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Last active April 24, 2024 17:07
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Save FredLoney/5454553 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Prints the current stack to a logger.
import inspect
import logging
HEADER_FMT = "Call stack at %s, line %d in function %s, frames %d to %d of %d:"
"""The log header message formatter."""
STACK_FMT = "%s, line %d in function %s."
"""The log stack message formatter."""
def log_stack(logger=None, limit=None, start=0):
Prints the call stack at the point of the caller to the given log.
>>> import logging
>>> logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
>>> logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
>>> import logging_helper
>>> def outer():
... middle()
>>> def middle():
... inner()
>>> def inner():
... logging_helper.log_stack(logger, 2)
>>> outer()
130424-12:17:35,722 __main__ DEBUG:
Call stack at /snippet/, line 13 in function inner, frames 2 to 3 of 11:
130424-12:17:35,722 __main__ DEBUG:
/snippet/, line 10 in function middle.
130424-12:17:35,722 __main__ DEBUG:
/snippet/, line 7 in function outer.
@param logger: the logger to use (default use the root logger)
@param limit: the number of frames to print (default print all remaining frames)
@param start: the offset of the first frame preceding the caller to print (default 0)
# Use the default logger, if necessary.
if not logger:
logger = logging.getLogger()
# The call stack.
stack = inspect.stack()
# The penultimate frame is the caller to this function.
here = stack[1]
# The index of the first frame to print.
begin = start + 2
# The index of the last frame to print.
if limit:
end = min(begin + limit, len(stack))
end = len(stack)
# Print the stack to the logger.
file, line, func = here[1:4]
logger.debug(HEADER_FMT % (file, line, func, start + 2, end - 1, len(stack) - 1))
# Print the next frames up to the limit.
for frame in stack[begin:end]:
file, line, func = frame[1:4]
logger.debug(STACK_FMT % (file, line, func))
from import *
import os, sys
from StringIO import StringIO
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(__file__))
import logging_helper
HEADER_PAT = logging_helper.HEADER_FMT.replace('%d', '%s') % ('.+', '\d+', '.+', '\d+', '\d+', '\d+')
"""The header log message pattern."""
STACK_PAT = logging_helper.STACK_FMT.replace('%d', '%s') % ('.+', '\d+', '.+')
"""The stack content log message pattern."""
class TestLoggingHelper(object):
"""The logging helper unit tests."""
def setUp(self):
self.buffer = StringIO()
log_handler = logging.StreamHandler(self.buffer)
formatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s")
def test_full_stack(self):
log = self.buffer.getvalue().splitlines()
hdr = log.pop(0)
assert_regexp_matches(hdr, HEADER_PAT, "Log header message incorrect")
for msg in log:
assert_regexp_matches(msg, STACK_PAT, "Log stack message incorrect")
def test_partial_stack(self):
self.outer(2, 1)
log = self.buffer.getvalue().splitlines()
assert_equals(3, len(log), "Log size incorrect: %d" % len(log))
def outer(self, limit=None, start=0):
self.middle(limit, start)
def middle(self, limit, start):
self.inner(limit, start)
def inner(self, limit, start):
logging_helper.log_stack(logger, limit, start)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import nose
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