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Created February 10, 2023 15:27
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Generates a configuration map of all trusts in all directions, recursively following all trust links.
function ConvertTo-TrustObject {
Converts an AD Object for a trust object and parses it into humanly useful information.
Converts an AD Object for a trust object and parses it into humanly useful information.
This includes encryption settings and parsing the numeric values of the trust attributes.
The trust object retrieved from active directory, for example using Get-ADObject -LdapFilter '(objectClass=trustedDomain)'
NOT the result object of Get-ADTrust!
PS C:\> Get-ADObject -LdapFilter '(objectClass=trustedDomain)' -Properties * | ConvertTo-TrustObject
Reads all trusts from the current domain and processes them into something human friendly
param (
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
begin {
$trustType = @{
1 = 'WindowsDomainNonAD'
2 = 'WindowsDomainAD'
3 = 'MIT'
$trustDirection = @{
0 = 'Disabled'
1 = 'Inbound'
2 = 'Outbound'
3 = 'Bidirectional'
process {
From = ($Trust.CanonicalName -split "/")[0]
To = ($Trust.CanonicalName -split "/")[-1]
AesEnabled = $Trust.'msDS-SupportedEncryptionTypes' -eq 24
Direction = $trustDirection[$Trust.trustDirection]
Attributes = $Trust.trustAttributes
Type = $trustType[$Trust.trustType]
# Attributes:
NonTransitive = ($trust.trustAttributes -band 0x1) -as [bool]
UplevelOnly = ($trust.trustAttributes -band 0x2) -as [bool]
SIDFilteringEnabled = ($trust.trustAttributes -band 0x4) -as [bool] # Quarantined
ForestTransitive = ($trust.trustAttributes -band 0x8) -as [bool]
CrossOrganization = ($trust.trustAttributes -band 0x10) -as [bool]
WithinForest = ($trust.trustAttributes -band 0x20) -as [bool]
TreatAsExternal = ($trust.trustAttributes -band 0x40) -as [bool]
MITUsesRC4Encryption = ($trust.trustAttributes -band 0x80) -as [bool]
CrossOrgTGTDelegation = ($trust.trustAttributes -band 0x800) -as [bool]
PIMTrust = ($trust.trustAttributes -band 0x400) -as [bool]
function Get-TrustRecursive {
Generates a configuration map of all trusts in all directions.
Generates a configuration map of all trusts in all directions.
This search recursively follows trust-links as it is able, documenting the entire web of trusts it can reach.
The domain to start the search from.
Defaults to the current user's domain.
.PARAMETER Credential
Credentials to use for the request.
A hashtable containing the results.
Defaults to an empty hashtable and will be filled by the command.
Specify a custom hashtable if you want the result in a structured format.
.PARAMETER FailedTrusts
A hashtable containing failed access attempts to a target domain.
Errors accessing a domain as you follow a trust link will be suppressed and stored in here.
Provide a hashtable to have it filled with all access errors.
Defaults to an empty hashtable.
PS C:\> Get-TrustRecursive
Returns all trusts from the current domain, recursively following all trust links.
param (
$Server = $env:USERDNSDOMAIN,
$Trusts = @{ },
$FailedTrusts = @{ }
$credParam = @{ }
if ($Credential) { $credParam.Credential = $Credential }
$param = @{
Properties = 'msDS-SupportedEncryptionTypes', 'trustAttributes', 'trustDirection', 'trustType', 'CanonicalName'
LdapFilter = '(objectClass=trustedDomain)'
try { $trustResults = Get-ADObject @param @credParam -Server $Server | ConvertTo-TrustObject }
catch { $FailedTrusts[$Server] = $_ }
if (-not $trustResults) { return $Trusts.Values.Values }
$Trusts[$trustResults[0].From] = @{ }
foreach ($result in $trustResults) {
$Trusts[$trustResults[0].From][$result.To] = $result
$targets = $trustResults.To | Where-Object {
$_ -notin $Trusts.Keys -and
$_ -notin $FailedTrusts.Keys
foreach ($target in $targets) {
$null = Get-TrustRecursive @credParam -Server $target -Trusts $Trusts -FailedTrusts $FailedTrusts
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