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Last active November 11, 2018 22:53
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CoreCLR experiment
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
.assembly extern mscorlib
.assembly ldfunctor
.class interface abstract Functor`1<T<A>>
.method public newslot abstract virtual instance
!T<!!B> fmap<A, B> (
class [mscorlib]System.Func`2<!!A, !!B> mapper,
!T<!!A> v
) cil managed
.method private hidebysig static int32 Main() cil managed
.maxstack 8
.locals init (
[0] class [mscorlib]System.Type typF,
[1] class [mscorlib]System.Type typT,
[2] class [mscorlib]System.Type typX,
[3] class [mscorlib]System.Reflection.MethodInfo fmap,
[4] class [mscorlib]System.Type typA,
[5] class [mscorlib]System.Type typB
ldtoken Functor`1
call class [mscorlib]System.Type [mscorlib]System.Type::GetTypeFromHandle(valuetype [mscorlib]System.RuntimeTypeHandle)
stloc typF
ldloc typF
callvirt instance string [mscorlib]System.Object::ToString()
call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string)
ldstr "IsGenericType = {0}"
ldloc typF
callvirt instance bool [mscorlib]System.Type::get_IsGenericType()
box bool
call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(class System.String, class System.Object)
ldloc typF
callvirt instance class [mscorlib]System.Type[] [mscorlib]System.Type::GetGenericArguments()
ldc.i4 0
ldelem [mscorlib]System.Type
stloc typT
ldloc typT
callvirt instance string [mscorlib]System.Object::ToString()
call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string)
ldstr "IsGenericType = {0}"
ldloc typT
callvirt instance bool [mscorlib]System.Type::get_IsGenericType()
box bool
call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(class System.String, class System.Object)
ldloc typT
callvirt instance class [mscorlib]System.Type[] [mscorlib]System.Type::GetGenericArguments()
ldc.i4 0
ldelem [mscorlib]System.Type
stloc typX
ldloc typX
callvirt instance string [mscorlib]System.Object::ToString()
call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string)
ldstr "IsGenericType = {0}"
ldloc typX
callvirt instance bool [mscorlib]System.Type::get_IsGenericType()
box bool
call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(class System.String, class System.Object)
ldloc typF
ldstr "fmap"
callvirt instance class [mscorlib]System.Reflection.MethodInfo [mscorlib]System.Type::GetMethod(string)
stloc fmap
ldstr "Method.Name = {0}"
ldloc fmap
callvirt instance string [mscorlib]System.Reflection.MethodInfo::get_Name()
call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(class System.String, class System.Object)
ldstr "IsGenericMethod = {0}"
ldloc fmap
callvirt instance bool [mscorlib]System.Reflection.MethodInfo::get_IsGenericMethod()
box bool
call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(class System.String, class System.Object)
ldloc fmap
callvirt instance class [mscorlib]System.Type[] [mscorlib]System.Reflection.MethodInfo::GetGenericArguments()
ldc.i4 0
ldelem [mscorlib]System.Type
stloc typA
ldc.i4 1
ldelem [mscorlib]System.Type
stloc typB
ldloc typA
callvirt instance string [mscorlib]System.Object::ToString()
call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string)
ldloc typB
callvirt instance string [mscorlib]System.Object::ToString()
call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string)
ldloc fmap
callvirt instance class [mscorlib]System.Type [mscorlib]System.Reflection.MethodInfo::get_ReturnType()
callvirt instance string [mscorlib]System.Object::ToString()
call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string)
ldloc fmap
callvirt instance string [mscorlib]System.Object::ToString()
call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string)
ldc.i4 100
IsGenericType = True
IsGenericType = True
IsGenericType = False
Method.Name = fmap
IsGenericMethod = True
T[B] fmap[A,B](System.Func`2[A,B], T[A])
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