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Created May 9, 2023 07:49
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function Resolve-PathEx {
Resolve a path.
Resolve a path.
Allows specifying success criteria, as well as selecting files or folders only.
The input path to resolve.
What kind of item to resolve to.
Supported types:
- Any: Can be whatever, so long as it exists.
- File: Must be a file/leaf object and exist
- Directory: Must be a container/directory object and exist
- NewFile: The parent path must exist and be a container/directory. The item itself needs not exist, but if it exists, it must be a leaf/file
Defaults to Any.
Whether resolving to more than one item should cause an error.
How results should be handled:
- Any: At least one single successful path must be resolved, any errors are ignored as long as at least one is valid.
- All: All items resolved must be valid.
- AnyWarning: At least one single successful path must be resolved, any errors are filed as warning.
What provider the item must be from.
Defaults to FileSystem.
PS C:\> Resolve-PathEx -Path .
Resolves the current path.
PS C:\> Resolve-PathEx -Path .\test\report.csv -Type NewFile -SingleItem
Must resolve the full path of the file "report.csv" in the folder "test" under the current path.
The file need not exist, but the folder must be present.
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
[ValidateSet('File', 'Directory', 'Any', 'NewFile')]
$Type = 'Any',
[ValidateSet('Any', 'All', 'AnyWarning')]
$Mode = 'Any',
$Provider = 'FileSystem'
process {
foreach ($pathEntry in $Path) {
$data = [PSCustomObject]@{
Input = $pathEntry
Path = $null
Success = $false
Message = ''
Error = $null
$basePath = $pathEntry
if ('NewFile' -eq $Type) {
$basePath = Split-Path -Path $pathEntry -Parent
$leaf = Split-Path -Path $pathEntry -Leaf
try { $resolved = (Resolve-Path -Path $basePath -ErrorAction Stop).ProviderPath }
catch {
$data.Error = $_
$data.Message = "Path cannot be resolved: $pathEntry"
return $data
if (@($resolved).Count -gt 1 -and $SingleItem) {
$data.Message = "More than one item found: $pathEntry"
return $data
$paths = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
$messages = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
$success = $false
$failed = $false
foreach ($resolvedPath in $resolved) {
$item = Get-Item -LiteralPath $resolvedPath
if ($Provider -ne $item.PSProvider.Name) {
$failed = $true
$null = $messages.Add("Not a $Provider path: $($resolvedPath)")
if ('File' -eq $Type -and $item.PSIsContainer) {
$failed = $true
$null = $messages.Add("Not a file: $($resolvedPath)")
if ('Directory' -eq $Type -and -not $item.PSIsContainer) {
$failed = $true
$null = $messages.Add("Not a directory: $($resolvedPath)")
if ('NewFile' -eq $Type) {
if (-not $item.PSIsContainer) {
$failed = $true
$null = $messages.Add("Parent of $($pathEntry) is not a container: $($resolvedPath)")
$newFilePath = Join-Path -Path $resolvedPath -ChildPath $leaf
if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $newFilePath -PathType Container) {
$failed = $true
$null = $messages.Add("Target path $($newFilePath) must not be a directory!")
$null = $paths.Add($newFilePath)
$success = $true
$null = $paths.Add($resolvedPath)
$success = $true
$data.Path = $($paths)
$data.Message = $($messages)
foreach ($pathItem in $data.Path) {
Write-Verbose "Resolved $pathEntry to $pathItem"
switch ($Mode) {
'Any' {
$data.Success = $success
foreach ($message in $data.Message) {
Write-Verbose $message
'All' {
$data.Success = -not $failed
foreach ($message in $data.Message) {
Write-Verbose $message
'AnyWarning' {
$data.Success = $success
foreach ($message in $data.Message) {
Write-Warning $message
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