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Last active April 22, 2016 17:23
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database.yml for multiple MIQ databases
# PostgreSQL
# Development version of the standard database.yml that handles switching
# between different version branches. For example, on trunk it will look for a
# database named vmdb_development, but on the branch it will look for
# a database named vmdb_development_3_3_2.
# <% unless $db_yml_loaded %>
# <% $db_yml_loaded = true %>
# <% version ='VERSION')).chomp rescue 'master' %>
# <% productized = " (productized)" if Dir.exist?(Rails.root.join('productization')) %>
# <% db_suffix = case version; when 'master' then nil; when /^darga/ then "_darga"; else "_#{version.split('.')[0..1].join('_')}"; end %>
# <% c = YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join("config/database.yml"))[Rails.env] %>
# <% c.keys.each { |k| c[k] = = c[k], nil, nil, 'v').result(binding).lines.first if c[k].is_a?(String) } %>
# <% puts "** #{version}#{productized} - #{c["database"]} on #{c["host"]}" %>
# <% end %>
base: &base
adapter: postgresql
encoding: utf8
host: localhost
username: root
pool: 5
wait_timeout: 5
<<: *base
database: vmdb_development<%=db_suffix%>
<<: *base
database: vmdb_production<%=db_suffix%>
test: &test
<<: *base
database: vmdb_test<%=db_suffix%>
# Silence these: 'NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create...'
min_messages: warning
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