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Last active November 27, 2023 11:32
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  • Save FreyaHolmer/cca9d07a306fb357c7ab9cc82574fabd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save FreyaHolmer/cca9d07a306fb357c7ab9cc82574fabd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Allows the scene view camera to use Z up/down (be sure to place this script in an Editor/ folder)
// Allows you to change the up vector in the scene view to the Z axis.
// Y-up mode uses Unity's default implementation.
// Original code from Akulist on the Unity forums, modified by Freya Holmér:
// • Fixed orbit+RMB zoom not working
// • Toggling will now align the camera immediately to the new up vector
// • When the camera is upside down in Z axis mode, left/right orbit will no longer be mirrored (pls fix this too Unity~)
// • Moved toggle buttons to under the gizmo
// • Fixed broken rotation state when focusing a different window in Unity and coming back to the scene view
// Akulist's original:
// Unity's original:
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
[InitializeOnLoad] public static class SceneViewZAlign {
static bool useZAxis = true;
// interaction states
static float s_StartZoom, s_ZoomSpeed, s_TotalMotion; // matches Unity's variable names
static float yawSign = 1;
static SceneViewZAlign() => SceneView.duringSceneGui += OnSceneGUI;
static void OnSceneGUI( SceneView view ) {
DrawToggle( view );
if( !useZAxis || view.isRotationLocked )
Event e = Event.current;
bool alt = ( Event.current.modifiers & EventModifiers.Alt ) != 0;
bool lmb = e.button == 0;
bool rmb = e.button == 1;
switch( e.type ) {
case EventType.MouseDown:
if( e.button == 1 ) {
s_StartZoom = view.size;
s_ZoomSpeed = Mathf.Max( Mathf.Abs( s_StartZoom ), .3f );
s_TotalMotion = 0;
UpdateYawSign( view );
case EventType.MouseDrag:
if( alt == false && rmb ) {
FPSCameraBehaviour( view, e );
} else if( alt ) {
if( lmb )
OrbitCameraBehavior( view, e );
else if( rmb )
OrbitZoomBehavior( view, e );
static void DrawToggle( SceneView view ) {
const float w = 30; // button width
Vector2 p = new Vector2( view.position.width - 50, 113 );
using( var chchk = new EditorGUI.ChangeCheckScope() ) {
GUI.color = useZAxis ? Color.white : Handles.yAxisColor;
useZAxis = !GUI.Toggle( new Rect( p.x - w, p.y, w, 14 ), !useZAxis, "Y", EditorStyles.miniButtonLeft );
GUI.color = useZAxis ? Handles.zAxisColor : Color.white;
useZAxis = GUI.Toggle( new Rect( p.x, p.y, w, 14 ), useZAxis, "Z", EditorStyles.miniButtonRight );
if( chchk.changed )
AlignCameraRoll( view );
static void UpdateYawSign( SceneView view ) => yawSign = -Mathf.Sign( ( view.rotation * Vector3.up ).z );
static void AlignCameraRoll( SceneView view ) {
UpdateYawSign( view );
// Keep forward vector, but align roll so that cam X is perpendicular to the current up vector
Vector3 up = useZAxis ? Vector3.back : Vector3.up;
view.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation( view.rotation * Vector3.forward, yawSign * up );
static void FPSCameraBehaviour( SceneView view, Event e ) {
Vector3 camPos = view.pivot - view.rotation * Vector3.forward * view.cameraDistance;
view.rotation = GetMouseRotation( view, e );
view.pivot = camPos + view.rotation * Vector3.forward * view.cameraDistance;
static void OrbitCameraBehavior( SceneView view, Event e ) {
Quaternion rotation = GetMouseRotation( view, e );
if( view.size < 0 ) {
view.pivot =;
view.size = 0;
view.rotation = rotation;
static Quaternion GetMouseRotation( SceneView view, Event e ) {
Quaternion rotation = view.rotation;
rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis( * .003f * Mathf.Rad2Deg, rotation * Vector3.right ) * rotation;
rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis( yawSign * * .003f * Mathf.Rad2Deg, Vector3.back ) * rotation;
return rotation;
static void OrbitZoomBehavior( SceneView view, Event e ) {
float zoomDelta = HandleUtility.niceMouseDeltaZoom * ( ( Event.current.modifiers & EventModifiers.Shift ) != 0 ? 9 : 3 );
if( view.orthographic ) {
view.size = Mathf.Max( .0001f, view.size * ( 1 + zoomDelta * .001f ) );
} else {
s_TotalMotion += zoomDelta;
if( s_TotalMotion < 0 )
view.size = s_StartZoom * ( 1 + s_TotalMotion * .001f );
view.size += zoomDelta * s_ZoomSpeed * .003f;
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Heya. This is great! Exactly what I was looking for. One thing: I needed to restore GUI.color to white after at the end of DrawToggle or else other editor utilities will be affected by the coloration (specifically Curvy Spline).

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