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Created April 13, 2023 14:14
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function Read-Hashtable {
Reads a hash table and returns its contents as key/value objects.
Reads a hash table and returns its contents as a hierarchical structure.
Use the AsHashtable switch to return the result as a flat hashtable, rather than one object per.
.PARAMETER Hashtable
The input hash table that is to be read.
.PARAMETER Namespace
The namespace under which the keys should be read.
Used to recursively resolve hashtables
.PARAMETER AsHashtable
Specifies if the contents of the hash table are returned as an object
hierarchy or as a hash table itself.
$struct = @{
first = @{ second = '213' }
Read-Hashtable -Hashtable $struct
Name Value
---- -----
first.second 213
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$prefix = ''
if ($Namespace) { $prefix = "$Namespace." }
$results = foreach ($pair in $Hashtable.GetEnumerator()) {
$name = '{0}{1}' -f $prefix, $pair.Key
if ($pair.Value -is [hashtable] -and $pair.Value.Count -gt 0) {
Read-HashTable -Namespace $name -Hashtable $pair.Value
Name = $name
Value = $pair.Value
if (-not $AsHashtable) { return $results }
$resultHash = @{ }
foreach ($result in $results) {
$resultHash[$result.Name] = $result.Value
function Compare-Hashtable {
Compares a provided reference hashtable to a provided difference hashtable.
Compares a provided reference hashtable to a provided difference hashtable and returns the differences as specified.
.PARAMETER ReferenceHashtable
The reference hashtable to use for comparison.
.PARAMETER DifferenceHashtable
The difference hashtable to use for comparison.
.PARAMETER IncludeEqual
When specified, results are returned when the Reference and Difference are equal.
.PARAMETER ExcludeDifferent
When specified, results are not returned when the Reference and Difference are different.
PS C:\> Compare-Hashtable -ReferenceHashtable $MyConfigReference -DifferenceHOshtable (Get-Something -Config)
Compares the loaded ReferenceHashtable to the result of Get-Something.
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
begin {
function New-Change {
param (
[ValidateSet('==', '!=', '=>', '<=')]
PSTypeName = 'Hashtable.Comparison'
Reference = $Reference
Difference = $Difference
Name = $Name
Direction = $Direction
RefValue = $RefValue
DifValue = $DifValue
process {
$paramChange = @{
Difference = $DifferenceHashtable
Reference = $ReferenceHashtable
$flatReference = Read-HashTable -Hashtable $ReferenceHashtable -AsHashtable
$flatDifference = Read-HashTable -Hashtable $DifferenceHashtable -AsHashtable
foreach ($pair in $flatReference.GetEnumerator()) {
if (-not $ExcludeDifferent) {
if ($flatDifference.Keys -notcontains $pair.Key) {
New-Change @paramChange -Name $pair.Key -Direction '=>' -RefValue $pair.Value
if ($pair.Value -ne $flatDifference[$pair.Key] -or $flatDifference[$pair.Key] -ne $pair.Value) {
New-Change @paramChange -Name $pair.Key -Direction '!=' -RefValue $pair.Value -DifValue $flatDifference[$pair.Key]
if ($IncludeEqual) {
if ($pair.Value -eq $flatDifference[$pair.Key] -and $flatDifference[$pair.Key] -eq $pair.Value) {
New-Change @paramChange -Name $pair.Key -Direction '==' -RefValue $pair.Value -DifValue $flatDifference[$pair.Key]
foreach ($pair in $flatDifference.GetEnumerator()) {
if (-not $ExcludeDifferent -and $flatReference.Keys -notcontains $pair.Key) {
New-Change @paramChange -Name $pair.Key -Direction '<=' -DifValue $pair.Value
# Examle usage
$hash1 = @{
Foo = 23
Bar = 1
Data = @{
Answer = 42
Name = 'Fred'
Age = 37
$hash2 = @{
Foo = 42
Data = @{
Answer = 42
Name = 'Max'
Age = @(37,38)
Read-HashTable -Hashtable $hash1
Compare-Hashtable -ReferenceHashtable $hash1 -DifferenceHashtable $hash2 | ft Name, Direction, DifValue, RefValue
Compare-Hashtable -ReferenceHashtable $hash1 -DifferenceHashtable $hash1 | ft Name, Direction, DifValue, RefValue
Compare-Hashtable -ReferenceHashtable $hash1 -DifferenceHashtable $hash1 -IncludeEqual | ft Name, Direction, DifValue, RefValue
Compare-Hashtable -ReferenceHashtable $hash1 -DifferenceHashtable $hash2 -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent | ft Name, Direction, DifValue, RefValue
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