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More flexible Outline.fx. Except for the .fx file which is copied in its entirety, copy the lines below as new lines into the files specified.
//>Outline Settings<\\
#define OutlineUseDepthThreshold 1 //[0:1] //- if set to 1 it will cut off lines above the OutlineDepthThreshold.
#define OutlineUseFading 1 //[0:1] //- if set to 1, it will fade lines further away.
#define OutlineDepthThreshold 0.3 //[0.0:1.0] //-Depth threshold, all lines further away than this value will not be drawn
#define OutlineFadeStart 0.1 //[0.0:1.0] //-The start of the fog. 0.0 is at the camera position, 1.0 is horizon.
#define OutlineFadeCurve 10 //[0.1:175] //-//-The curve how quickly distant objects get faded. A low value will make the fade appear just slightly. A high value will make the fade kick in rather quickly.
#undef OutlineDepthThreshold
#undef OutlineFadeStart
#undef OutlineFadeCurve
#undef OutlineUseFading
#undef OutlineUseDepthThreshold
* Depth-buffer based cel shading for ENB by kingeric1992
* Modified and optimized for ReShade by JPulowski
* Do not distribute without giving credit to the original author(s).
* 1.0 - Initial release/port
* 1.1 - Replaced depth linearization algorithm with another one by crosire
* Added an option to tweak accuracy
* Modified the code to make it compatible with SweetFX 2.0 Preview 7 and new Operation Piggyback which should give some performance increase
* 1.1a - Framework port
* 1.2 - Changed the name to "Outline" since technically this is not Cel shading (See
* Added custom outline and background color support
* Added a threshold and opacity modifier
* 1.2a - Now uses the depth buffer linearized by ReShade therefore it should work with pseudo/logaritmic/negative/flipped depth
* It is now possible to use the color texture for edge detection
* Rewritten and simplified some parts of the code
#include EFFECT_CONFIG(JPulowski)
#pragma message "Outline by kingeric1992 (ported by JPulowski)\n"
namespace JPulowski {
#if (OutlineEdgeDetection == 0)
texture NormalizedDepthTex { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = RGBA32F; };
sampler NormalizedDepth { Texture = NormalizedDepthTex; };
void PS_NormalizeDepth(float4 vpos : SV_POSITION, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0, out float3 normalizedDepth : SV_TARGET) {
float4 depth = float4(tex2D(ReShade::LinearizedDepth, texcoord + float2(ReShade::PixelSize.x, 0.0)).x,
tex2D(ReShade::LinearizedDepth, texcoord - float2(ReShade::PixelSize.x, 0.0)).x,
tex2D(ReShade::LinearizedDepth, texcoord + float2( 0.0, ReShade::PixelSize.y)).x,
tex2D(ReShade::LinearizedDepth, texcoord - float2( 0.0, ReShade::PixelSize.y)).x);
float2 delta = float2(depth.x - depth.y, depth.z - depth.w) * ReShade::ScreenSize;
normalizedDepth = normalize(float3(delta, 1.0));
float3 PS_Outline(float4 position : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0) : SV_Target {
#if (OutlineCustomBackground == 0)
float3 color = tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, texcoord).rgb;
#define OutlineBG tex2D(ReShade::BackBuffer, texcoord).rgb
float3 color = OutlineBackgroundColor;
#define OutlineBG OutlineBackgroundColor
#if (OutlineEdgeDetection == 0)
#define EDTexture NormalizedDepth
#define EDTexture ReShade::BackBuffer
// Sobel operator matrices
float3 Gx[3] =
float3(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0),
float3(-2.0, 0.0, 2.0),
float3(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
float3 Gy[3] =
float3( 1.0, 2.0, 1.0),
float3( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
float3(-1.0, -2.0, -1.0)
float3 dotx = 0.0;
float3 doty = 0.0;
int j;
// Edge detection
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
j = i - 1;
dotx += Gx[i].x * tex2D(EDTexture, texcoord + float2(-ReShade::PixelSize.x, ReShade::PixelSize.y * j)).rgb;
dotx += Gx[i].y * tex2D(EDTexture, texcoord + float2( 0.0, ReShade::PixelSize.y * j)).rgb;
dotx += Gx[i].z * tex2D(EDTexture, texcoord + float2( ReShade::PixelSize.x, ReShade::PixelSize.y * j)).rgb;
doty += Gy[i].x * tex2D(EDTexture, texcoord + float2(-ReShade::PixelSize.x, ReShade::PixelSize.y * j)).rgb;
doty += Gy[i].y * tex2D(EDTexture, texcoord + float2( 0.0, ReShade::PixelSize.y * j)).rgb;
doty += Gy[i].z * tex2D(EDTexture, texcoord + float2( ReShade::PixelSize.x, ReShade::PixelSize.y * j)).rgb;
// Boost edge detection
dotx *= OutlineAccuracy;
doty *= OutlineAccuracy;
color = lerp(color, OutlineColor, sqrt(dot(dotx, dotx) + dot(doty, doty)) >= OutlineThreshold); // Return custom color when weight over threshold
// Set opacity
color = lerp(OutlineBG, color, OutlineOpacity);
// use depth to fade lines
#if OutlineUseDepthThreshold
color = tex2D(ReShade::LinearizedDepth, texcoord).r > OutlineDepthThreshold ? OutlineBG : color;
#if OutlineUseFading
float fadeFactor = (tex2D(ReShade::LinearizedDepth, texcoord).r * (1.0+ OutlineFadeStart)) - OutlineFadeStart;
fadeFactor = clamp(fadeFactor * OutlineFadeCurve, 0.0, 1.0);
color = lerp(color, OutlineBG, fadeFactor);
return color;
technique Outline_Tech <bool enabled = true; int toggle = Outline_ToggleKey; >
#if (OutlineEdgeDetection == 0)
pass DepthNormalization
VertexShader = ReShade::VS_PostProcess;
PixelShader = PS_NormalizeDepth;
RenderTarget = NormalizedDepthTex;
pass Outline
VertexShader = ReShade::VS_PostProcess;
PixelShader = PS_Outline;
#include EFFECT_CONFIG_UNDEF(JPulowski)
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One3rd commented Jan 15, 2017

Nice work! Having more control over how much the effect works over distance is exactly what I was looking for. Do you know what might be required to port this over to Reshade v3? Not knowing much about shader code I took a stab at it but couldn't get it to compile.

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