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Last active June 6, 2016 14:00
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module Debug.Pretty exposing (..)
import String
import Native.Pretty
type alias Model =
( Int, List Char )
n : Char
n =
t : Char
t =
tab : Int -> List Char
tab depth =
[ n ] ++ List.repeat depth t
type alias Parse =
{ depth : Int
, isTup : Bool
, isList : Bool
, res : List Char
init : Parse
init =
{ depth = 1
, isTup = False
, isList = False
, res = []
newlineOnOpen : Char -> Parse -> Parse
newlineOnOpen char ({ depth, isTup, isList, res } as parse) =
charAdded =
{ parse | res = res ++ [ char ] }
case char of
'{' ->
{ parse
| depth = depth + 1
, res = res ++ tab (depth + 1) ++ [ char ]
'}' ->
{ parse
| depth = depth - 1
, res = res ++ tab depth ++ [ char ]
',' ->
tabs = if isTup || isList
then []
else tab depth
{ parse
| res =
res ++ tabs ++ [ char ]
'(' ->
{ charAdded | isTup = True }
')' ->
{ charAdded | isTup = False }
'[' ->
{ charAdded | isList = True }
']' ->
{ charAdded | isList = False }
_ ->
pretty : String -> String
pretty =
>> List.foldl newlineOnOpen init
>> .res
>> String.fromList
log : String -> a -> a
log s a =
toString a
|> pretty
|> Native.Pretty.log s
|> always a
/*global F2*/
/*eslint camelcase: 0*/
/*eslint no-unused-vars: 0*/
* Direct `String` access to `console.log`.
* Needed because `Debug.log` doesn't pretty print.
var _capillary$customer$Native_Pretty = (function () {
function log (tag, value) {
var msg = tag + ': ' + value
return value
return {
log: F2(log),
// expose newline and tabs special chars
n: '\n',
t: '\t'
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