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Created May 28, 2017 01:35
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Safe XPath Queries in Swift
 * XPathQuery.swift
 * test_lbp
 * Originally created by Matt Gallagher on 4/08/08.
 * Heavily modified (conversion to swift, better libxml2 nodes to object
 * conversion, etc.) by François Lamboley.
 * Created by François Lamboley on 16/04/2017.
 * Copyright © 2017 François Lamboley. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
/* Note: To be able to "import libxml2" just like that, create a
 * module.modulemap file containing the following:
 * module libxml2 [system] {
 * header "/usr/include/libxml2/libxml/tree.h"
 * header "/usr/include/libxml2/libxml/parser.h"
 * header "/usr/include/libxml2/libxml/HTMLparser.h"
 * header "/usr/include/libxml2/libxml/xpath.h"
 * header "/usr/include/libxml2/libxml/xpathInternals.h"
 * export *
 * }
import libxml2
struct XPathQueryUtils {
enum Error : Swift.Error {
case cannotCreateXMLDoc
case cannotCreateXPathContext
case cannotConvertQueryToCString
case cannotEvaluateExpression
case nilNodeSet
case textNodeWithNoContent
case cdataNodeWithNoContent
case elementNodeWithNoName
case invalidAttributeNodeInElement
case attributeNodeWithNoName
case attributeNodeWithNoContent
case invalidContentNodeInElement
case invalidUTF8
enum LibXML2Node {
case element(name: String, attributes: [LibXML2AttributeNode], children: [LibXML2Node])
case attribute(LibXML2AttributeNode)
case text(String) /* libxml2 is written in a way which makes even text nodes susceptible to have children nodes. We assume they won't. */
case cdata(Data) /* libxml2 is written in a way which makes even CData nodes susceptible to have children nodes. We assume they won't. */
case other(type: xmlElementType, name: String?, value: Data?, children: [LibXML2Node]) /* We only support conversion for above types. We could add more if needed. Also, we assume other types don't have attributes (they currently don't at least). */
struct LibXML2AttributeNode {
var name: String
var value: String
/** Takes an array of LibXML2Nodes and outputs a string. Only .text and
.cdata nodes are considered. */
static func textFrom(nodeList: [LibXML2Node]) throws -> String {
var res = String()
for n in nodeList {
switch n {
case .text(let str):
res += str
case .cdata(let data):
guard let str = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) else {throw Error.invalidUTF8}
res += str
default: (/*nop(ignored)*/)
return res
static func dictionaryFrom(attributeNodesList: [LibXML2AttributeNode]) -> [String: String] {
var res = [String: String]()
for a in attributeNodesList {res[] = a.value}
return res
static func performXMLXPathQuery(_ query: String, withDocument doc: Data) throws -> [LibXML2Node] {
return try doc.withUnsafeBytes { (bytes: UnsafePointer<Int8>) -> [LibXML2Node] in
guard let doc = xmlReadMemory(bytes, Int32(doc.count), "", nil, Int32(XML_PARSE_RECOVER.rawValue)) else {throw Error.cannotCreateXMLDoc}
defer {xmlFreeDoc(doc)}
return try performXPathQuery(query, withDocument: doc)
static func performHTMLXPathQuery(_ query: String, withDocument doc: Data) throws -> [LibXML2Node] {
return try doc.withUnsafeBytes { (bytes: UnsafePointer<Int8>) -> [LibXML2Node] in
guard let doc = htmlReadMemory(bytes, Int32(doc.count), "", nil, Int32(HTML_PARSE_NOWARNING.rawValue | HTML_PARSE_NOERROR.rawValue)) else {throw Error.cannotCreateXMLDoc}
defer {xmlFreeDoc(doc)}
return try performXPathQuery(query, withDocument: doc)
/* ***************
   MARK: - Private
   *************** */
private static func dataFromXmlCharPtr(_ ptr: UnsafePointer<xmlChar>) -> Data {
/* ptr is a pointer to xmlChar (aka. UInt8).
 * We convert it to an opaque pointer to retrieve un unsafe pointer raw
 * pointer.
 * Note: We can use strlen because 0x00 is an invalid byte in an XML doc. */
let rawPtr = UnsafeRawPointer(OpaquePointer(ptr))
return Data(bytes: rawPtr, count: Int(strlen(rawPtr.assumingMemoryBound(to: Int8.self))))
private static func stringFromXmlCharPtr(_ ptr: UnsafePointer<xmlChar>) throws -> String {
/* ptr is a pointer to xmlChar (aka. UInt8).
 * We convert it to an opaque pointer to retrieve un unsafe pointer to
 * CChar (aka. Int8). */
guard let ret = String(cString: UnsafePointer<CChar>(OpaquePointer(ptr)), encoding: .utf8) else {throw Error.invalidUTF8}
return ret
private static func swiftNode(fromXMLNode node: xmlNodePtr) throws -> LibXML2Node {
/* See for a list of node types and their values. */
switch node.pointee.type {
/* Element name. Mandatory. */
let namePtr =
guard let name = try namePtr.flatMap({ try stringFromXmlCharPtr($0) }) else {throw Error.elementNodeWithNoName}
/* An element node should not have a content. (This is why it is not processed here.) */
/* Attributes. */
var attributes = [LibXML2AttributeNode]()
var curAttribute =
while let attribute = curAttribute {
defer {curAttribute =}
switch try swiftNode(fromXMLNode: UnsafeMutablePointer<_xmlNode>(OpaquePointer(attribute))) {
case .attribute(let swiftAttribute): attributes.append(swiftAttribute)
default: throw Error.invalidAttributeNodeInElement
/* Children nodes. */
var children = [LibXML2Node]()
var curChild = node.pointee.children
while let child = curChild {
children.append(try swiftNode(fromXMLNode: child))
curChild =
return .element(name: name, attributes: attributes, children: children)
/* Element name. Mandatory. */
let namePtr =
guard let name = try namePtr.flatMap({ try stringFromXmlCharPtr($0) }) else {throw Error.attributeNodeWithNoName}
/* Element value. Mandatory. In the children attribute, as a text node, for whatever reason... */
guard let valueNode = node.pointee.children else {throw Error.attributeNodeWithNoContent}
switch try swiftNode(fromXMLNode: valueNode) {
case .text(let text): return .attribute(LibXML2AttributeNode(name: name, value: text))
default: throw Error.invalidContentNodeInElement
/* == "text" */
guard let textContent = node.pointee.content else {throw Error.textNodeWithNoContent}
return .text(try stringFromXmlCharPtr(textContent))
/* == "cdata-section" */
guard let dataContent = node.pointee.content else {throw Error.cdataNodeWithNoContent}
return .cdata(dataFromXmlCharPtr(dataContent))
let namePtr =
let name = try namePtr.flatMap{ try stringFromXmlCharPtr($0) }
let contentPtr =
let content = contentPtr.flatMap{ dataFromXmlCharPtr($0) }
var children = [LibXML2Node]()
var curChild = node.pointee.children
while let child = curChild {
defer {curChild =}
children.append(try swiftNode(fromXMLNode: child))
return .other(type: node.pointee.type, name: name, value: content, children: children)
private static func performXPathQuery(_ query: String, withDocument document: xmlDocPtr) throws -> [LibXML2Node] {
/* Create XPath evaluation context */
guard let xpathCtx = xmlXPathNewContext(document) else {throw Error.cannotCreateXPathContext}
defer {xmlXPathFreeContext(xpathCtx)}
/* Evaluate XPath expression */
guard let xmlCharQuery = query.cString(using: .utf8)?.map({ xmlChar($0) }) else {throw Error.cannotConvertQueryToCString}
guard let xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression(xmlCharQuery, xpathCtx) else {throw Error.cannotEvaluateExpression}
defer {xmlXPathFreeObject(xpathObj)}
/* Note: Is this an error to have an empty Node Set, or can this happen
 * when the set is empty? */
guard let nodes = xpathObj.pointee.nodesetval else {throw Error.nilNodeSet}
var resultNodes = [LibXML2Node]()
for i in 0..<Int(nodes.pointee.nodeNr) {
guard let nodePtr = nodes.pointee.nodeTab.advanced(by: i).pointee else {continue}
resultNodes.append(try swiftNode(fromXMLNode: nodePtr))
return resultNodes
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