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Created January 12, 2024 15:13
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Pypulseq Sequence install draft
import os
from sys import platform
class ScannerDefinition:
# Are we able to install to this scanner? (i.e. are we on the same network with this scanner?)
def can_install(self):
# Install a sequence to this scanner
def install(self, seq, **kwargs):
scanner_definitions = {}
scanner_targets = {}
def register_scanner(name, definition, groups=None):
scanner_definitions[name] = definition
scanner_targets[name] = [name]
if groups is not None:
for g in groups:
if g not in scanner_targets:
scanner_targets[g] = [name]
def detect_scanner(target=None):
if target is not None:
if target not in scanner_targets:
raise ValueError('Unknown scanner target')
sd = {k:scanner_definitions[k] for k in scanner_targets[target]}
sd = scanner_definitions
for scanner, definition in sd.items():
if definition.can_install():
return scanner, definition
return None, None
# Implementation for seq.install(...) to be placed in Sequence
def sequence_install(seq, target=None, **kwargs):
_, definition = detect_scanner(target)
if definition is not None:
if not definition.install(seq, **kwargs):
raise RuntimeError('Sequence install failed')
# Implementation for Siemens scanners
class SiemensDefinition(ScannerDefinition):
def __init__(self, ice_ip, pulseq_seq_path):
self.ice_ip = ice_ip
self.pulseq_seq_path = pulseq_seq_path
def can_install(self):
if platform == 'win32':
# windows
ping_command = 'ping -w 1000 -n 1'
elif platform == 'linux' or platform == 'darwin':
# unix-like
ping_command = 'ping -q -n -W1 -c1'
# Does the scanner respond to pings?
status = os.system(f'{ping_command} {self.ice_ip}')
if status != 0:
return False
# Does the pulseq seq path exist on the scanner? (i.e. is this the right scanner?)
status = os.system(f'ssh -oBatchMode=yes -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa root@{self.ice_ip} "test -d {self.pulseq_seq_path}"')
return status == 0
def install(self, seq, name='external'):
# Transfer file with temporary filename to scanner
status = os.system(f'scp -oBatchMode=yes -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa external.seq.tmp root@{self.ice_ip}:{self.pulseq_seq_path}/external_tmp.seq')
if status != 0:
return False
# Rename temporary file to final filename on scanner
# TODO: Check status values?
os.system(f'ssh -oBatchMode=yes -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa root@{self.ice_ip} "chmod a+rw {self.pulseq_seq_path}/external_tmp.seq"')
os.system(f'ssh -oBatchMode=yes -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa root@{self.ice_ip} "rm -f {self.pulseq_seq_path}/{name}.seq"')
os.system(f'ssh -oBatchMode=yes -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa root@{self.ice_ip} "mv {self.pulseq_seq_path}/external_tmp.seq {self.pulseq_seq_path}/{name}.seq"')
return True
# Numaris 4, two different IPs
register_scanner('siemens_n4_2', SiemensDefinition('', '/opt/medcom/MriCustomer/seq/pulseq'), ['siemens', 'siemens_n4'])
register_scanner('siemens_n4_3', SiemensDefinition('', '/opt/medcom/MriCustomer/seq/pulseq'), ['siemens', 'siemens_n4'])
# Numaris X
register_scanner('siemens_nx', SiemensDefinition('', '/opt/medcom/MriCustomer/CustomerSeq/pulseq'), ['siemens'])
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