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Last active March 3, 2022 18:54
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integrations api draft
export default function createPlugin(options) {
return {
// Hook into different events:
name: 'my-plugin-name',
hooks: {
'config:setup': ({ config, command, injectScript, injectHtml }) => {},
'config:done': ({ config, command, injectScript, injectHtml }) => {},
'serve:setup': ({ server }) => {},
'serve:start': ({ port }) => {},
'serve:done': ({}) => {},
'build:start': ({}) => {},
'build:done': ({ pages }) => {},
// Provide a Vite plugin as well, if you wish.
// Useful for setting up `load`, `transform`, etc.
vite: [
/* ... */
// EXAMPLE: @astrojs/turbolinks
function createPlugin(options) {
return {
name: '@astrojs/turbolinks',
hooks: {
'config:setup': ({ injectScript }) => {
injectScript('page', `import Turbolinks from "turbolinks"; Turbolinks.start());`);
// EXAMPLE: @astrojs/lit
function createPlugin(options) {
return {
name: '@astrojs/lit',
hooks: {
'config:setup': ({ config, injectScript }) => {
injectScript('beforeHydration', '@astrojs/lit/client-shim.js');
injectScript('beforeHydration', '@astrojs/lit/hydration-support.js');
return {
optimizeDeps: {
/* ... */
ssr: {
/* ... */
renderers: [
/* ... */
// EXAMPLE: @astrojs/tailwind
function createPlugin(options) {
return {
name: '@astrojs/tailwind',
hooks: {
'config:setup': ({ config, injectScript }) => {
injectScript('head', '@astrojs/tailwind/base.css');
// Not shown:
// Add PostCSS Plugin to Astro. Needs Astro-managed PostCSS config.
// EXAMPLE: @astrojs/partytown
function createPlugin(options) {
let config, partytownSnippetHtml;
const partytownEntrypoint = resolve('');
const partytownLibDirectory = path.resolve(partytownEntrypoint, '../lib');
return {
name: '@astrojs/partytown',
hooks: {
'config:done': ({ config: _config, command, injectHtml }) => {
config = _config;
partytownSnippetHtml = partytownSnippet({ debug: command === 'dev' });
injectHtml('head', partytownSnippetHtml);
'serve:setup': ({ server }) => {
server.middlewares.use(sirv(partytownLibDirectory, { mount: '/~partytown' }));
'build:done': ({}) => {
await copyLibFiles(path.join(config.outDir, '~partytown'), { debugDir: false });
// EXAMPLE: @astrojs/sitemap
function createPlugin(options) {
return {
name: '@astrojs/sitemap',
hooks: {
'build:done': ({ pages }) => {
const sitemap = await generateSitemap(pages, options);
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(config.outDir, 'sitemap.xml'), sitemap);
// Alternative: Maybe a nicer API? But, also maybe hard to manage/cordinate since Vite owns running its own plugins,
// that would mean both Astro and Vite would have to coordinate "running" this plugin.
export default function (options) {
return {
// Astro-specific stuff, hooks into Astro events:
astro: {
'config:setup': ({config, command, injectScript, injectHtml}) => {},
'config:done': ({config, command, injectScript, injectHtml}) => {},
'serve:setup': ({server}) => {},
'serve:start': ({port}) => {},
'serve:done': ({}) => {},
'build:start': ({}) => {},
'build:done': ({pages}) => {},
// Vite-specific stuff:
resolveId() {},
load() {},
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