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Created October 4, 2023 07:38
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function Get-ADgMSAKdsKey {
Retrieves KDS Information for a gMSA.
Retrieves KDS Information for a group managed service account (gMSA).
It will attempt to verify the existence of the KDS Key, but depending on the rights involed, access might be denied.
.PARAMETER ServiceAccount
The service account to retrieve the KDS information from.
The server / domain to contact.
.PARAMETER Credential
The credentials to use with the request
PS c:\> Get-ADServiceAccount -Filter * | Get-ADgMSAKdsKey
Retrieves the KDS information for all gMSA in the current user's domain.
param (
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true)]
begin {
$adParam = @{ }
if ($Server) { $adParam.Server = $Server }
if ($Credential) { $adParam.Credential = $Credential }
$kdsExists = @{ }
$rootDSE = Get-ADRootDSE @adParam
process {
foreach ($account in $ServiceAccount) {
try { $object = Get-ADServiceAccount @adParam -Identity $account -Properties msDS-ManagedPasswordId, msDS-ManagedPasswordInterval -ErrorAction Stop }
catch {
Write-Warning "Failed to retrieve $($account): $_"
Write-Error $_
$key = [guid][byte[]]$object.'msDS-ManagedPasswordId'[24..39]
if ($kdsExists.Keys -notcontains $key) {
$kdsExists[$key] = (Get-ADObject @adParam -Identity "CN=$key,CN=Master Root Keys,CN=Group Key Distribution Service,CN=Services,$($rootDSE.configurationNamingContext)" -ErrorAction Ignore) -as [bool]
SamAccountName = $object.SamAccountName
KdsKeyID = $key
KdsExists = $kdsExists[$key]
PasswordInterval = $object.'msDS-ManagedPasswordInterval'
DistinguishedName = $object.DistinguishedName
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