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Last active October 14, 2021 03:49
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Shitty old function
# Shitty old function, please do not use
from vapoursynth import core, YUV, GRAY # You need VapourSynth R37 or newer
import adjust #
import math
def MfTurd(src, twidth=None, theight=None, ssw=4, ssh=4, xstren=255, xthresh=255, sharpen=True,
strength=255, wdepth=16, wblur=1, wthresh=0.5, drange=64, dboost=1.0, dlimit=30,
doutput=None, show=False, scolor=[255,0,255], legacy=False):
"""Original avs fucntion by mf"""
def scale8(x, newmax):
return x * newmax // 0xFF
def Xsharpen(clip, strength=128, threshold=8):
"""Ported by Myrsloik"""
threshold = scale8(threshold, maxvalue)
return core.std.Expr([clip, clip.std.Maximum(planes=0), clip.std.Minimum(planes=0)],
['y x - x z - min {} < x z - y x - < z y ? {} * x {} * + x ?'
.format(threshold, strength / 256, (256 - strength) / 256), ''])
def UnsharpMask(clip, strength=64, radius=3, threshold=8):
"""Ported by Myrsloik"""
threshold = scale8(threshold, maxvalue)
blurclip = clip.std.Convolution([1] * (radius * 2 + 1), planes=0, mode='v')
blurclip = blurclip.std.Convolution([1] * (radius * 2 + 1), planes=0, mode='h')
return core.std.Expr([clip, blurclip], ['x y - abs {} > x y - {} * x + x ?'
.format(threshold, strength / 128), ''])
def CartoonEdges(clip, low=0, high=255):
"""Should behave like mt_edge(mode="cartoon")"""
low = scale8(low, maxvalue)
high = scale8(high, maxvalue)
edges = core.std.Convolution(clip, matrix=[0,-2,1,0,1,0,0,0,0], saturate=True)
return core.std.Expr(edges, ['x {high} >= {maxvalue} x {low} <= 0 x ? ?'
.format(low=low, high=high, maxvalue=maxvalue), ''])
def RobertsEdges(clip, low=0, high=255):
"""Should behave like mt_edge(mode="roberts")"""
low = scale8(low, maxvalue)
high = scale8(high, maxvalue)
edges = core.std.Convolution(clip, matrix=[0,0,0,0,2,-1,0,-1,0], divisor=2, saturate=False)
return core.std.Expr(edges, ['x {high} >= {maxvalue} x {low} <= 0 x ? ?'
.format(low=low, high=high, maxvalue=maxvalue), ''])
def Levels(clip, input_low, gamma, input_high, output_low, output_high, coring=True):
"""Equivalent to AviSynth's Levels
Stolen from havsfunc"""
gamma = 1 / gamma
divisor = input_high - input_low + (input_high == input_low)
tvLow = scale8(16, maxvalue)
tvHigh = [scale8(235, maxvalue), scale8(240, maxvalue)]
scaleUp = maxvalue / scale8(219, maxvalue)
scaleDown = scale8(219, maxvalue) / maxvalue
def get_lut1(x):
p = ((x - tvLow) * scaleUp - input_low) / divisor if coring else (x - input_low) / divisor
p = min(max(p, 0), 1) ** gamma * (output_high - output_low) + output_low
return min(max(math.floor(p * scaleDown + tvLow + 0.5), tvLow), tvHigh[0]) if coring else min(max(math.floor(p + 0.5), 0), maxvalue)
def get_lut2(x):
q = math.floor((x - neutralvalue) * (output_high - output_low) / divisor + neutralvalue + 0.5)
return min(max(q, tvLow), tvHigh[1]) if coring else min(max(q, 0), maxvalue)
last = core.std.Lut(clip, planes=[0], function=get_lut1)
if clip.format.color_family == GRAY:
return last
return core.std.Lut(last, planes=[1, 2], function=get_lut2)
if twidth is None:
twidth = src.width
if theight is None:
theight = src.height
if show:
sharpen = False
ssw = twidth * ssw
ssh = theight * ssh
valuerange = (1 << src.format.bits_per_sample)
maxvalue = valuerange - 1
neutralvalue = round(maxvalue / 2)
strength = scale8(strength, maxvalue)
drange = scale8(drange, maxvalue)
dlimit = scale8(dlimit, maxvalue)
scolor = [scale8(x, maxvalue) for x in scolor]
sharp = UnsharpMask(src, 300, 4, 0)
sharp = core.std.MaskedMerge(sharp, src, src)
sharp = core.std.MaskedMerge(sharp, src, src)
cartoonedges = CartoonEdges(src, 3, 255)
cartoonedges = Levels(Levels(adjust.Tweak(cartoonedges,bright=drange),
scale8(60, maxvalue), dboost, maxvalue, 0, maxvalue),
0, dboost, dlimit, maxvalue, 0) \
robertsedges = RobertsEdges(src, 3, 255)
robertsedges = Levels(Levels(adjust.Tweak(robertsedges,bright=drange),
scale8(60, maxvalue), dboost, maxvalue, 0, maxvalue),
0, dboost, dlimit, maxvalue, 0).std.Inflate()
detailmaskpre = Levels(core.std.Expr([cartoonedges,robertsedges], ['x y * x y * * {} /'.format(valuerange ** 3),''])
.std.Convolution(matrix=[1,2,1,2,4,2,1,2,1]), 0, 1.0, scale8(190, maxvalue), 0, maxvalue)
if legacy:
detailmask = sharp.std.Deflate()
detailmask = detailmaskpre.std.Invert().std.Inflate().std.Invert()
white = src.std.Expr(['{}'.format(maxvalue),'{}'.format(neutralvalue)])
linemask = core.std.MaskedMerge(white, detailmask, src.std.Invert(), planes=0).std.Invert()
if strength != maxvalue:
linemask = Levels(linemask, 0, 1.0, maxvalue, 0, strength)
color = src.std.BlankClip(color=scolor)
if show:
sharp = color
dark = core.std.MaskedMerge(src, sharp, linemask, planes=0)
darkmerged = core.std.ShufflePlanes([dark,src], [0,1,2], YUV)
finaldark = dark if show else darkmerged
semifinal = src.resize.Bicubic(twidth, theight, filter_param_a=0, filter_param_b=0.75)
final = dark.resize.Bicubic(ssw, ssh, filter_param_a=0, filter_param_b=0.75)
final = Xsharpen(final, xstren, xthresh).resize.Bicubic(twidth, theight, filter_param_a=0, filter_param_b=0.75)
final = core.std.ShufflePlanes([final,semifinal], [0,1,2], YUV) \
.warp.AWarpSharp2(depth=wdepth // 2, blur=wblur, thresh=round(wthresh * 255))
return final if sharpen else finaldark
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