Msi, $Script = $null
$xmls |% {
$filename = $_
[xml]$xml = (gc $filename)
# Appx
$xml.AppLockerPolicy.RuleCollection |? {$_.Type -imatch 'Appx' -and $_.EnforcementMode -match 'Enabled'} |% {
$node = $_;
if (-not $Appx) {
$merge = New-Object XML
$importnode = $merge.ImportNode($node, $true)
$merge.AppendChild($importnode) | Out-Null
$Appx = $merge
} else {
$node.ChildNodes |% {
$child = $_
$importnode = $Appx.ImportNode($child, $true)
$Appx.DocumentElement.AppendChild($importnode) | Out-Null
$xml.AppLockerPolicy.RuleCollection |? {$_.Type -imatch 'Dll' -and $_.EnforcementMode -match 'Enabled'} |% {
$node = $_;
if (-not $Dll) {
$merge = New-Object XML
$importnode = $merge.ImportNode($node, $true)
$merge.AppendChild($importnode) | Out-Null
$Dll = $merge
} else {
$node.ChildNodes |% {
$child = $_
$importnode = $Dll.ImportNode($child, $true)
$Dll.DocumentElement.AppendChild($importnode) | Out-Null
# Exe
$xml.AppLockerPolicy.RuleCollection |? {$_.Type -imatch 'Exe' -and $_.EnforcementMode -match 'Enabled'} |% {
$node = $_;
if (-not $Exe) {
$merge = New-Object XML
$importnode = $merge.ImportNode($node, $true)
$merge.AppendChild($importnode) | Out-Null
$Exe = $merge
} else {
$node.ChildNodes |% {
$child = $_
$importnode = $Exe.ImportNode($child, $true)
$Exe.DocumentElement.AppendChild($importnode) | Out-Null
# Msi
$xml.AppLockerPolicy.RuleCollection |? {$_.Type -imatch 'Msi' -and $_.EnforcementMode -match 'Enabled'} |% {
$node = $_;
if (-not $Msi) {
$merge = New-Object XML
$importnode = $merge.ImportNode($node, $true)
$merge.AppendChild($importnode) | Out-Null
$Msi = $merge
} else {
$node.ChildNodes |% {
$child = $_
$importnode = $Msi.ImportNode($child, $true)
$Msi.DocumentElement.AppendChild($importnode) | Out-Null
# Script
$xml.AppLockerPolicy.RuleCollection |? {$_.Type -imatch 'Script' -and $_.EnforcementMode -match 'Enabled'} |% {
$node = $_;
if (-not $Script) {
$merge = New-Object XML
$importnode = $merge.ImportNode($node, $true)
$merge.AppendChild($importnode) | Out-Null
$Script = $merge
} else {
$node.ChildNodes |% {
$child = $_
$importnode = $Script.ImportNode($child, $true)
$Script.DocumentElement.AppendChild($importnode) | Out-Null
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web
$GroupName = "AppLocker001"
$namespaceName = "root\cimv2\mdm\dmmap" #Do not change this
$parentID = "./Vendor/MSFT/AppLocker/ApplicationLaunchRestrictions/$GroupName"
# Appx
$className = "MDM_AppLocker_ApplicationLaunchRestrictions01_StoreApps03" #Do not change this
$obj = [System.Net.WebUtility]::HtmlEncode($Appx.InnerXml)
Get-CimInstance -Namespace $namespaceName -ClassName $className -Filter "ParentID=`'$parentID`' and InstanceID='STOREAPPS'" | Remove-CimInstance
New-CimInstance -Namespace $namespaceName -ClassName $className -Property @{ParentID=$parentID;InstanceID="STOREAPPS";Policy=$obj}
# Dll
$className = "MDM_AppLocker_DLL03" #Do not change this
$obj = [System.Net.WebUtility]::HtmlEncode($Dll.InnerXml)
Get-CimInstance -Namespace $namespaceName -ClassName $className -Filter "ParentID=`'$parentID`' and InstanceID='DLL'" | Remove-CimInstance
New-CimInstance -Namespace $namespaceName -ClassName $className -Property @{ParentID=$parentID;InstanceID="DLL";Policy=$obj}
# Exe
$className = "MDM_AppLocker_ApplicationLaunchRestrictions01_EXE03" #Do not change this
$obj = [System.Net.WebUtility]::HtmlEncode($Exe.InnerXml)
Get-CimInstance -Namespace $namespaceName -ClassName $className -Filter "ParentID=`'$parentID`' and InstanceID='EXE'" | Remove-CimInstance
New-CimInstance -Namespace $namespaceName -ClassName $className -Property @{ParentID=$parentID;InstanceID="EXE";Policy=$obj}
# Msi
$className = "MDM_AppLocker_MSI03" #Do not change this
$obj = [System.Net.WebUtility]::HtmlEncode($Msi.InnerXml)
Get-CimInstance -Namespace $namespaceName -ClassName $className -Filter "ParentID=`'$parentID`' and InstanceID='MSI'" | Remove-CimInstance
New-CimInstance -Namespace $namespaceName -ClassName $className -Property @{ParentID=$parentID;InstanceID="MSI";Policy=$obj}
# Script
$className = "MDM_AppLocker_Script03" #Do not change this
$obj = [System.Net.WebUtility]::HtmlEncode($Script.InnerXml)
Get-CimInstance -Namespace $namespaceName -ClassName $className -Filter "ParentID=`'$parentID`' and InstanceID='SCRIPT'" | Remove-CimInstance
New-CimInstance -Namespace $namespaceName -ClassName $className -Property @{ParentID=$parentID;InstanceID="SCRIPT";Policy=$obj}
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