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Last active April 17, 2021 19:15
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AutoHotkey Formatting Guidelines

Global Variables:

  • Should be constants, in ALL_CAPS
  • Or variables prefixed with _underscore

Constant values should be in ALL_CAPS other variables should be snake_case or camelCase

Functions and Methods should be PascalCase

if statements should follow these formats: if var if func() if !var if !func() if (var == 1) if (var != 1) if (var == 1 || var == 2) if !(var == 1 || var == 2)

Braces must be placed according to allman's styling. One-True-Brace is not acceptable.

No-brace if statements are allowed, often preferred, as long as the content is actually one line long:

; Good!
if (condition)
	MsgBox, yes

; Bad!
if (condition1)
	if (condition2)
		MsgBox, no

; Good!
if (condition1)
	if (condition2)
		MsgBox, yes

Classes should follow this template:

class Name
	; --- Static Variables ---
	static CONSTANT := 1
	; --- Instance Variables ---
	external_use := 1
	_internal_use := 1
	; --- Properties ---
			return this._internal_use
	; --- Static Methods ---
		return 1
	; --- Constructor, Destructor, Meta-Functions ---
	; --- Instance Methods ---
		return 1
		return 1
	; --- Nested Classes ---
	class Nested1
		; Contents
	class Nested2
		; Contents
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