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Created June 20, 2017 03:54
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Drop-in python script to linearly tween numeric values in processing profiles across a set of arbitrarily many RAW images
import string, os
START_FILE_PATH = "start.pp3"
END_FILE_PATH = "end.pp3"
# Load the contents of the start and end PP3 files (equal line numbers enforced!)
with open(START_FILE_PATH, "r") as start_file:
start_lines = string.split(, "\n")
with open(END_FILE_PATH, "r") as end_file:
end_lines = string.split(, "\n")
if len(start_lines) != len(end_lines):
print "Sorry, I only work on start/end PP3s with the same number of lines!"
# Create an ordered list of all CR2 files in the raw directory
raw_files = []
for f in os.listdir(RAW_FILES_DIR):
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(RAW_FILES_DIR, f)) and f.endswith("CR2"):
if len(raw_files) < 2:
print "At least two RAW files required, " + str(len(raw_files)) + " found!"
# Parse the values in the start and end PP3s to build a data structure
# representing both extremes at once. Each section is preserved separately
# as parameters may appear under the same name in different sections.
# All values are represented as strings unless they are tweenable, and then
# they will be tuple of exactly two ints or two floats.
params = {}
def int_or_float(val):
return int(val)
except ValueError:
return float(val)
section = None
for line in start_lines:
if line.startswith("["):
section = line.replace("[","").replace("]","")
params[section] = {}
if "=" not in line:
param, raw_value = string.split(line, "=", 2)
num_value = int_or_float(raw_value)
except ValueError:
params[section][param] = raw_value
params[section][param] = (num_value, None)
print "Tweens:"
section = None
for line in end_lines:
if line.startswith("["):
section = line.replace("[","").replace("]","")
if "=" not in line:
param, raw_value = string.split(line, "=", 2)
num_value = int_or_float(raw_value)
except ValueError:
if (type(params[section][param][0]) is type(num_value) and params[section][param][0] != num_value):
params[section][param] = (params[section][param][0], num_value)
print " * [" + section + "] " + param + ": " + str(params[section][param]) + " <" + ("int" if type(num_value) is int else "float") + ">"
params[section][param] = raw_value
# Walk the raw file list generating a new PP3 file for each one
# Linearly tween all tweenable values
for idx, raw_file in enumerate(raw_files):
percentage = float(idx) / float(len(raw_files) - 1)
tweened_pp3 = ""
for section in params:
if (len(tweened_pp3) > 0):
tweened_pp3 += "\n"
tweened_pp3 += "[" + section + "]\n"
for param in params[section]:
pp3_val = params[section][param]
if type(params[section][param]) is tuple:
start, end = params[section][param]
if type(start) is int:
pp3_val = str(start + int((end - start) * percentage))
pp3_val = str(start + (end - start) * percentage)
tweened_pp3 += param + "=" + pp3_val + "\n"
pp3_file = open(os.path.join(RAW_FILES_DIR, raw_file + ".pp3"), "w")
print raw_file + ".pp3"
print "DONE.\nGenerated " + str(len(raw_files)) + " tweened PP3 files."
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