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Created April 21, 2021 19:03
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  • Save Fraser999/a510101058b1fa2e21118237fae7c51e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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The OpenRPC-compatible schema describing the JSON-RPC API of the Casper network at version 1.0.0.
"title":"Client API of Casper Node",
"description":"This describes the JSON-RPC 2.0 API of a node on the Casper network.",
"name":"CasperLabs Open Source License Version 1.0",
"name":"any Casper Network node",
"summary":"receives a Deploy to be executed by the network",
"description":"The `Deploy`.",
"description":"Result for \"account_put_deploy\" RPC response.",
"description":"The RPC API version.",
"description":"The deploy hash.",
"summary":"returns a Deploy from the network",
"description":"The deploy hash.",
"description":"Result for \"info_get_deploy\" RPC response.",
"description":"The RPC API version.",
"description":"The deploy.",
"description":"The map of block hash to execution result.",
"summary":"returns a list of peers connected to the node",
"description":"Result for \"info_get_peers\" RPC response.",
"description":"The RPC API version.",
"description":"The node ID and network address of each connected peer.",
"summary":"returns the current status of the node",
"description":"Result for \"info_get_status\" RPC response.",
"description":"The RPC API version.",
"description":"The chainspec name.",
"description":"The state root hash used at the start of the current session.",
"description":"The node ID and network address of each connected peer.",
"description":"The minimal info of the last block from the linear chain.",
"description":"Our public signing key.",
"description":"The next round length if this node is a validator.",
"description":"Information about the next scheduled upgrade.",
"description":"The compiled node version.",
"round_length":"1m 5s 536ms",
"summary":"returns a Block from the network",
"description":"The block hash.",
"description":"Result for \"chain_get_block\" RPC response.",
"description":"The RPC API version.",
"description":"The block, if found.",
"summary":"returns all transfers for a Block from the network",
"description":"The block hash.",
"description":"Result for \"chain_get_block_transfers\" RPC response.",
"description":"The RPC API version.",
"description":"The block hash, if found.",
"description":"The block's transfers, if found.",
"summary":"returns a state root hash at a given Block",
"description":"The block hash.",
"description":"Result for \"chain_get_state_root_hash\" RPC response.",
"description":"The RPC API version.",
"description":"Hex-encoded hash of the state root.",
"summary":"returns a stored value from the network",
"description":"Hash of the state root.",
"description":"`casper_types::Key` as formatted string.",
"description":"The path components starting from the key as base.",
"description":"Result for \"state_get_item\" RPC response.",
"description":"The RPC API version.",
"description":"The stored value.",
"description":"The merkle proof.",
"summary":"returns a purse's balance from the network",
"description":"The hash of state root.",
"description":"Formatted URef.",
"description":"Result for \"state_get_balance\" RPC response.",
"description":"The RPC API version.",
"description":"The balance value.",
"description":"The merkle proof.",
"summary":"returns an EraInfo from the network",
"description":"The block identifier.",
"description":"Result for \"chain_get_era_info\" RPC response.",
"description":"The RPC API version.",
"description":"The era summary.",
"summary":"returns the bids and validators as of the most recently added Block",
"description":"Result for \"state_get_auction_info\" RPC response.",
"description":"The RPC API version.",
"description":"The auction state.",
"description":"A deploy; an item containing a smart contract along with the requester's signature(s).",
"description":"Hex-encoded deploy hash.",
"description":"Hex-encoded hash digest.",
"description":"The header portion of a [`Deploy`](struct.Deploy.html).",
"description":"Hex-encoded cryptographic public key, including the algorithm tag prefix.",
"description":"Timestamp formatted as per RFC 3339",
"description":"Human-readable duration.",
"description":"Hex-encoded raw Wasm bytes.",
"description":"Hex-encoded hash.",
"description":"Hex-encoded hash.",
"description":"Represents a collection of arguments passed to a smart contract.",
"description":"Named arguments to a contract",
"description":"A Casper value, i.e. a value which can be stored and manipulated by smart contracts.\n\nIt holds the underlying data as a type-erased, serialized `Vec<u8>` and also holds the CLType of the underlying data as a separate member.\n\nThe `parsed` field, representing the original value, is a convenience only available when a CLValue is encoded to JSON, and can always be set to null if preferred.",
"description":"Casper types, i.e. types which can be stored and manipulated by smart contracts.\n\nProvides a description of the underlying data type of a [`CLValue`](crate::CLValue).",
"description":"`Option` of a `CLType`.",
"description":"Variable-length list of a single `CLType` (comparable to a `Vec`).",
"description":"Fixed-length list of a single `CLType` (comparable to a Rust array).",
"description":"`Result` with `Ok` and `Err` variants of `CLType`s.",
"description":"Map with keys of a single `CLType` and values of a single `CLType`.",
"description":"1-ary tuple of a `CLType`.",
"description":"2-ary tuple of `CLType`s.",
"description":"3-ary tuple of `CLType`s.",
"description":"A struct containing a signature and the public key of the signer.",
"description":"Hex-encoded cryptographic signature, including the algorithm tag prefix.",
"description":"The execution result of a single deploy.",
"description":"The block hash.",
"description":"Execution result.",
"description":"A cryptographic hash identifying a [`Block`](struct.Block.html).",
"description":"The result of executing a single deploy.",
"description":"The result of a failed execution.",
"description":"The effect of executing the deploy.",
"description":"A record of Transfers performed while executing the deploy.",
"description":"The cost of executing the deploy.",
"description":"The error message associated with executing the deploy.",
"description":"The result of a successful execution.",
"description":"The effect of executing the deploy.",
"description":"A record of Transfers performed while executing the deploy.",
"description":"The cost of executing the deploy.",
"description":"The effect of executing a single deploy.",
"description":"The resulting operations.",
"description":"The resulting transformations.",
"description":"An operation performed while executing a deploy.",
"description":"The formatted string of the `Key`.",
"description":"The type of operation.",
"description":"The type of operation performed while executing a deploy.",
"description":"A transformation performed while executing a deploy.",
"description":"The formatted string of the `Key`.",
"description":"The transformation.",
"description":"The actual transformation performed while executing a deploy.",
"description":"Writes the given CLValue to global state.",
"description":"Writes the given Account to global state.",
"description":"Writes the given DeployInfo to global state.",
"description":"Writes the given EraInfo to global state.",
"description":"Writes the given Transfer to global state.",
"description":"Writes the given Bid to global state.",
"description":"Writes the given Withdraw to global state.",
"description":"Adds the given `i32`.",
"description":"Adds the given `u64`.",
"description":"Adds the given `U128`.",
"description":"Adds the given `U256`.",
"description":"Adds the given `U512`.",
"description":"Adds the given collection of named keys.",
"description":"A failed transformation, containing an error message.",
"description":"Hex-encoded account hash.",
"description":"Information relating to the given Deploy.",
"description":"The relevant Deploy.",
"description":"Transfers performed by the Deploy.",
"description":"Account identifier of the creator of the Deploy.",
"description":"Source purse used for payment of the Deploy.",
"description":"Gas cost of executing the Deploy.",
"description":"Hex-encoded transfer address.",
"description":"Hex-encoded, formatted URef.",
"description":"Decimal representation of a 512-bit integer.",
"description":"Auction metadata. Intended to be recorded at each era.",
"description":"Information about a seigniorage allocation",
"description":"Info about a seigniorage allocation for a validator",
"description":"Validator's public key",
"description":"Allocated amount",
"description":"Info about a seigniorage allocation for a delegator",
"description":"Delegator's public key",
"description":"Validator's public key",
"description":"Allocated amount",
"description":"Represents a transfer from one purse to another",
"description":"Deploy that created the transfer",
"description":"Account from which transfer was executed",
"description":"Account to which funds are transferred",
"description":"Source purse",
"description":"Target purse",
"description":"Transfer amount",
"description":"User-defined id",
"description":"An entry in the validator map.",
"description":"Validator public key",
"description":"The purse that was used for bonding.",
"description":"The amount of tokens staked by a validator (not including delegators).",
"description":"Delegation rate",
"description":"Vesting schedule for a genesis validator. `None` if non-genesis validator.",
"description":"This validator's delegators, indexed by their public keys",
"description":"`true` if validator has been \"evicted\"",
"description":"Represents a party delegating their stake to a validator (or \"delegatee\")",
"description":"Unbonding purse.",
"description":"Bonding Purse",
"description":"Validators public key.",
"description":"Unbonders public key.",
"description":"Era in which this unbonding request was created.",
"description":"Unbonding Amount.",
"description":"Era ID newtype.",
"description":"Decimal representation of a 128-bit integer.",
"description":"Decimal representation of a 256-bit integer.",
"description":"A named key.",
"description":"The name of the entry.",
"description":"The value of the entry: a casper `Key` type.",
"description":"Map of peer IDs to network addresses.",
"description":"Minimal info of a `Block`.",
"description":"Information about the next protocol upgrade.",
"description":"The first era to which the associated protocol version applies.",
"description":"Identifier for possible ways to retrieve a block.",
"description":"Identify and retrieve the block with its hash.",
"description":"Identify and retrieve the block with its height.",
"description":"A JSON-friendly representation of `Block`.",
"description":"Equivocation and reward information to be included in the terminal block.",
"description":"Casper Platform protocol version",
"description":"A JSON-friendly representation of `Body`",
"description":"A JSON-friendly representation of a proof, i.e. a block's finality signature.",
"description":"Representation of a value stored in global state.\n\n`Account`, `Contract` and `ContractPackage` have their own `json_compatibility` representations (see their docs for further info).",
"description":"A CasperLabs value.",
"description":"An account.",
"description":"A contract's Wasm",
"description":"Methods and type signatures supported by a contract.",
"description":"A contract definition, metadata, and security container.",
"description":"A record of a transfer",
"description":"A record of a deploy",
"description":"Auction metadata",
"description":"A bid",
"description":"A withdraw",
"description":"Structure representing a user's account, stored in global state.",
"description":"Thresholds that have to be met when executing an action of a certain type.",
"description":"A contract struct that can be serialized as JSON object.",
"description":"The hash address of the contract package",
"description":"The hash address of the contract wasm",
"description":"Type signature of a method. Order of arguments matter since can be referenced by index as well as name.",
"description":"Parameter to a method",
"description":"Enum describing the possible access control options for a contract entry point (method).",
"description":"Only users from the listed groups may call this method. Note: if the list is empty then this method is not callable from outside the contract.",
"description":"A (labelled) \"user group\". Each method of a versioned contract may be assoicated with one or more user groups which are allowed to call it.",
"description":"Context of method execution",
"description":"Contract definition, metadata, and security container.",
"description":"The hash address of the contract",
"description":"The summary of an era",
"description":"The block hash",
"description":"The era id",
"description":"The StoredValue containing era information",
"description":"Hex-encoded hash of the state root",
"description":"The merkle proof",
"description":"Data structure summarizing auction contract data.",
"description":"Global state hash.",
"description":"Block height.",
"description":"Era validators.",
"description":"All bids contained within a vector.",
"description":"The validators for the given era.",
"description":"A validator's weight.",
"description":"A Json representation of a single bid.",
"description":"An entry in a founding validator map representing a bid.",
"description":"The purse that was used for bonding.",
"description":"The amount of tokens staked by a validator (not including delegators).",
"description":"The delegation rate.",
"description":"The delegators.",
"description":"Is this an inactive validator.",
"description":"A delegator associated with the given validator.",
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