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Created June 2, 2020 20:14
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static dom, window
if window
return window
dom := ComObjCreate("htmlfile")
dom.write("<meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible'content='IE=edge'><script>
( Comment
function fromAHK(obj) {
if (typeof obj !== 'object') return obj
if (obj == ahk_true) return true
if (obj == ahk_false) return false
var keys = ahk_obj_keys(obj)
var out = {}
var isArray = true
for (var i = 1; i <= keys.length(); ++i) {
out[keys[i]] = fromAHK(obj[keys[i]])
if (keys[i] !== i) isArray = false
if (isArray) {
out.length = i
return Array.prototype.slice.apply(out, [1])
return out
window := dom.parentWindow
window.ahk_true := this ? this.Gson_True() : Gson_True()
window.ahk_false := this ? this.Gson_False() : Gson_False()
window.ahk_obj_keys := this ? this.Gson_Keys : Func("Gson_Keys")
return window
out := []
for k in (this ? this : param)
return out
window := this ? this.Gson_Window() : Gson_Window()
return window.JSON.stringify(window.fromAHK(obj))
Gson_FromJS(jsobj) {
if !IsObject(jsobj)
return jsobj
window := this ? this.Gson_Window() : Gson_Window()
obj := {}
if window.Array.isArray(jsobj) {
loop, % jsobj.length
} else {
keys := window.Object.keys(jsobj)
loop, % keys.length
obj[keys[A_Index-1]] := %A_ThisFunc%(jsobj[keys[A_Index-1]])
return obj
window := this ? this.Gson_Window() : Gson_Window()
parsed := window.JSON.parse(json)
return this ? this.Gson_FromJS(parsed) : Gson_FromJS(parsed)
static obj := {}
return obj
static obj := {}
return obj
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