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Created May 16, 2021 20:54
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Userscript that disables custom CSS on the SCP Wiki.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Delete Custom SCP CSS
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @grant none
// @version 1.0
// @author Lura Skye
// @description Disables custom SCP CSS. Has special handling for a few variants.
// @run_at document-end
// @homepage_url
// ==/UserScript==
// Step 1: Strip off any anonymous style tags.
const styles = document.head.querySelectorAll("style");
styles.forEach((it) => {
if (it.attributes.length === 0) {
function add_to_page_body(item_number, containment_class) {
const page_body = document.body.querySelector("#main-content");
const actual_body = page_body.querySelector("#page-content");
const first_paragraph = actual_body.querySelector(":scope > p");
const inserted_number = actual_body.insertBefore((function() {
const elem = document.createElement("p"); = "_item-number"
elem.innerHTML = "<strong>Item #:</strong> " + item_number;
return elem;
})(), first_paragraph);
const obclass = actual_body.insertBefore((function() {
const elem = document.createElement("p");
elem.setAttribute("style", "text-transform:capitalize")
elem.innerHTML = "<strong>Object Class:</strong> " + containment_class;
return elem;
})(), inserted_number.nextSibling);
// Variant 1 tweaks.
// Delete the credit box clutter at the top.
const variant1 = document.body.querySelector("#u-credit-view");
if (variant1 !== null) {
const anom_bar = document.body.querySelector(".anom-bar");
if (anom_bar !== null) {
const item_number = anom_bar.querySelector("span.number").textContent;
const containment_class = anom_bar.querySelector(".contain-class").querySelector(".class-text").textContent;
add_to_page_body(item_number, containment_class);
// now we've copied all we need into the body we simply murder the bar
// finally, fix the rate box and remove the big gap at the top
const credit_rate = document.body.querySelector(".creditRate");
const rate_box = credit_rate.querySelector(".rate-box-with-credit-button");
rate_box.className = "";
rate_box.setAttribute("style", "text-align:right");
// Variant 2 tweaks.
// Delete the class1 stuff.
const variant2 = document.body.querySelector(".class1image");
if (variant2 !== null) {
const header = document.body.querySelector(".class1").parentNode;
const author_block = document.body.querySelector(".info-container");
if (author_block !== null) author_block.remove();
const item_num = document.body.querySelector(".itemnum").innerText.split(": ")[1];
const object_class = document.body.querySelector(".objclass .obj .obj-text").innerText;
add_to_page_body(item_num, object_class);
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