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Encrypt the Planet 🌍

Frederic Jacobs FredericJacobs

Encrypt the Planet 🌍
View GitHub Profile

Pas assez de caracteres sur Twitter pour exprimer mon idee.

Mais je pense que la qualite du code et la superiorite du protocole sont les deux avantages les plus importants de TextSecure.

Notre protocole, Axolotl a ete concu pour etre une amelioration sur OTR en ayant du perfect forward/future secrecy, deniability, offline key exchanges, strong primitives ...

Le protocole Telegram n'a aucune des proprietees citees ci-dessus.

On peut continuer la discussion dans les commentaires si vous le souhaitez.

D/OpenGLRenderer(16116): Enabling debug mode 0
I/ActivityManager( 1532): Displayed org.thoughtcrime.redphone/.ui.DialerActivity: +446ms
I/Timeline( 1532): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{426d2340 u0 org.thoughtcrime.redphone/.ui.DialerActivity t13} time:3730562
I/Timeline(16116): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@41e81f90 time:3730607
E/AudioTrack( 1532): did not receive expected priority boost on time
W/PhoneNumberFormatter(16116): Got local CC: CH
W/PhoneNumberFormatter(16116): Got local CC: CH
W/PhoneNumberFormatter(16116): Got local CC: CH
W/PhoneNumberFormatter(16116): Got local CC: CH
W/dalvikvm(16116): threadid=11: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x41bc9ce0)
Regular traceroute
~ ❯❯❯ traceroute
traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets
1 ( 1.138 ms 6.651 ms 1.293 ms
2 * * *
3 ( 15.197 ms 13.001 ms 13.429 ms
4 ( 20.518 ms 20.468 ms 27.113 ms
5 ( 27.905 ms

Snowden headed for Geneva, Switzerland, where the CIA was seeking information about the banking industry. He was assigned to the US Mission to the United Nations. He was given a diplomatic passport, a four-bedroom apartment near the lake, and a nice cover assignment.

It was in Geneva that Snowden would see firsthand some of the moral compromises CIA agents made in the field. Because spies were promoted based on the number of human sources they recruited, they tripped over each other trying to sign up anyone they could, regardless of their value. Operatives would get targets drunk enough to land in jail and then bail them out—putting the target in their debt. “They do really risky things to recruit them that have really negative, profound impacts on the person and would have profound impacts on our national reputation if we got caught,” he says. “But we do it simply because we can.”

While in Geneva, Snowden says, he met many spies who were deeply opposed to the war in Iraq and US policies in the Middle East.

FredericJacobs / gist:7bbe6a58b3396d11a101
Created August 13, 2014 11:50
Extract from the Wired interview

By the time he went to work for Booz Allen in the spring of 2013, Snowden was thoroughly disillusioned, yet he had not lost his capacity for shock. One day an intelligence officer told him that TAO—a division of NSA hackers—had attempted in 2012 to remotely install an exploit in one of the core routers at a major Internet service provider in Syria, which was in the midst of a prolonged civil war. This would have given the NSA access to email and other Internet traffic from much of the country. But something went wrong, and the router was bricked instead—rendered totally inoperable. The failure of this router caused Syria to suddenly lose all connection to the Internet—although the public didn't know that the US government was responsible. (This is the first time the claim has been revealed.)

Inside the TAO operations center, the panicked government hackers had what Snowden calls an “oh shit” moment. They raced to remotely repair the router, desperate to cover their tracks and prevent the Syrians from discove

FredericJacobs / gist:e30fbd5111ff2496598d
Created August 7, 2014 14:58
Email addresses from the Gamma Leak
FredericJacobs / gist:034ddad61b2bedc426f1
Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
List of PGP ids of the Gamma leak not present on a key server
#### If you know one of these PGP key IDs, please comment with more information
(thanks to hubert for the sort)
gpgkeys: key 06E990A5 not found on keyserver
gpgkeys: key 0FC82479 not found on keyserver
gpgkeys: key 0FEB4CFF not found on keyserver
gpgkeys: key 280AD26F not found on keyserver
gpgkeys: key 42C2DDCE not found on keyserver
gpgkeys: key 4E676679 not found on keyserver
gpgkeys: key 58143658 not found on keyserver
FredericJacobs / cat-self-signed.js
Created July 26, 2014 22:12
A node script to connect to a WebSocket with a self-signed certificate. Execute : `node cat-self-signed.js`
process.env['NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED'] = '0';
var WebSocket = require('ws');
var ws = new WebSocket('wss://');
ws.on('open', function() {
console.log("Hello socket");
ws.on('message', function(data, flags) {
iOS 7.1.2 is now available and addresses the following:
Certificate Trust Policy
Available for: iPhone 4 and later,
iPod touch (5th generation) and later, iPad 2 and later
Impact: Update to the certificate trust policy
Description: The certificate trust policy was updated. The complete
list of certificates may be viewed at
APPLE-SA-2014-06-30-2 OS X Mavericks 10.9.4 and Security Update
OS X Mavericks 10.9.4 and Security Update 2014-003 are now available
and address the following:
Certificate Trust Policy
Available for: OS X Lion v10.7.5, OS X Lion Server v10.7.5,
OS X Mountain Lion v10.8.5, OS X Mavericks 10.9 to 10.9.3
Impact: Update to the certificate trust policy