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Encrypt the Planet 🌍

Frederic Jacobs FredericJacobs

Encrypt the Planet 🌍
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FredericJacobs / gist:6094381
Last active December 20, 2015 07:38
The Viber Hack

So Viber was hacked and Viber didn't publish anything about it on Twitter or Facebook which is shocking to me. The first thing they should have done is to be honest with their users regarding what information had been leaked or stolen.

What I can tell you from an independant investigation I did on my own is that

  1. Information about the location of the Syrian users has been collected.
  2. They still have some passwords to access parts of the system despite what Viber pretends.
  3. They collected the list of Syrian users of Viber and do have the UDID numbers which can be used in future attacks on mobile devices.
  4. The fact that push tokens have leaked can lead to some malicious remote code execution attacks.

It's still unclear whether or not actual chat logs have been stolen but they clearly had the access to get them so I would assume they did but were disconnected while trying to download them.

FredericJacobs / gist:6069635
Created July 24, 2013 10:55
Reverse DNS-Lookup of
Reverse IP results for
There are 66 domains hosted on this server.
The complete listing of these is below:
Domain Last Resolved Date 2013-07-09 2013-07-09 2013-07-09
FredericJacobs / gist:5797386
Last active December 18, 2015 14:28
LinkedIn profiles of people working on #PRISM or affiliated programs
FredericJacobs / gist:5750385
Created June 10, 2013 16:56
How to watch the WWDC Keynote in QuickTime

Dans l'affaire #SNCBGate, il était crucial que la presse puisse s'emparer du fichier afin de pouvoir informer les personnes sur exactement quelles donnees avaient été leakés et pas accepter ces conneries de la communication de la SNCB qui disaient qu'ils avaient seulement quelques centaines de personnes qui avaient été publié.

Transmettre des infos comme ca doit pouvoir etre fait en toute anonimité.Vous parlez de Data-Journalisme, faites le bien au moins.

The response has really been polarized. There has been two types of radically opposed reactions.
- The people who learn from 9/11
Those have had a marvelous response. They understood that fear was not the behaviour to have to respond to a bombing attack. Nobody knows what happened at that point and all the people could do is make sure that people were doing fine. Those people ran to hospitals go give blood, opened their wifis to let people reassure their families, went to the streets to talk with victims and witnesses to recomfort them and get moral assistance to them, restaurants provided free drinks and lunches ...
That examplary response was present and I deeply endorse it. It's great to see that.
- And those that didn't

#Warning, I don't pretend to be an expert on the topic.

Issue is broader than that. The network knows who owns the Bitcoins. And to be able to fake ownership of Bitcoins on the network you need to be able to sign a new transaction which requires you to hack the private key.

According to the Bitcoin specification, that is cryptographically impossible.

So it's not that easy to "hijack" others Bitcoins

I believe that if those cryptographic system breaks, SSL will be broken too so all banking systems regardless of their currency would be very vulnerable.

When you update a database script and you note that you have deleted whole database

FredericJacobs / gist:5204090
Last active December 15, 2015 04:49
How to make load animated GIFS into a UIImageView

Use the Image Magic Command

convert +adjoin loading.gif out%d.gif

Then load them using the animationImages in the UIImageView.

UIImageView* animatedImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds];
animatedImageView.animationImages = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: