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Created May 26, 2021 13:34
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Discord.js V12 Events - Cheetsheet

Discord.js V12 Events

An (updated) overview of all events in discord.js V12 with examples in a gist. (Not tested myself)

This is for educational purposes only, not to just straight up copy-paste. Learn from it.

Discord.js Events: Docs (Last edited: Fri, 02 Apr 2021 11:57:57 GMT)

📢 | Last updated: 26 June 2021


const { Client } = require('discord.js');
const client = new Client();



Emitted whenever a channel is created.

Parameter Type Description
channel DMChannel / GuildChannel The channel that was created.
client.on("channelCreate", function (channel){
    console.log(`channelCreate: ${channel}`);


Emitted whenever a channel is deleted.

Parameter Type Description
channel DMChannel / GuildChannel The channel that was deleted.
client.on("channelDelete", function (channel){
    console.log(`channelDelete: ${channel}`);


Emitted whenever the pins of a channel are updated.

📢 | Due to the nature of the WebSocket event, not much information can be provided easily here - you need to manually check the pins yourself.

Parameter Type Description
channel DMChannel / GuildChannel The channel that the pins update occurred in.
time Date The time of the pins update.
client.on("channelPinsUpdate", function (channel, time){
    console.log(`channelPinsUpdate: ${channel} | ${time}`);


Emitted whenever a channel is updated.

Parameter Type Description
oldChannel DMChannel / GuildChannel The channel before the update.
newChannel DMChannel / GuildChannel The channel after the update.
client.on("channelUpdate", function (channel){
    console.log(`channelUpdate: A channel was updated.`);


Emitted for general debugging information.

Parameter Type Description
info string The debug information.
client.on("debug", function (info){
    console.log(`debug: ${info}`);


Emitted whenever a custom emoji is created in a guild.

Parameter Type Description
emoji GuildEmoji The emoji that was created.
client.on("emojiCreate", function (emoji){
    console.log(`emojiCreate: ${emoji}`);


Emitted whenever a custom emoji is deleted in a guild.

Parameter Type Description
emoji GuildEmoji The emoji that was deleted.
client.on("emojiDelete", function (emoji){
    console.log(`emojiDelete: ${emoji}`);


Emitted whenever a custom emoji is created in a guild.

Parameter Type Description
oldEmoji GuildEmoji The old emoji.
newEmoji GuildEmoji The new emoji
client.on("emojiUpdate", function (oldEmoji, newEmoji){
    console.log(`emojiUpdate: An emoji has been updated.`);


Emitted when the client encounters an error.

Parameter Type Description
error Error The error encountered.
client.on("error", function (error){
    console.log(`error: ${error}`);


Emitted whenever a member is banned from a guild.

Parameter Type Description
guild Guild The guild that the ban occured in.
user User The user that was banned
client.on("guildBanAdd", function (guild, user){
    console.log(`guildBanAdd: A user has been banned from a guild`);


Emitted whenever a member is unbanned from a guild.

Parameter Type Description
guild Guild The guild that the unban occured in.
user User The user that was unbanned
client.on("guildBanRemove", function (guild, user){
    console.log(`guildBanRemove: A user has been unbanned from a guild`);


Emitted whenever the client joins a guild.

Parameter Type Description
guild Guild The guild that the client joined.
client.on("guildCreate", function (guild){
    console.log(`guildCreate: ${guild}`);


Emitted whenever a guild kicks the client or the guild is deleted/left.

Parameter Type Description
guild Guild The guild that the client left/got deleted.
client.on("guildDelete", function (guild){
    console.log(`guildDelete: ${guild}`);


Emitted whenever a guild integration is updated.

Parameter Type Description
guild Guild The guild whose integrations were updated.
client.on("guildIntegrationUpdate", function (guild){
    console.log(`guildIntegrationUpdate: ${guild}`);


Emitted whenever a user joins a guild.

Parameter Type Description
member GuildMember The member that has joined a guild.
client.on("guildMemberAdd", function (member){
    console.log(`guildMemberAdd: ${member}`);


Emitted whenever a member becomes available in a large guild.

Parameter Type Description
member GuildMember The member that became available.
client.on("guildMemberAvailable", function (member){
    console.log(`guildMemberAvailable: ${member}`);


Emitted whenever a member leaves a guild, or is kicked.

Parameter Type Description
member GuildMember The member that has left/been kicked from the guild.
client.on("guildMemberRemove", function (member){
    console.log(`guildMemberRemove: ${member}`);


Emitted whenever a chunk of guild members (from the same guild) is received.

Parameter Type Description
member Collection<Snowflake, Guildmember> The guild related to the member chunk.
guild Guild The guild related to the member chunk.
chunk Object Properties of the recieved chunk.
chunk.index number Index of the received chunk.
chunk.count number Number of chunks the client should receive.
chunk.nonce ?string Nonce for this chunk.
client.on("guildMemberChunk", function (member, guild, chunk){
    console.log(`guildMemberChunk: I recieved a chunk of guildMembers`);


Emitted once a guild member changes speaking state.

Parameter Type Description
member GuildMember The member that started/stopped speaking.
speaking ReadOnly The speaking state of the member
client.on("guildMemberSpeaking", function (member, speaking){
    console.log(`guildMemberSpeaking: A member started/stopped speaking`);


Emitted whenever a guild member changes.

Parameter Type Description
oldMember GuildMember The member before the update.
newMember GuildMember The member after the update.
client.on("guildMemberUpdate", function (guild, user){
    console.log(`guildMemberUpdate: A member has been changed`);


Emitted whenever a guild becomes unavailable, likely due to a server outage.

Parameter Type Description
guild Guild The guild that the ban occured in.
client.on("guildUnavailable", function (guild, user){
    console.log(`guildUnavailable: ${guild}`);


Emitted whenever a member is banned from a guild.

Parameter Type Description
oldGuild Guild The guild before the update.
newGuild Guild The guild after the update.
client.on("guildUpdate", function (guild, user){
    console.log(`guildUpdate: A guild has been updated`);


Emitted whenever the client's session becomes invalidated.

📢 | You are expected to handle closing the process gracefully and preventing a boot loop if you are listening to this event.

client.on("invalidated", function (){
    console.log(`invalidated: My session became invalidated`);


Emitted when an invite is created.

📢 | This event only triggers if the client has MANAGE_GUILD permissions for the guild, or MANAGE_CHANNEL permissions for the channel.

Parameter Type Description
invite Invite The invite that has been created.
client.on("inviteCreate", function (invite){
    console.log(`inviteCreate: ${invite}`);


Emitted when an invite is deleted.

📢 | This event only triggers if the client has MANAGE_GUILD permissions for the guild, or MANAGE_CHANNEL permissions for the channel.

Parameter Type Description
invite Invite The invite that has been created.
client.on("inviteDelete", function (invite){
    console.log(`inviteDelete: ${invite}`);


Emitted whenever a message is created.

Parameter Type Description
message Message The created message.
client.on("message", function (message){
    console.log(`message: ${message}`);


Emitted whenever a message is deleted.

Parameter Type Description
message Message The deleted message.
client.on("messageDelete", function (message){
    console.log(`messageDelete: ${message}`);


Emitted whenever messages are deleted in bulk.

Parameter Type Description
messages Collection<Snowflake, Message> The deleted messages, mapped by their ID.
client.on("messageDeleteBulk", function (messages){
    console.log(`messageDeleteBulk: ${message.size} messages were bulkdeleted`);


Emitted whenever a reaction is added to a cached message.

Parameter Type Description
messageReaction MessageReaction The reaction object.
user User The user that applied the guild or reaction emoji.
client.on("messageReactionAdd", function (messageReaction, user){
    console.log(`messageReactionAdd: A user applied the guild or reaction emoji`);


Emitted whenever a reaction is removed from a cached message.

Parameter Type Description
messageReaction MessageReaction The reaction object.
user User The user whose emoji or reaction was removed.
client.on("messageReactionRemove", function (messageReaction, user){
    console.log(`messageReactionRemove: An emoji or reaction emoji was removed`);


Emitted whenever all reactions are moved from a cached message..

Parameter Type Description
message Message The message the reactions were removed from.
client.on("messageReactionRemoveAll", function (message){
    console.log(`messageReactionRemoveAll: All reactions were removed from a message`);


Emitted whenever a bot removes an emoji reaction from a cached message.

Parameter Type Description
reaction MessageReaction The reaction that was removed.
client.on("messageReactionRemoveEmoji", function (reaction){
    console.log(`messageReactionRemoveEmoji: A bot removed a raction from a message`);


Emitted whenever a message is updated.

Parameter Type Description
oldMessage Message The message before the update.
newMessage Message The message after the update.
client.on("messageUpdate", function (oldMessage, newMessage){
    console.log(`messageUpdate: A message was updated`);


Emitted whenever guild member's presence is changed.

Parameter Type Description
oldPresence ?Presence The presence before the update, if one at all.
newPresence Presence The presence after the update.
client.on("presenceUpdate", function (oldPresence, newPresence){
    console.log(`presenceUpdate: A user reacted on a message`);


Emitted whenever the client hits a rate limit while making a request.

Parameter Type Description
rateLimitInfo Object Object containing the rate limit info.
rateLimitInfo.timeout number Timeout in ms.
rateLimitInfo.limit number Number of requests that can be made to this endpoint.
rateLimitInfo.method string HTTP method used for request that triggerd this event.
rateLimitInfo.path string Path used for request that triggerd this event.
rateLimitInfo.route string Route used for request that triggerd this event.
client.on("rateLimit", function (rateLimitInfo){
    console.log(`rateLimit: ${rateLimitInfo}`);


Emitted whenever the client becomes ready to start working.

client.on("ready", function () {
    console.log(`ready: Logged in as ${client.user.tag}`);


Emitted whenever a role is created.

Parameter Type Description
role Role The role that was created.
client.on("roleCreate", function (role){
    console.log(`roleCreate: ${role}`);


Emitted whenever a role is deleted.

Parameter Type Description
role Role The role that was deleted.
client.on("roleDelete", function (role){
    console.log(`roleDelete: ${role}`);


Emitted whenever a role is created.

Parameter Type Description
oldRole Role The role before the update.
newRole Role The role after the update.
client.on("roleUpdate", function (oldRole, newRole){
    console.log(`roleUpdate: A role has changed`);


Emitted whenever a shard's WebSocket disconnects and will no longer reconnect.

Parameter Type Description
event CloseEvent The Websocket close event.
id number The shard ID that disconnected.
client.on("shardDisconnect", function (event, id){
    console.log(`shardDisconnect: Shard #${id} disconnected`);


Emitted whenever a shard's WebSocket encounters a connection error.

Parameter Type Description
error Error The encountered error.
id number The shard ID that encountered this error.
client.on("shardError", function (error, id){
    console.log(`shardError: Shard #${id} encountered a error`);


Emitted when a shard turns ready

Parameter Type Description
id number The shard ID that disconnected.
unavailableGuilds ?Set Set of unavailable guild ID's, if any.
client.on("shardReady", function (event, id){
    console.log(`shardReady: Shard #${id} is ready`);


Emitted when a shard is attempting to reconnect or re-identify.

Parameter Type Description
id number The shard ID that is attempting to reconnect.
client.on("shardReconnecting", function (id){
    console.log(`shardReconnecting: Shard #${id} is trying to reconnect...`);


Emitted when a shard resumes succesfully.

Parameter Type Description
id number The shard ID that resumed.
replayedEvents number The amount of replayed events.
client.on("shardResume", function (id, replayedEvents){
    console.log(`shardResume: Shard #${id} resumes`);


Emitted whenever a user starts typing in a channel.

Parameter Type Description
channel Channel The channel the user started typing in.
user User The user that started typing.
client.on("typingStart", function (channel, user){
    console.log(`typingStart: ${user} started typing in ${channel}`);


Emitted when a user's details are changed.

📢 | Triggered by the Discord gateway events USER_UPDATE, GUILD_MEMBER_UPDATE, and PRESENCE_UPDATE.

Parameter Type Description
oldUser User The user before the update.
newUser User The user after the update.
client.on("userUpdate", function (oldUser, newUser){
    console.log(`userUpdate: User has changed their details`);


Emitted when a member changes voice state.

Parameter Type Description
oldState VoiceState The voice state before the update.
newState VoiceState The voice state after the update.
client.on("voiceState", function (id){
    console.log(`voiceState: A member changed their voice state`);


Emitted for general warnings.

Parameter Type Description
info string The warning.
client.on("warn", function (info){
    console.log(`warn: ${info}`);


Emitted whenever a guild texxt channel has its webhooks changed.

Parameter Type Description
channel TextChannel The channel that had a webhook update.
client.on("webhookUpdate", function (channel){
    console.log(`webhookUpdate: ${channel}`);
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