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Time To First API Call - Google Sheets with Pizzly

Steps to reproduce:

  1. 00:00 - Go to Pizzly's readme and click on Deploy to Heroku

  2. 00:20 - Click on "Deploy app"

  3. 00:24 - While it's deploying, sign in to Google Cloud Console

  4. 00:47 - Make sure you've enabled the Google Sheets API -

  5. 01:03 - Grab or create your OAuth2.0 credentials

  6. 02:01 - Prepare your Google Sheets Integration

    mkdir ttfac-pizzly
    cd ttfac-pizzly
    npm init --yes
    touch index.html
    code .
  7. 02:43 - Go back to Heroku. And open your app. In Pizzly dashboard, select the Google Sheets API and click on "Create a new configuration"

  8. 03:27 - Provide your Client ID & Client Secret. Use the following scope:

  9. 04:10 - In Google Cloud Console, register the Pizzly callback URL. For me it was

  10. 04:40 - Back to the code. Open the editor and copy paste the example from Pizzly README:

const pizzly = new Pizzly({ host: '' }) // Initialize Pizzly
const github = pizzly.integration('github')

  .then(({ authId }) => {
    // The authentication was successful
    console.log(`Auth ID is: ${authId}`)
  .catch(error => {
    // The authentication failed
  1. 06:52 - A few adaptation, it becomes:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
  const pizzly = new Pizzly({ host: "" }); // Initialize Pizzly
  const googlesheets = pizzly.integration("google-sheets");

    .then(({ authId }) => {
      console.log("Sucessfully connected! with the authId:", authId);

      const spreadsheetId = "1X3j5I52WkY8JrJNvRigGYZK4UExKwRPgWHYmcv_Rjc8";
      const range = "Sheet1";

        .then((response) => response.json())
   .catch((error) => console.error("It failed!", error));
  1. 07:00 - Run serve
  2. 07:07 - TTFAC!
{range: "Sheet1!A1:Z1000", majorDimension: "ROWS", values: Array(1)}
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