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Created March 18, 2020 15:41
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Homebrew Flutter install
class Flutter < Formula
desc "Google’s UI toolkit for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase"
homepage ""
version "1.12.13"
url ""
sha256 "5b5308a400bddbc29874f8fd8de7b39bb5dd8707da499c42feb3721524e784a1"
def install
prefix.install Dir["packages",".git*"]
bin.install Dir["bin/*"]
def post_install
puts "Updating cache folder permissions to u+rw for: #{prefix}/bin/cache"
chmod "u+rw", Dir["#{prefix}/bin/cache/", "#{prefix}/bin/cache/*"]
test do
system bin/"flutter", "--help"
system bin/"flutter", "create my_app"
assert_predicate testpath/"my_app.iml", :exist?
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