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Created May 29, 2015 18:41
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package vax.libgdx;
import java.util.Iterator;
import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx;
import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetManager;
import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.loaders.FileHandleResolver;
import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.loaders.ModelLoader;
import com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Quaternion;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.*;
import vax.libgdx.MtlLoader.MtlProvider;
{@link ModelLoader} to load Wavefront OBJ files. The Wavefront specification is NOT fully implemented, only a subset
of it is supported.
This {@link ModelLoader} can be used to load basic models without having to convert them to a more suitable
format. Therefore it can be used for educational purposes and to quickly test a basic model, but should not be used
in production. Instead use {@link G3dModelLoader}.
An OBJ file only contains the mesh (shape). It may link to a separate MTL file, which is used to describe one or more
materials. In that case the MTL filename (might be case-sensitive) is expected to be located relative to the OBJ
file. The MTL file might reference one or more texture files, in which case those filename(s) are expected to be
located relative to the MTL file.
The last state of the internal arrays (verts, norms, uvs and groups) can be preserved if the raw OBJ data is needed elsewhere.
Note that groups having some faces with UVs and/or normals defined and some having them undefined are *not* supported due to
compatibility requirements for current libGDX shader implementation.
@author mzechner
@author espitz
@author xoppa
@author vaxquis
public class ObjLoader extends ModelLoader<ObjLoader.ObjLoaderParameters> {
Set to false to prevent a warning from being logged when this class is used.
public static boolean logWarning = true;
public static class ObjLoaderParameters extends ModelLoader.ModelParameters {
public boolean flipV;
public ObjLoaderParameters() {
public ObjLoaderParameters( boolean flipV ) {
this.flipV = flipV;
private final FloatArray verts = new FloatArray( 300 );
private final FloatArray norms = new FloatArray( 300 );
private final FloatArray uvs = new FloatArray( 200 );
private ObjectMap<String, Group> groups = new ObjectMap<String, Group>();
private boolean preserveMaterials, preserveState;
private void checkState() {
if ( !preserveState /* || groups.size == 0 */ ) {
throw new IllegalStateException( "call setPreserveState(true) and load a model first to access its data" );
public ObjectMap<String, Group> getGroups() {
return groups;
public FloatArray getVerts() {
return verts;
public FloatArray getNorms() {
return norms;
public FloatArray getUvs() {
return uvs;
public boolean isPreserveMaterials() {
return preserveMaterials;
public boolean isPreserveState() {
return preserveState;
Forces the loader to keep all state arrays after sucessful model load.
@param preserveState
public void setPreserveState( boolean preserveState ) {
this.preserveState = preserveState;
Forces the loader to keep unused materials in the model.
@param preserveMaterials
public void setPreserveMaterials( boolean preserveMaterials ) {
this.preserveMaterials = preserveMaterials;
public ObjLoader() {
this( null );
public ObjLoader( FileHandleResolver resolver ) {
super( resolver );
@return @deprecated Use {@link ObjLoader#loadModel(FileHandle)} instead.
Loads a Wavefront OBJ file from a given file handle.
@param file the FileHandle
public Model loadObj( FileHandle file ) {
return loadModel( file );
@deprecated Use {@link ObjLoader#loadModel(FileHandle, boolean)} instead.
Loads a Wavefront OBJ file from a given file handle.
@param file the FileHandle
@param flipV whether to flip the v texture coordinate (Blender, Wings3D, et al.)
public Model loadObj( FileHandle file, boolean flipV ) {
return loadModel( file, flipV );
Directly load the model on the calling thread. The model with not be managed by an {@link AssetManager}.
@param fileHandle
@param flipV
public Model loadModel( final FileHandle fileHandle, boolean flipV ) {
return loadModel( fileHandle, new ObjLoaderParameters( flipV ) );
public ModelData loadModelData( FileHandle file, ObjLoaderParameters parameters ) {
return loadModelData( file, ( parameters == null ) ? false : parameters.flipV, MtlLoader.DEFAULT_MTL_PROVIDER );
private void clear() {
// An instance of ObjLoader can be used to load more than one OBJ.
// clearing the Array is O(1), so it's preferred to new Array() here
if ( verts.size > 0 ) {
if ( norms.size > 0 ) {
if ( uvs.size > 0 ) {
if ( groups.size > 0 ) {
//groups = new ObjectMap<String, Group>(); // AFAIR, for Map, allocating new is actually faster than manual elem-by-elem clearing
private void assertGroup( boolean condition, Group g, String desc ) {
if ( condition ) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "group '" + + "' " + desc
+ " based on definition of first face in group; 'mixed' OBJ group definitions are unsupported" );
Loads model data, optionally providing a material library map used as a cache, useful to allow overriding default
OBJ's MTL selection.
@param file
@param flipV flips the UV vertically (V flip); useful for DirectX/3DSMax-to-OpenGL conversions
@param mtlProvider
public ModelData loadModelData( FileHandle file, boolean flipV, MtlProvider mtlProvider ) {
if ( preserveState ) {
// Create a "default" Group and set it as the active group, in case
// there are no groups or objects defined in the OBJ file.
Group activeGroup = new Group( "default" );
groups.put(, activeGroup );
ObjectMap<String, ModelMaterial> mms = null;
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( ), 4096 );
try {
for( String line = reader.readLine(); line != null; line = reader.readLine() ) {
String[] tokens = line.split( "\\s+" );
if ( tokens.length < 1 ) {
if ( tokens[0].length() == 0 ) {
char firstChar = tokens[0].toLowerCase().charAt( 0 );
if ( firstChar == '#' ) {
if ( firstChar == 'v' ) {
if ( tokens[0].length() == 1 ) {
verts.add( Float.parseFloat( tokens[1] ) );
verts.add( Float.parseFloat( tokens[2] ) );
verts.add( Float.parseFloat( tokens[3] ) );
} else if ( tokens[0].charAt( 1 ) == 'n' ) {
norms.add( Float.parseFloat( tokens[1] ) );
norms.add( Float.parseFloat( tokens[2] ) );
norms.add( Float.parseFloat( tokens[3] ) );
} else if ( tokens[0].charAt( 1 ) == 't' ) {
uvs.add( Float.parseFloat( tokens[1] ) );
uvs.add( ( flipV ? 1 - Float.parseFloat( tokens[2] ) : Float.parseFloat( tokens[2] ) ) );
} else if ( firstChar == 'f' ) { // we're doing some extra checks here since full OBJ spec is not supported
String[] parts;
IntArray faceVx = activeGroup.faceVx, faceUv = activeGroup.faceUv, faceNorm = activeGroup.faceNorm;
parts = tokens[1].split( "/" );
faceVx.add( getIndex( parts[0], verts.size ) );
if ( parts.length > 1 ) {
if ( parts[1].length() > 0 ) {
if ( activeGroup.hasUVs == null ) {
activeGroup.hasUVs = true;
} else {
assertGroup( !activeGroup.hasUVs, activeGroup, "shouldn't have UVs" );
faceUv.add( getIndex( parts[1], uvs.size ) );
} else if ( activeGroup.hasUVs == null ) {
activeGroup.hasUVs = false;
} else {
assertGroup( activeGroup.hasUVs, activeGroup, "should have UVs" );
if ( parts.length > 2 ) {
if ( activeGroup.hasNorms == null ) {
activeGroup.hasNorms = true;
} else {
assertGroup( !activeGroup.hasNorms, activeGroup, "shouldn't have normals" );
faceNorm.add( getIndex( parts[2], norms.size ) );
} else if ( activeGroup.hasNorms == null ) {
activeGroup.hasUVs = false;
} else {
assertGroup( activeGroup.hasNorms, activeGroup, "should have normals" );
} else {
activeGroup.hasNorms = false;
activeGroup.hasUVs = false;
for( int i = 2; i < tokens.length; i++ ) {
parts = tokens[i].split( "/" );
faceVx.add( getIndex( parts[0], verts.size ) );
if ( parts.length > 1 ) {
if ( parts[1].length() > 0 ) {
assertGroup( !activeGroup.hasUVs, activeGroup, "shouldn't have UVs" );
faceUv.add( getIndex( parts[1], uvs.size ) );
} else {
assertGroup( activeGroup.hasUVs, activeGroup, "should have UVs" );
if ( parts.length > 2 ) {
assertGroup( !activeGroup.hasNorms, activeGroup, "shouldn't have normals" );
faceNorm.add( getIndex( parts[2], norms.size ) );
} else {
assertGroup( activeGroup.hasNorms, activeGroup, "should have normals" );
} else if ( firstChar == 'o' || firstChar == 'g' ) {
// This implementation only supports single object or group
// definitions. i.e. "o group_a group_b" will set group_a
// as the active group, while group_b will simply be
// ignored.
activeGroup = setActiveGroup( ( tokens.length > 1 )
? tokens[1]
: "default" );
} else if ( tokens[0].equals( "mtllib" ) ) {
mms = mtlProvider.get( file.parent().child( tokens[1] ) );
} else if ( tokens[0].equals( "usemtl" ) ) {
activeGroup.materialName = ( tokens.length == 1 )
: tokens[1];
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
// If the "default" group or any others were not used, get rid of them
for( Iterator<Group> it = groups.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Group g =;
if ( g.numFaces < 1 ) {
if ( groups.size == 0 ) {
return new ModelData(); // empty OBJ = empty model
if ( mms == null ) {
if ( logWarning ) { "ObjLoader", "trying to use a material when no mtllib loaded; default material will be used" );
mms = new ObjectMap<String, ModelMaterial>( 0 );
final ModelData modelData = new ModelData();
ObjectSet<ModelMaterial> usedMaterialSet = preserveMaterials ? null : new ObjectSet<ModelMaterial>( mms.size );
boolean defaultMaterialUsed = false;
int hasNormsCount = 0, hasUVsCount = 0; // used in debugging/early warning system
for( Group group : groups.values() ) {
IntArray faceVx = group.faceVx, faceUv = group.faceUv, faceNorm = group.faceNorm;
int numElements = faceVx.size;
boolean hasNorms = group.hasNorms;
boolean hasUVs = group.hasUVs;
if ( hasNorms ) {
if ( hasUVs ) {
float[] finalVerts = new float[faceVx.size * 3 + faceUv.size * 2 + faceNorm.size * 3];
for( int i = 0, vi = 0; i < numElements; i++ ) {
int vertIndex = faceVx.get( i ) * 3;
finalVerts[vi++] = verts.get( vertIndex++ );
finalVerts[vi++] = verts.get( vertIndex++ );
finalVerts[vi++] = verts.get( vertIndex );
if ( hasNorms ) {
int normIndex = faceNorm.get( i ) * 3;
finalVerts[vi++] = norms.get( normIndex++ );
finalVerts[vi++] = norms.get( normIndex++ );
finalVerts[vi++] = norms.get( normIndex );
if ( hasUVs ) {
int uvIndex = faceUv.get( i ) * 2;
finalVerts[vi++] = uvs.get( uvIndex++ );
finalVerts[vi++] = uvs.get( uvIndex );
short[] finalIndices;
if ( numElements >= Short.MAX_VALUE ) { // if there are too many vertices in a mesh, we can't use indices
finalIndices = new short[0];
} else {
finalIndices = new short[numElements];
for( short i = 0; i < numElements; i++ ) {
finalIndices[i] = i;
Array<VertexAttribute> attributes = new Array<VertexAttribute>();
attributes.add( new VertexAttribute( Usage.Position, 3, ShaderProgram.POSITION_ATTRIBUTE ) );
if ( hasNorms ) {
attributes.add( new VertexAttribute( Usage.Normal, 3, ShaderProgram.NORMAL_ATTRIBUTE ) );
if ( hasUVs ) {
attributes.add( new VertexAttribute( Usage.TextureCoordinates, 2, ShaderProgram.TEXCOORD_ATTRIBUTE + "0" ) );
String nodeId =;
String meshId =;
String partId =;
ModelNode modelNode = new ModelNode(); = nodeId;
modelNode.meshId = meshId;
modelNode.scale = new Vector3( 1, 1, 1 );
modelNode.translation = new Vector3();
modelNode.rotation = new Quaternion();
ModelNodePart modelNodePart = new ModelNodePart();
modelNodePart.meshPartId = partId;
modelNodePart.materialId = group.materialName; = new ModelNodePart[]{ modelNodePart };
ModelMeshPart modelMeshPart = new ModelMeshPart(); = partId;
modelMeshPart.indices = finalIndices;
modelMeshPart.primitiveType = GL20.GL_TRIANGLES;
ModelMesh modelMesh = new ModelMesh(); = meshId;
modelMesh.attributes = attributes.toArray( VertexAttribute.class );
modelMesh.vertices = finalVerts; = new ModelMeshPart[]{ modelMeshPart };
modelData.nodes.add( modelNode );
modelData.meshes.add( modelMesh );
ModelMaterial mm = mms.get( group.materialName );
if ( mm == null ) {
if ( logWarning ) { "ObjLoader", "trying to use undefined material '" + group.materialName
+ "'; using default material" );
modelNodePart.materialId = MtlLoader.DEFAULT_MATERIAL_NAME;
defaultMaterialUsed = true;
} else if ( !preserveMaterials ) {
usedMaterialSet.add( mm ); // to avoid duplicate materials
if ( logWarning ) { // extra check to see if all groups are same w.r.t. having UVs/normals
if ( hasNormsCount != 0 && hasNormsCount != groups.size ) { "ObjLoader",
"trying to use groups with faces with mismatching normal content is likely to cause shader issues" );
if ( hasUVsCount != 0 && hasUVsCount != groups.size ) { "ObjLoader",
"trying to use groups with faces with mismatching UV content is likely to cause shader issues" );
if ( defaultMaterialUsed && mms.get( MtlLoader.DEFAULT_MATERIAL_NAME ) == null ) {
modelData.materials.add( MtlLoader.getDefaultMaterial() );
if ( preserveMaterials ) {
for( ModelMaterial m : mms.values() ) {
modelData.materials.add( m );
} else {
for( ModelMaterial m : usedMaterialSet ) {
modelData.materials.add( m );
if ( !preserveState ) {
return modelData;
private Group setActiveGroup( String name ) {
Group group = groups.get( name );
if ( group == null ) {
group = new Group( name );
groups.put( name, group );
return group;
private int getIndex( String index, int size ) {
if ( index == null || index.length() == 0 ) {
return 0;
int idx = Integer.parseInt( index );
return ( idx < 0 ) ? size + idx : idx - 1;
public static class Group {
public final String name;
public String materialName = MtlLoader.DEFAULT_MATERIAL_NAME;
public IntArray //
faceVx = new IntArray( 100 ),
faceUv = new IntArray( 100 ),
faceNorm = new IntArray( 100 );
public int numFaces;
public Boolean hasNorms;
public Boolean hasUVs;
public Material mat = new Material( "" );
public Group( String name ) { = name;
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