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Created February 26, 2024 07:09
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Personality Test Example
from time import sleep
import sys
QuestionBank = [
"question": "I prefer working independently rather than in a team.",
"question": "I am comfortable taking risks to achieve my career \
"pointer": ["RISK_TAKER", "RISK_AVERSE"]
"question": "I enjoy taking on new challenges even if they are \
outside of my comfort zone.",
"question": "I am motivated to constantly improve my skills and \
"question": "I enjoy taking the lead and making decisions in a \
group setting.",
"pointer": ["LEADERSHIP", "FOLLOWER"]
"question": "I prefer a stable and predictable work environment.",
"pointer": ["STABILITY", "CHANGE_AGENT"]
"question": "I feel energized when working on long-term projects \
with big goals.",
"pointer": ["LONG_TERM", "SHORT_TERM"]
"question": "I am good at adapting to new situations and changes.",
"pointer": ["ADAPTABILITY", "ROUTINE"]
"question": "I enjoy networking and meeting new people in \
professional settings.",
"pointer": ["NETWORKING", "INTROVERT"]
"question": "I value work-life balance and prioritize my \
personal life.",
"question": "I am drawn to careers that allow for creativity \
and innovation.",
"pointer": ["CREATIVITY", "ROUTINE"]
"question": "I believe that continuous learning and growth \
are essential in a career.",
"question": "I am comfortable with public speaking and giving \
"question": "I prefer a job that offers a high level of autonomy \
and decision-making.",
"question": "I enjoy problem-solving and finding innovative \
"question": "I am comfortable with taking on leadership roles \
and responsibilities.",
"question": "I thrive in fast-paced and dynamic work environments.",
"pointer": ["FAST_PACED", "SLOW_PACED"]
"question": "I am motivated by achieving results and meeting goals.",
"question": "I enjoy analyzing data and using it to make \
informed decisions.",
"pointer": ["ANALYTICAL", "INTUITIVE"]
"question": "I am comfortable with multitasking and handling \
multiple responsibilities.",
"pointer": ["MULTITASKING", "FOCUS"]
Category = {
# The lists are cats more in specifics
# Not sure how I can categorize this with the question bank
"ENG": ["ICOM", "INSO", "INEL", "INME"],
"ADEM": ["CFA", "CFM"],
"A&C": ["BIOL", "QUIM"]
def generate_output(data) -> None:
for item in data:
left: str = item["left"]
right: str = item["right"]
ans: int = item["ans"]
a = ["🔴"] * 5
a[ans - 1] = "🌟"
print(f"{left.ljust(18)} { ' '.join(a)} {right}")
def main():
Welcome to the Material Advantage Personality Questionnaire!
We will go over some questions to see what kind of person you are
and the careers that best suit you.
how_to_ans = """
1 => Strongly Disagree
2 => Disagree
3 => Neutral
4 => Agree
5 => Strongly Agree
responses = []
print("Answer carefully")
for question in QuestionBank:
while True:
a = int(input(how_to_ans + "\nYour answer: "))
if not isinstance(a, int) or a < 1 or a > 5:
assert ValueError
"left": question["pointer"][0],
"right": question["pointer"][1],
"ans": a
except ValueError:
print("Can't understand this answer of yours, try again")
print("Good! Next question")
Congrats on completing the questionaire! Give us a few moments while we \
go over your answers...
animation = "|/-\\"
for i in range(32):
sys.stdout.write(f"\rLoading... {animation[i % len(animation)]}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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