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import airsim
from pynput import keyboard
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as ScipyRotation
import time
class DroneController:
High level drone controller for manual drone navigation using a regular keyboard.
def __init__(self):
self.acceleration = 3.0
self.max_speed = 6.0
self.angular_velocity = 90.0
self.duration = 0.4
self.friction = 0.5
self.desired_velocity = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float32)
self._key_command_mapping = {
keyboard.Key.up: "forward",
keyboard.Key.down: "backward",
keyboard.Key.left: "turn left",
keyboard.Key.right: "turn right",
keyboard.KeyCode.from_char("w"): "up",
keyboard.KeyCode.from_char("s"): "down",
keyboard.KeyCode.from_char("a"): "left",
keyboard.KeyCode.from_char("d"): "right",
self._active_commands = {command: False for command in self._key_command_mapping.values()}
self._client = airsim.MultirotorClient()
def fly_by_keyboard(self):
Begin to listen for keyboard input and send according control commands until `esc` is pressed.
print("Starting manual control mode...")
# Start a listener instance that invokes callbacks when keys are pressed or released. When the listener stops,
# it indicates that the whole execution should stop too.
with keyboard.Listener(on_press=self._on_press, on_release=self._on_release) as keyboard_listener:
print("Ready, you can control the drone by keyboard now.")
while keyboard_listener.running:
time.sleep(self.duration / 2.0)
print("Manual control mode was successfully deactivated.")
def move(self, velocity, yaw_rate):
self._client.moveByVelocityAsync(velocity[0].item(), velocity[1].item(), velocity[2].item(), self.duration,
yaw_mode=airsim.YawMode(True, yaw_rate))
def _on_press(self, key):
if key in self._key_command_mapping.keys():
self._active_commands[self._key_command_mapping[key]] = True
elif key == keyboard.Key.esc:
# Shutdown.
return False
def _on_release(self, key):
if key in self._key_command_mapping.keys():
self._active_commands[self._key_command_mapping[key]] = False
def _handle_commands(self):
drone_orientation = ScipyRotation.from_quat(self._client.simGetVehiclePose().orientation.to_numpy_array())
yaw = drone_orientation.as_euler('zyx')[0]
forward_direction = np.array([np.cos(yaw), np.sin(yaw), 0])
left_direction = np.array([np.cos(yaw - np.deg2rad(90)), np.sin(yaw - np.deg2rad(90)), 0])
if self._active_commands["forward"] or self._active_commands["backward"]:
forward_increment = forward_direction * self.duration * self.acceleration
if self._active_commands["forward"]:
self.desired_velocity += forward_increment
self.desired_velocity -= forward_increment
forward_component =, forward_direction) * forward_direction
self.desired_velocity -= self.friction * forward_component
if self._active_commands["up"] or self._active_commands["down"]:
vertical_component = drone_orientation.apply(np.array([0.0, 0.0, -1.0]))
vertical_component *= self.duration * self.acceleration
if self._active_commands["up"]:
self.desired_velocity += vertical_component
self.desired_velocity -= vertical_component
self.desired_velocity[2] *= self.friction
if self._active_commands["left"] or self._active_commands["right"]:
lateral_increment = left_direction * self.duration * self.acceleration
if self._active_commands["left"]:
self.desired_velocity += lateral_increment
self.desired_velocity -= lateral_increment
left_component =, left_direction) * left_direction
self.desired_velocity -= self.friction * left_component
speed = np.linalg.norm(self.desired_velocity)
if speed > self.max_speed:
self.desired_velocity = self.desired_velocity / speed * self.max_speed
yaw_rate = 0.0
if self._active_commands["turn left"]:
yaw_rate = -self.angular_velocity
elif self._active_commands["turn right"]:
yaw_rate = self.angular_velocity
self.move(self.desired_velocity, yaw_rate)
if __name__ == "__main__":
controller = DroneController()
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