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Last active August 25, 2023 07:29
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Simple example of Deep Q-Learning for CartPole-v1
import random
import numpy as np
import gymnasium as gym
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from tqdm import tqdm
from typing import NamedTuple, Union
n_actions = 2
n_states = 4
lr = 3e-4
discount = 0.95
batch_size = 128
epochs = 5000
class Net(nn.Sequential):
norm_vector = torch.tensor([0.5, 1.0, 0.21, 0.5])
def __init__(self, in_feats = n_states, out_feats = n_actions, hidden = 32):
nn.Linear(in_feats, hidden),
nn.Linear(hidden, hidden),
nn.Linear(hidden, out_feats),
def forward(self, state):
x = state/self.norm_vector # 归一化
y = super().forward(x)
return y
class Experience(NamedTuple):
state: np.ndarray
action: int
reward: float
next_state: np.ndarray
done: bool
class Memory(object):
def __init__(self, buffer_size: int):
self.buffer_size = buffer_size
self.buffer: list[Union[Experience, None]]
= [None for _ in range(self.buffer_size)]
self.count = 0
def append(self, exp: Experience):
self.buffer[self.count%self.buffer_size] = exp
self.count += 1
def sample(self, k: int):
if self.count < self.buffer_size:
pool = self.buffer[:self.count]
pool = self.buffer
exp: list[Experience] = random.choices(pool, k=k) # type: ignore
# 打包成 Tensor
states = torch.from_numpy(np.array([e.state for e in exp]))
actions = torch.tensor([e.action for e in exp])
rewards = torch.tensor([e.reward for e in exp])
next_states = torch.from_numpy(np.array([e.next_state for e in exp]))
dones = torch.tensor([e.done for e in exp], dtype=torch.float)
return states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones
memory = Memory(batch_size*10)
net = Net()
optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(net.parameters(), lr=lr, amsgrad=True)
criterion = nn.SmoothL1Loss() # 发现L1的效果比L2要好
env = gym.make("CartPole-v1")
state, info = env.reset()
batch_index = torch.arange(batch_size)
for t in tqdm(range(epochs)):
# 采样 =========================================
epsilon = 1 - t / epochs # 动态调整epsilon
for _ in range(batch_size//4 if t >= 1 else batch_size):
if random.random() < epsilon: # exploration
action = random.randint(0, n_actions-1)
action = net(state).squeeze().argmax().item()
org_state = state
state, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action)
# 使用自定义的reward
reward = -20.0 if terminated else 0
if abs(state[2]) > 0.1: # 限制倾角
reward += -1.0
if abs(state[0]) > 0.3: # 限制位置
reward += -2.0
if reward >= 0:
reward = 1.0
# 加入记忆
memory.append(Experience(org_state, action, reward, state, terminated))
if terminated or truncated:
state, info = env.reset()
# 训练 =========================================
states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones = memory.sample(batch_size)
# 前向传播
pred_q = net(states)[batch_index, actions]
target_q = ((1-dones)*net(next_states).max(dim=-1).values * discount + rewards).detach()
loss = criterion(pred_q, target_q)
# 反向传播
torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_value_(net.parameters(), 1)
# 保存checkpoint, "cartpole-replay.ckpt")
env = gym.make("CartPole-v1", render_mode="human")
state, info = env.reset()
with torch.no_grad():
for t in range(2000):
row = net(state).squeeze()
action = row.argmax().item()
state, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action)
if terminated or truncated:
state, info = env.reset()
from random import random, randint
import gymnasium as gym
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from tqdm import tqdm
n_actions = 2
n_states = 4
lr = 3e-4
discount = 0.95
batch_size = 128
epochs = 5000
class Net(nn.Sequential):
norm_vector = torch.tensor([0.5, 1.0, 0.21, 0.5])
def __init__(self, in_feats = n_states, out_feats = n_actions, hidden = 32):
nn.Linear(in_feats, hidden),
nn.Linear(hidden, hidden),
nn.Linear(hidden, out_feats),
def forward(self, state):
x = state/self.norm_vector # 归一化
y = super().forward(x)
return y
net = Net()
optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(net.parameters(), lr=lr, amsgrad=True)
criterion = nn.SmoothL1Loss() # 发现L1的效果比L2要好
env = gym.make("CartPole-v1")
state, info = env.reset()
for t in tqdm(range(epochs)):
# 前向传播
loss = 0.0
epsilon = 1 - t / epochs # 动态调整epsilon
for _ in range(batch_size):
# 选择action =========================
row = net(state)
if random() < epsilon: # exploration
action = randint(0, n_actions-1)
action = row.squeeze().argmax().item()
# 执行action =========================
state, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action)
# 使用自定义的reward
reward = -20.0 if terminated else 0
if abs(state[2]) > 0.1: # 限制倾角
reward += -1.0
if abs(state[0]) > 0.3: # 限制位置
reward += -2.0
if reward >= 0:
reward = 1.0
# 计算loss =========================
with torch.no_grad():
if terminated:
curr_q = torch.tensor(reward)
curr_q = net(state).max() * discount + reward
loss += criterion(row[action], curr_q)
if terminated or truncated:
state, info = env.reset()
# 反向传播
torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_value_(net.parameters(), 1)
# 保存checkpoint, "cartpole.ckpt")
env = gym.make("CartPole-v1", render_mode="human")
state, info = env.reset()
with torch.no_grad():
for t in range(2000):
row = net(state).squeeze()
action = row.argmax().item()
state, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action)
if terminated or truncated:
state, info = env.reset()
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