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Created December 29, 2023 13:53
const { Keypair, Contract, SorobanRpc, TransactionBuilder, Address, xdr, ScInt, scValToNative} = require("stellar-sdk");
// Network config.
const networkPassphrase = "Test SDF Network ; September 2015";
const rpcurl = "";
const server = new SorobanRpc.Server(rpcurl, { allowHttp: true });
const assets = {
market: "$ <soroban lab token wrap>",
property: "$ <soroban lab token wrap>",
lien: "$ <soroban lab token wrap>",
const licensor = Keypair.fromSecret("SEC---RET");
const contractId = "CON---TRACT";
async function main() {
try {
const response = await sendTransaction(
new Contract(contractId).call(
licensor: { value: licensor.publicKey(), type: "address" },
property: { value:, type: "address" },
lien: { value: assets.lien, type: "address" },
compensation: { value: "Fixed", type: "enum" },
royalty_interest: { value: "100", type: "i128" },
transfer_fee: { value: "100", type: "i128" },
currency: { value:, type: "address" },
recur_period: { value: "0", type: "u64" },
grace_period: { value: "60", type: "u64" },
})), licensor
).then(_response => sendTransaction(
new Contract(contractId).call(
new Address(
), licensor
} catch (e) {
async function sendTransaction(operation, keys) {
let transaction = new TransactionBuilder(await server.getAccount(keys.publicKey()),
{ fee: 10000000, networkPassphrase: networkPassphrase })
transaction = await server.prepareTransaction(transaction);
let response = await server.sendTransaction(transaction);
const hash = response.hash;
while (response.status === "PENDING" || response.status === "NOT_FOUND") {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2000));
response = await server.getTransaction(hash);
console.log(`Tx ${hash}`);
return response;
function createScValMap(obj) {
const typeToScValMethod = {
i32: (value) => xdr.ScVal.scvI32(value),
u32: (value) => xdr.ScVal.scvU32(value),
i64: (value) => xdr.ScVal.scvI64(new xdr.Int64(value)),
u64: (value) => xdr.ScVal.scvU64(new xdr.Uint64(value)),
i128: (value) => new ScInt(value, { type: 'i128' }).toScVal(),
bool: (value) => xdr.ScVal.scvBool(value),
address: (value) => new Address(value).toScVal(),
bytes: (value) => xdr.ScVal.scvBytes(Uint8Array.from(value)),
enum: (value) => xdr.ScVal.scvVec([value].map(xdr.ScVal.scvSymbol)),
string: (value) => new xdr.ScVal.scvString(value),
const entries = Object.keys(obj)
.map(key => {
const { value, type } = obj[key];
return new xdr.ScMapEntry({
key: xdr.ScVal.scvSymbol(Array.from(new TextEncoder().encode(key))),
val: typeToScValMethod[type](value)
return xdr.ScVal.scvMap(entries);
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I tried to use this function. But it did not work.
litemint_royalty_contract was deployed and initialized on testnet.
How can I find market, property, and lien addresses. What is market, property, and lien?

const assets = {
market: "$ ",
property: "$ ",
lien: "$ ",

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