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{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} | |
import Data.Function (on) | |
import Control.Applicative | |
data EventData e = EventData { | |
eventId :: Int, | |
body :: Event e | |
} | |
instance Show (EventData e) where | |
show = show . eventId | |
instance Eq (EventData e) where | |
(==) = (==) `on` eventId | |
instance Ord (EventData e) where | |
compare = compare `on` eventId | |
class Aggregate s where | |
data Error s :: * | |
data Command s :: * | |
data Event s :: * | |
execute :: s -> Command s -> Either (Error s) (Event s) | |
apply :: s -> Event s -> s | |
seed :: s | |
data User = User { | |
name :: String, | |
email :: String | |
} deriving (Show) | |
instance Aggregate User where | |
data Error User = NotAllowed | |
| TooShortUsername Int Int | |
| EmptyUsername | |
| EmptyEmail | |
deriving (Show) | |
data Event User = NameChanged String | |
| EmailChanged String | |
deriving (Show) | |
data Command User = ChangeName String | |
| ChangeEmail String | |
deriving (Show) | |
_ `execute` ChangeName n = NameChanged | |
<$> validate notEmpty EmptyUsername n | |
<* validate (lengthBetween 4 8) (TooShortUsername 4 8) n | |
_ `execute` ChangeEmail e = EmailChanged | |
<$> validate notEmpty EmptyEmail e | |
state `apply` NameChanged n = state { name = n } | |
state `apply` EmailChanged e = state { email = e } | |
seed = User "" "" | |
load :: (Aggregate a) => [EventData a] -> a | |
load = foldl folder seed | |
where | |
folder state = apply state . body | |
validate :: (a -> Bool) -> e -> a -> Either e a | |
validate f err x | |
| f x = Right x | |
| otherwise = Left err | |
notEmpty :: [a] -> Bool | |
notEmpty = (> 0) . length | |
lengthBetween :: Int -> Int -> String -> Bool | |
lengthBetween s e str | |
| len >= s && len <= e = True | |
| otherwise = False | |
where len = length str | |
main :: IO() | |
main = do | |
print $ load $ map (EventData 1) [NameChanged "Borak", NameChanged "Fristi", EmailChanged "email@gmail.com"] | |
print $ execute seed $ ChangeEmail "email@gmail.com" | |
print $ execute seed $ ChangeName "Te" |
notEmpty = not . null
is better, and doesn't attempt to evaluate possibly long or infinite lists.
isn't it this usage of type families equivalent to a record in the absence of type level computation ? edit answering my own question : it's easier to mutually reference other fields
Very nice @Fristi. Just one question.
I am quite sure I am missing, but I was thinking about how to execute a command in the Domain Model and was thinking that part of executing a command is about changing the state of the Aggregate and also raise events about that command that was executed. This means that other Services that are interesting in Events happening at the Domain Model can subscribe to those events.
Because of this I was thinking about combining this 2 functions:
execute :: s -> Command s -> Either (Error s) (Event s)
apply :: s -> Event s -> s
into one function
execute :: s -> Command s -> Either (Error s) (Event s, s)
That performs the action and raise events about changes of state so other service can monitor those events. Maybe you can say that the Domain Model is also subscribing itself it's own events by defining apply
. Do you have any thoughts about this?
@damiansoriano: in event sourcing / CQRS replaying events is an important functionality.
You can always restore an aggregate to a specific point in time by applying the events.
In a replay, the command must not be executed though, because all the side effects are not supposed to happen again.
That's why you can't combine the two.
I just wanted to share that I found some utility in splitting up the Aggregate
class here into Projection
and Aggregate
class Projection s where
data Event s :: *
seed :: s
apply :: s -> Event s -> s
class (Projection s) => Aggregate s where
data Command s :: *
data Error s :: *
execute :: s -> Command s -> Either (Error s) (Event s)
Very nice! I think it would be better for 'aggregate' to accept an arbitrary monad that 'execute' operates in (instead of encoding Error and Either in the types), that way you could interleave various effects (IO, exceptions) when executing a command.
Anybody have an example of how a repository for this aggregate would look?
@jdreaver: would you mind explaining the utility you get from adding a Projection class?
is not an Aggregate. An aggregate is just a function which keeps invariant and produces event/error.
nice one!