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Created November 4, 2022 18:13
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function Get-LdapObject {
Use LDAP to search in Active Directory
Utilizes LDAP to perform swift and efficient LDAP Queries.
The search filter to use when searching for objects.
Must be a valid LDAP filter.
The properties to retrieve.
Keep bandwidth in mind and only request what is needed.
The root path to search in.
This generally expects either the distinguished name of the Organizational unit or the DNS name of the domain.
Alternatively, any legal LDAP protocol address can be specified.
.PARAMETER Configuration
Rather than searching in a specified path, switch to the configuration naming context.
Return the raw AD object without processing it for PowerShell convenience.
Rather than searching in a specified path, switch to the schema naming context.
The maximum number of items to return.
.PARAMETER SearchScope
Whether to search all OUs beneath the target root, only directly beneath it or only the root itself.
.PARAMETER AddProperty
Add additional properties to the output object.
Use to optimize performance, avoiding needing to use Add-Member.
The server to contact for this query.
.PARAMETER Credential
The credentials to use for authenticating this query.
The name to give the output object
PS C:\> Get-LdapObject -LdapFilter '(PrimaryGroupID=516)'
Searches for all objects with primary group ID 516 (hint: Domain Controllers).
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'SearchRoot')]
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
$Property = "*",
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SearchRoot')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Configuration')]
[ValidateRange(1, 1000)]
$PageSize = 1000,
$SearchScope = 'Subtree',
[Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
begin {
#region Utility Functions
function Get-PropertyName {
param (
if ($hit = @($Property).Where{ $_ -eq $Key }) { return $hit[0] }
if ($Key -eq 'ObjectClass') { return 'ObjectClass' }
if ($Key -eq 'ObjectGuid') { return 'ObjectGuid' }
if ($Key -eq 'ObjectSID') { return 'ObjectSID' }
if ($Key -eq 'DistinguishedName') { return 'DistinguishedName' }
if ($Key -eq 'SamAccountName') { return 'SamAccountName' }
function New-DirectoryEntry {
Generates a new directoryy entry object.
Generates a new directoryy entry object.
The LDAP path to bind to.
The server to connect to.
.PARAMETER Credential
The credentials to use for the connection.
PS C:\> New-DirectoryEntry
Creates a directory entry in the default context.
PS C:\> New-DirectoryEntry -Server -Credential $cred
Creates a directory entry in the default context of the target server.
The connection is established to just that server using the specified credentials.
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
param (
if (-not $Path) { $resolvedPath = '' }
elseif ($Path -like "LDAP://*") { $resolvedPath = $Path }
elseif ($Path -notlike "*=*") { $resolvedPath = "LDAP://DC={0}" -f ($Path -split "\." -join ",DC=") }
else { $resolvedPath = "LDAP://$($Path)" }
if ($Server -and ($resolvedPath -notlike "LDAP://$($Server)/*")) {
$resolvedPath = ("LDAP://{0}/{1}" -f $Server, $resolvedPath.Replace("LDAP://", "")).Trim("/")
if (($null -eq $Credential) -or ($Credential -eq [PSCredential]::Empty)) {
if ($resolvedPath) { New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry($resolvedPath) }
else {
$entry = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry
New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry(('LDAP://{0}' -f $entry.distinguishedName[0]))
else {
if ($resolvedPath) { New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry($resolvedPath, $Credential.UserName, $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password) }
else { New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry(("LDAP://DC={0}" -f ($env:USERDNSDOMAIN -split "\." -join ",DC=")), $Credential.UserName, $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password) }
#endregion Utility Functions
$script:culture = Get-Culture
#region Prepare Searcher
$searcher = New-Object system.directoryservices.directorysearcher
$searcher.PageSize = $PageSize
$searcher.SearchScope = $SearchScope
if ($MaxSize -gt 0) {
$Searcher.SizeLimit = $MaxSize
if ($SearchRoot) {
$searcher.SearchRoot = New-DirectoryEntry -Path $SearchRoot -Server $Server -Credential $Credential
else {
$searcher.SearchRoot = New-DirectoryEntry -Server $Server -Credential $Credential
if ($Configuration) {
$searcher.SearchRoot = New-DirectoryEntry -Path ("LDAP://CN=Configuration,{0}" -f $searcher.SearchRoot.distinguishedName[0]) -Server $Server -Credential $Credential
Write-Verbose "Searching $($SearchScope) in $($searcher.SearchRoot.Path)"
if ($Credential) {
$searcher.SearchRoot = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry($searcher.SearchRoot.Path, $Credential.UserName, $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password)
$searcher.Filter = $LdapFilter
foreach ($propertyName in $Property) {
$null = $searcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add($propertyName)
Write-Verbose "Search filter: $LdapFilter"
#endregion Prepare Searcher
process {
try {
$ldapObjects = $searcher.FindAll()
catch {
foreach ($ldapobject in $ldapObjects) {
if ($Raw) {
#region Process/Refine Output Object
$resultHash = @{ }
foreach ($key in $ldapobject.Properties.Keys) {
$resultHash[(Get-PropertyName -Key $key -Property $Property)] = switch ($key) {
'ObjectClass' { $ldapobject.Properties[$key][@($ldapobject.Properties[$key]).Count - 1] }
'ObjectGuid' { [guid]::new(([byte[]]($ldapobject.Properties[$key] | Write-Output))) }
'ObjectSID' { [System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]::new(([byte[]]($ldapobject.Properties[$key] | Write-Output)), 0) }
default { $ldapobject.Properties[$key] | Write-Output }
if ($resultHash.ContainsKey("ObjectClass")) { $resultHash["PSTypeName"] = $resultHash["ObjectClass"] }
if ($TypeName) { $resultHash["PSTypeName"] = $TypeName }
if ($AddProperty) { $resultHash += $AddProperty }
$item = [pscustomobject]$resultHash
Add-Member -InputObject $item -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name ToString -Value {
if ($this.DistinguishedName) { $this.DistinguishedName }
else { $this.AdsPath }
} -Force -PassThru
#endregion Process/Refine Output Object
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