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Last active July 10, 2018 02:38
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  • Save FrankWu100/9cf9a50c32853141b2583a8dce171da5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save FrankWu100/9cf9a50c32853141b2583a8dce171da5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
a simple python script to checkout RK Player support videos format.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os, sys
flag_debug = False
class bcolors:
HEADER = '\033[95m'
OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
WARNING = '\033[93m'
FAIL = '\033[91m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
def disable(self):
self.HEADER = ''
self.OKBLUE = ''
self.OKGREEN = ''
self.WARNING = ''
self.FAIL = ''
self.ENDC = ''
if not os.popen("mediainfo").read():
print (bcolors.FAIL + "ERROR: mediainfo: command not found" + bcolors.ENDC)
print (" You need to install " + bcolors.HEADER + "MediaInfo" + bcolors.ENDC + " from apt-get first.")
print (" Command:")
print (bcolors.WARNING + " sudo apt-get update")
print (" sudo apt-get install mediainfo" + bcolors.ENDC)
# create rule file
rule_path = '.mediainfo_output_rule.dat'
rule_f = open(rule_path, 'w+')
rule_f.write("General;General: %FileName%.%FileExtension%|%OverallBitRate%|%OverallBitRate_Maximum%\\n\nVideo;Video: %Format%|%Width%|%Height%|%FrameRate%|%FrameRate_Original%|%BitRate%|%BitRate_Maximum%|%Format_Settings_CABAC%|%BitDepth%\n")
def format_check(result):
# get info
result = result.split('\n')
result_General = result[0].split("General: ")[1].split('|')
result_Video = result[1].split("Video: ")[1].split('|')
v_Format = result_Video[0]
v_Height = int(result_Video[1])
v_Width = int(result_Video[2])
v_FrameRate = result_Video[3]
if not v_FrameRate:
v_FrameRate = result_Video[4]
if v_FrameRate:
v_FrameRate = float(v_FrameRate)
v_BitRate = result_Video[6]
if not v_BitRate:
v_BitRate = result_Video[5]
if not v_BitRate:
v_BitRate = result_General[2]
if not v_BitRate:
v_BitRate = result_General[1]
if v_BitRate:
v_BitRate = int(v_BitRate)
v_CABAC = result_Video[7]
if v_CABAC == "Yes":
v_CABAC = True
v_CABAC = False
v_BitDepth = int(result_Video[8])
p_Format = ""
p_FormatSetting = "CABAC" if v_CABAC else "CAVLC"
p_Resolution = str(v_Height) + "x" + str(v_Width)
p_FrameRate = str(v_FrameRate) + " fps"
p_BitRate= ""
if v_BitRate/1024/1000 >= 10:
p_BitRate = str(float(v_BitRate/1024)/1000) + " Mbps"
p_BitRate = str(float(v_BitRate)/1000) + " Kbps"
p_BitDepth = str(v_BitDepth) + " bit"
# Start Check
support = False
# H.264/AVC
if v_Format == 'AVC':
p_Format = "H.264/AVC"
# 1080P
if v_Height <= 1920 and v_Width <= 1080:
# 60FPS
if v_FrameRate <= 60:
# Bit Rate 60Mbps
if v_BitRate <= 60*1024*1000:
support = True
if p_Resolution != "1920x1080":
p_Resolution = p_Resolution + bcolors.OKBLUE + " (1920x1080)" + bcolors.ENDC
p_Resolution = bcolors.OKBLUE + p_Resolution + bcolors.ENDC
p_BitRate = bcolors.FAIL + p_BitRate + bcolors.OKBLUE + " (Max: 60 Mbps)" + bcolors.ENDC
if p_Resolution != "1920x1080":
p_Resolution = p_Resolution + bcolors.OKBLUE + " (1920x1080)" + bcolors.ENDC
p_Resolution = bcolors.OKBLUE + p_Resolution + bcolors.ENDC
p_FrameRate = bcolors.FAIL + p_FrameRate + bcolors.OKBLUE + " (Max: 60 fps)" + bcolors.ENDC
# 4K
elif v_Height <= 4096 and v_Width <= 2304:
# 25FPS
if v_FrameRate <= 25:
if v_CABAC:
# Bit Rate 60Mbps
if v_BitRate <= 60*1024*1000:
support = True
p_FormatSetting = bcolors.OKBLUE + p_FormatSetting + bcolors.ENDC
if p_Resolution != "4096x2304":
p_Resolution = p_Resolution + bcolors.OKBLUE + " (4096x2304)" + bcolors.ENDC
p_Resolution = bcolors.OKBLUE + p_Resolution + bcolors.ENDC
p_BitRate = bcolors.FAIL + p_BitRate + bcolors.OKBLUE + " (Max: 60 Mbps)" + bcolors.ENDC
# Bit Rate 30Mbps
if v_BitRate <= 30*1024*1000:
support = True
p_FormatSetting = bcolors.OKBLUE + p_FormatSetting + bcolors.ENDC
if p_Resolution != "4096x2304":
p_Resolution = p_Resolution + bcolors.OKBLUE + " (4096x2304)" + bcolors.ENDC
p_Resolution = bcolors.OKBLUE + p_Resolution + bcolors.ENDC
p_BitRate = bcolors.FAIL + p_BitRate + bcolors.OKBLUE + " (Max: 30 Mbps)" + bcolors.ENDC
if p_Resolution != "4096x2304":
p_Resolution = p_Resolution + bcolors.OKBLUE + " (4096x2304)" + bcolors.ENDC
p_Resolution = bcolors.OKBLUE + p_Resolution + bcolors.ENDC
p_FrameRate = bcolors.FAIL + p_FrameRate + bcolors.OKBLUE + " (Max: 25 fps)" + bcolors.ENDC
p_Resolution = bcolors.FAIL + p_Resolution + bcolors.OKBLUE + " (Max: 4096x2304)" + bcolors.ENDC
# H.265/HEVC
elif v_Format == 'HEVC':
p_Format = "H.265/HEVC"
# 4K
if v_Height <= 4096 and v_Width <= 2304:
# 60FPS
if v_FrameRate <= 60:
# 8Bit Depth
if v_BitDepth == 8:
# Bit Rate 80Mbps
if v_BitRate <= 80*1024*1000:
support = True
p_BitDepth = bcolors.OKBLUE + p_BitDepth + bcolors.ENDC
p_BitRate = bcolors.FAIL + p_BitRate + bcolors.OKBLUE + " (Max: 80 Mbps)" + bcolors.ENDC
# 10Bit Depth
elif v_BitDepth == 10:
# Bit Rate 50Mbps
if v_BitRate <= 50*1024*1000:
support = True
p_BitDepth = bcolors.OKBLUE + p_BitDepth + bcolors.ENDC
p_BitRate = bcolors.FAIL + p_BitRate + bcolors.OKBLUE + " (Max: 50 Mbps)" + bcolors.ENDC
p_BitDepth = bcolors.FAIL + p_BitDepth + bcolors.OKBLUE + " (Max: 10 bit)" + bcolors.ENDC
p_FrameRate = bcolors.FAIL + p_FrameRate + bcolors.OKBLUE + " (Max: 60 fps)" + bcolors.ENDC
p_Resolution = bcolors.FAIL + p_Resolution + bcolors.OKBLUE + " (Max: 4096x2304)" + bcolors.ENDC
p_Format = bcolors.FAIL + v_Format + bcolors.ENDC
# Print Format
print ("---- Format ----")
if v_Format == 'AVC':
print ("Format : " + p_Format)
print ("Format Setting : " + ("CABAC" if v_CABAC else "CAVLC"))
print ("Resolution : " + p_Resolution)
print ("Frame Rate : " + p_FrameRate)
print ("Bit Rate : " + p_BitRate)
elif v_Format == 'HEVC':
print ("Format : " + p_Format)
print ("Resolution : " + p_Resolution)
print ("Frame Rate : " + p_FrameRate)
print ("Bit Rate : " + p_BitRate)
print ("Bit Depth : " + p_BitDepth)
print ("Format : " + v_Format)
return support
# start
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print ("Usage: \"python " + __file__ + " FileName\"")
file_path = os.path.realpath(sys.argv[1])
result = os.popen("mediainfo --Output=file://" + rule_path + " \"" + file_path + "\"").read().strip()
if flag_debug:
print (file_path)
print ("--------")
print (result)
print ("--------")
support = format_check(result)
print ("---- Result ----")
if support:
print (bcolors.OKGREEN + "Support" + bcolors.ENDC)
print (bcolors.FAIL + "Out of Support" + bcolors.ENDC)
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