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Created August 10, 2015 12:21
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<h2>Web Development</h2>
<p>When building a new <a href="#" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="More Information">site</a> I start with mobile first, that way it will be responsive right from the get go!</p>
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<h2>Web Design</h2>
<p>Designing a beautiful and unique website is what I take pride in, after all it's what people see when they look you up online.</p>
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<h2>Course Goals,</h2>
<p>(1) Change career's, I have left my job as an Quality control manager at Horizon Seeds to pursue a career in the tech industry. (2) Start a new career as a entry level web developer. (3) Start Freelancing after this course.</p>
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<h2>Who am I?</h2>
<p>I'm a Full Stack Web Developer.</p>
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<h3>More about me</h3>
<p>Flannel farm-to-table fingerstache Bushwick forage, distillery Schlitz before they sold out tofu meggings slow-carb scenester. Thundercats squid tousled Shoreditch church-key. Yr gentrify hoodie DIY, kale chips Austin umami Echo Park Odd Future mumblecore. Four loko locavore Pitchfork Truffaut, tofu tote bag semiotics tousled PBR forage cold-pressed Echo Park literally four dollar toast. Bitters meggings cred, four dollar toast trust fund vegan put a bird on it taxidermy VHS kale chips locavore sartorial polaroid. Wayfarers Intelligentsia ennui Vice Tumblr. Chillwave American Apparel artisan asymmetrical PBRB slow-carb mustache.</p>
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I've always been interested in web design and coding.
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What school did you go to for Web Development?
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I did a 3 month course at Career Foundry.
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Is designing websites one of your passions?
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It is one of my all time passions to work in the tech industry as a Web developer.
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