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Created December 4, 2017 15:00
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Adjusted StringBuilderCache, which caches 4 string builders at once
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
** Class: StringBuilderCache
** Purpose: provide a cached reusable instance of stringbuilder
** per thread it's an optimization that reduces the
** number of instances constructed and collected.
** Acquire - is used to get a string builder to use of a
** particular size. It can be called any number of
** times, if a stringbuilder is in the cache then
** it will be returned and the cache emptied.
** subsequent calls will return a new stringbuilder.
** A StringBuilder instance is cached in
** Thread Local Storage and so there is one per thread
** Release - Place the specified builder in the cache if it is
** not too big.
** The stringbuilder should not be used after it has
** been released.
** Unbalanced Releases are perfectly acceptable. It
** will merely cause the runtime to create a new
** stringbuilder next time Acquire is called.
** GetStringAndRelease
** - ToString() the stringbuilder, Release it to the
** cache and return the resulting string
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Text;
namespace SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClasses
/// <summary>
/// [FB] See comments at the top of the file. From CoreFX (,
/// adjusted the max size. Also added support for multiple cached instances, and it returns the instance with the minimal size matching the requested size
/// </summary>
public static class StringBuilderCache
private const int MAX_BUILDER_SIZE = 2048;
private const int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 16;
private const int MAX_CACHED_INSTANCES = 4;
private static List<StringBuilder> _cachedInstances;
/// <summary>
/// Acquires a string builder with the capacity specified. If no cached string builder is found with the requested capacity a new one is returned. If there are
/// cached stringbuilders with at least the requested capacity, the one with the minimal capacity is returned.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="capacity">The capacity.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static StringBuilder Acquire(int capacity = DEFAULT_CAPACITY)
if(_cachedInstances == null)
_cachedInstances = new List<StringBuilder>(MAX_CACHED_INSTANCES);
if(capacity <= MAX_BUILDER_SIZE)
// find the instance which has the lowest size matching the requested capacity, if any.
StringBuilder minimalMatchingCachedInstance = null;
StringBuilder minimalOverallInstance = null;
int indexToRemove = -1;
int indexMinimalOverall = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < _cachedInstances.Count; i++)
var cachedInstance = _cachedInstances[i];
if(minimalOverallInstance == null || minimalOverallInstance.Capacity > cachedInstance.Capacity)
minimalOverallInstance = cachedInstance;
indexMinimalOverall = i;
if(capacity <= cachedInstance.Capacity && (minimalMatchingCachedInstance==null || minimalMatchingCachedInstance.Capacity > cachedInstance.Capacity))
minimalMatchingCachedInstance = cachedInstance;
indexToRemove = i;
if(minimalMatchingCachedInstance == null)
// check if the cache is at capacity. If so, remove the one with the lowest capacity, which we determined in the previous loop. The cleared space is then
// to be filled with the new string builder we'll return which is of the capacity requested.
if(_cachedInstances.Count >= MAX_CACHED_INSTANCES)
return minimalMatchingCachedInstance;
// not a matching cached instance found, return a brand new one.
return new StringBuilder(capacity);
/// <summary>
/// Releases the specified string builder and add it to the cache, if it's not at capacity already.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sb">The string builder to release.</param>
public static void Release(StringBuilder sb)
if(sb == null)
if(_cachedInstances.Count >= MAX_CACHED_INSTANCES)
// already at capacity, ignore
if(sb.Capacity <= MAX_BUILDER_SIZE)
/// <summary>
/// Gets the string from the string builder specified and calls release on it
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sb">The stringbuilder</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string GetStringAndRelease(StringBuilder sb)
if(sb == null)
return string.Empty;
string result = sb.ToString();
return result;
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