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Last active January 7, 2022 15:55
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Sample from a clayton copula
using Distributions
using SpecialFunctions
using Plots
function φ(x::Real, ϑ::Real)
return (1+x)^(−1/ϑ)
Inverse Generator
function φ⁻(x::Real, ϑ::Real)
return x^(-ϑ) - 1
First generator derivative
function φ¹(x::Real, ϑ::Real)
α = 1/ϑ
return gamma(1 + α)/gamma(α) * (1 + x)^(-(1 + α))
function sample(ϑ::Real, n::Int64)
Eₖ = rand(Exponential(1), 2, n)
M = rand(Gamma(1/ϑ, 1), 1, n)
return φ.(Eₖ ./ M, ϑ)
function rosenblatt(M::AbstractMatrix, ϑ::Real)
u1 = M[1, :]
u2 = M[2, :]
return [u1'; (φ¹.(φ⁻.(u1, ϑ) + φ⁻.(u2, ϑ), ϑ) ./ φ¹.(φ⁻.(u1, ϑ), ϑ))']
function inverse_rosenblatt(U::AbstractMatrix, ϑ::Real)
u1 = U[1, :]
u2 = U[2, :]
return [u1'; ((u1.^(-ϑ) .* (u2.^(-ϑ/(ϑ + 1)) .- 1) .+ 1).^(-1/ϑ))']
ϑ = 5
M = sample(ϑ, 2500)
U = rosenblatt(M, ϑ)
M2 = inverse_rosenblatt(U, ϑ)
p1 = scatter(M[1, :], M[2, :], aspect_ratio = :equal, xlims=[0, 1], ylims=[0, 1], xlabel="Clayton", label=:none)
p2 = scatter(U[1, :], U[2, :], aspect_ratio = :equal, xlims=[0, 1], ylims=[0, 1], xlabel="Rosenblatt", label=:none)
p3 = scatter(M2[1, :], M2[2, :], aspect_ratio = :equal, xlims=[0, 1], ylims=[0, 1], xlabel="Inverse Rosenblatt", label=:none)
p = plot(p1, p2, p3)
savefig(p, "rosenblatt.png")
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