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Created August 4, 2012 17:49
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(defn with-random
"Add a random geospatial queries to a fetch. Should be used with a
limit, otherwise default limit to 5 items." [fetch-fn coll & {:as args}]
(let [where (:where args)
new-args (vec (merge {:limit 5} ;security limit if none is provided
args {:where (merge where {:random_point {:$near [(rand) 0]}})}))]
(apply fetch-fn (concat [coll] (apply concat new-args)))))
(defn get-object-historic-data
"Return an object historic-data in a trend-log frendly format; a
list of maps with :time and :value"
[project-id device-id object-type object-instance &[{:keys [before-date after-date] :as dates}]]
(let [mongo-keyword (keyword
"." ["objects" object-type object-instance "Present-value"]))
basic-query-map {:device-id device-id}
date-query (make-date-query dates)
query-map (merge basic-query-map (when date-query {:update date-query}))
get-present-values (fn [arg]
(into []
(filter #(:value %)
(map #(hash-map :value (-> %
((keyword object-type))
((keyword object-instance))
(:update %)) arg))))
times-values-vector (get-present-values
(with-random fetch (historic-id project-id)
:where query-map
:limit 150
:only [mongo-keyword :update]))]
(when-not (empty? times-values-vector)
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