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Created August 25, 2014 04:06
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<h1 class="title">News Title</h1>
<p><strong>Beijing National Stadium, officially the National Stadium, is a stadium in Beijing, China. The stadium
was designed for use throughout the 2008 Summer Olympics and Paralympics.</strong></p>
<p>Located at the Olympic Green, the stadium cost US428 million. The design was awarded to a submission from
the Swiss architecture firm Herzog & de Meuron in April 2003 after a bidding process that included 13 final
submissions. The design, which originated from the study of Chinese ceramics, implemented steel beams in
order to hide supports for the retractable roof; giving the stadium the appearance of a bird's nest. Leading
Chinese artist Ai Weiwei was the artistic consultant on the project.[5] The retractable roof was later removed
from the design after inspiring the stadium's most recognizable aspect. Ground was broken on 24 December
2003 and the stadium officially opened on 28 June 2008. A shopping mall and a hotel are planned to be
constructed to increase use of the stadium, which has had trouble attracting events, football and otherwise,
after the Olympics. </p>
<p>Located at the Olympic Green, the stadium cost US428 million. The design was awarded to a submission from
the Swiss architecture firm Herzog & de Meuron in April 2003 after a bidding process that included 13 final
submissions. The design, which originated from the study of Chinese ceramics, implemented steel beams in
order to hide supports for the retractable roof; giving the stadium the appearance of a bird's nest. Leading
Chinese artist Ai Weiwei was the artistic consultant on the project.[5] The retractable roof was later removed
from the design after inspiring the stadium's most recognizable aspect. Ground was broken on 24 December
2003 and the stadium officially opened on 28 June 2008. A shopping mall and a hotel are planned to be
constructed to increase use of the stadium, which has had trouble attracting events, football and otherwise,
after the Olympics. </p>
<div class="aside">
<h2 class="title">News</h2>
<div class="card">
<div class=banner>
<img src="" alt="">
<h1>New Title</h1>
<p>Located at the Olympic Green, the stadium cost US428 million. The design was awarded to a submission from
the Swiss architecture firm Herzog & de Meuron in April 2003 after a bidding process that included 13 final
submissions. The design, which originated from the study of Chinese ceramics, implemented steel beams in
order to hide supports for the retractable roof; giving the stadium the appearance of a bird's nest. Leading
Chinese artist Ai Weiwei was the artistic consultant on the project.[5] The retractable roof was later removed
from the design after inspiring the stadium's most recognizable aspect. Ground was broken on 24 December
2003 and the stadium officially opened on 28 June 2008. A shopping mall and a hotel are planned to be
constructed to increase use of the stadium, which has had trouble attracting events, football and otherwise,
after the Olympics. </p>
<div class="card">
<div class=banner>
<img src="" alt="">
<h1>New Title</h1>
<p>Located at the Olympic Green, the stadium cost US428 million. The design was awarded to a submission from
the Swiss architecture firm Herzog & de Meuron in April 2003 after a bidding process that included 13 final
submissions. The design, which originated from the study of Chinese ceramics, implemented steel beams in
order to hide supports for the retractable roof; giving the stadium the appearance of a bird's nest. Leading
Chinese artist Ai Weiwei was the artistic consultant on the project.[5] The retractable roof was later removed
from the design after inspiring the stadium's most recognizable aspect. Ground was broken on 24 December
2003 and the stadium officially opened on 28 June 2008. A shopping mall and a hotel are planned to be
constructed to increase use of the stadium, which has had trouble attracting events, football and otherwise,
after the Olympics. </p>
<div class="card">
<div class=banner>
<img src="" alt="">
<h1>New Title</h1>
<p>Located at the Olympic Green, the stadium cost US428 million. The design was awarded to a submission from
the Swiss architecture firm Herzog & de Meuron in April 2003 after a bidding process that included 13 final
submissions. The design, which originated from the study of Chinese ceramics, implemented steel beams in
order to hide supports for the retractable roof; giving the stadium the appearance of a bird's nest. Leading
Chinese artist Ai Weiwei was the artistic consultant on the project.[5] The retractable roof was later removed
from the design after inspiring the stadium's most recognizable aspect. Ground was broken on 24 December
2003 and the stadium officially opened on 28 June 2008. A shopping mall and a hotel are planned to be
constructed to increase use of the stadium, which has had trouble attracting events, football and otherwise,
after the Olympics. </p>
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<div class="copyright"><p>&copy; Brothers Bridge Group</p></div>
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