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Last active November 2, 2023 15:59
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int2 type for Unity
// int2 is similar to Vector2, but with integers instead of floats
// Useful for various grid related things.
// - Swizzle operators xx/xy/yx/yy
// - Extended arithmetic operators similar to shader data types
// A few examples:
// int2(8,4) / int2(2,4) -> int2(4,1)
// 16 / int2(2,4) -> int2(8,4)
// int2(2,3) * int2(4,5) -> int2(8,15)
// - Any operator with an integer will result in an int2
// - Any operator with a float will result in a Vector2
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public struct int2 {
// Data
[SerializeField] public int x;
[SerializeField] public int y;
// Constructors
public int2( int x, int y ) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public int2( int size ) {
this.x = size;
this.y = size;
// Swizzling
public int2 xx {
get { return new int2( x, x ); }
public int2 xy {
get { return new int2( x, y ); }
public int2 yx {
get { return new int2( y, x ); }
public int2 yy {
get { return new int2( y, y ); }
// Derived Data
public int area {
get { return Mathf.Abs(x * y); }
public int signedArea {
get { return x * y; }
public bool isSquare {
get { return x == y; }
public float min {
get { return Mathf.Min( x, y ); }
public float max {
get { return Mathf.Max( x, y ); }
public float euclideanLength {
get { return Mathf.Sqrt( x * x + y * y ); }
public float rectilinearLength {
get { return Mathf.Abs( x ) + Mathf.Abs( y ); }
public float chebyshevLength {
get { return Mathf.Max( Mathf.Abs( x ), Mathf.Abs( y ) ); }
// Operators
// Add
public static int2 operator +( int2 a, int2 b ) {
return new int2( a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y );
public static int2 operator +( int2 a, int v ) {
return new int2( a.x + v, a.y + v );
public static int2 operator +( int v, int2 a ) {
return new int2( a.x + v, a.y + v );
public static Vector2 operator +( int2 a, float v ) {
return new Vector2( a.x + v, a.y + v );
public static Vector2 operator +( float v, int2 a ) {
return new Vector2( a.x + v, a.y + v );
// Subtract
public static int2 operator -( int2 a, int2 b ) {
return new int2( a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y );
public static int2 operator -( int2 a, int v ) {
return new int2( a.x - v, a.y - v );
public static int2 operator -( int v, int2 a ) {
return new int2( v - a.x, v - a.y );
public static Vector2 operator -( int2 a, float v ) {
return new Vector2( a.x - v, a.y - v );
public static Vector2 operator -( float v, int2 a ) {
return new Vector2( v - a.x, v - a.y );
// Multiply
public static int2 operator *( int2 a, int2 b ) {
return new int2( a.x * b.x, a.y * b.y );
public static int2 operator *( int2 a, int v ) {
return new int2( a.x * v, a.y * v );
public static int2 operator *( int v, int2 a ) {
return new int2( a.x * v, a.y * v );
public static Vector2 operator *( int2 a, float v ) {
return new Vector2( a.x * v, a.y * v );
public static Vector2 operator *( float v, int2 a ) {
return new Vector2( a.x * v, a.y * v );
// Divide
public static int2 operator /( int2 a, int2 b ) {
return new int2( a.x / b.x, a.y / b.y );
public static int2 operator /( int2 a, int v ) {
return new int2( a.x / v, a.y / v );
public static int2 operator /( int v, int2 a ) {
return new int2( v / a.x, v / a.y );
public static Vector2 operator /( int2 a, float v ) {
return new Vector2( a.x / v, a.y / v );
public static Vector2 operator /( float v, int2 a ) {
return new Vector2( v / a.x, v / a.y );
// Component index access
public int this[int i] {
get {
if( i == 0 )
return x;
else if( i == 1 )
return y;
throw new System.IndexOutOfRangeException( "Expected an index of 0 or 1. " + i + " is out of range" );
set {
if( i == 0 )
x = value;
else if( i == 1 )
y = value;
throw new System.IndexOutOfRangeException( "Expected an index of 0 or 1. " + i + " is out of range" );
// Static members
public static int2 zero = new int2( 0, 0 );
public static int2 one = new int2( 1, 1 );
public static int2 right = new int2( 1, 0 );
public static int2 left = new int2(-1, 0 );
public static int2 up = new int2( 0, 1 );
public static int2 down = new int2( 0,-1 );
// Typecasting
public static implicit operator Vector2( int2 i ) { // int2 to Vector2
return new Vector2( i.x, i.y );
public static explicit operator int2( Vector2 v ) { // Vector2 to int2. Explicit due to precision loss
return v.FloorToInt2(); // Floor replicates the behavior when typecasting float to int
// Static functions
public static Vector2 Lerp( int2 a, int2 b, float t, bool extrapolate = false ) {
t = extrapolate ? t : Mathf.Clamp01(t);
return a * ( 1f - t ) + b * t;
public static float EuclideanDistance(int2 a, int2 b) {
return (a - b).euclideanLength;
public static float RectilinearDistance( int2 a, int2 b ) {
return ( a - b ).rectilinearLength;
public static float ChebyshevDistance( int2 a, int2 b ) {
return ( a - b ).chebyshevLength;
public override string ToString() {
return "[ "+x+" , "+y+" ]";
// So that it integrates a bit more neatly into Unity's other classes
public static class int2extensions {
// Rect
// May be slightly immoral to have hidden floors in these
public static int2 GetSize( this Rect r ) {
return new int2( Mathf.FloorToInt( r.width ), Mathf.FloorToInt( r.height ) );
public static int2 GetPosition( this Rect r ) {
return new int2( Mathf.FloorToInt( r.width ), Mathf.FloorToInt( r.height ) );
// Texture
public static void SetResolution( this Texture t, int2 resolution ) {
t.width = resolution.x;
t.height = resolution.y;
public static int2 GetResolution( this Texture t ) {
return new int2(t.width,t.height);
// Vector2
public static int2 RoundToInt2( this Vector2 v ) {
return new int2( Mathf.RoundToInt(v.x), Mathf.RoundToInt(v.y) );
public static int2 FloorToInt2( this Vector2 v ) {
return new int2( Mathf.FloorToInt( v.x ), Mathf.FloorToInt( v.y ) );
public static int2 CeilToInt2( this Vector2 v ) {
return new int2( Mathf.CeilToInt( v.x ), Mathf.CeilToInt( v.y ) );
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