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Created September 24, 2014 22:30
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SetBatchLines, -1
Conversion := {"mph": 0.44704, "km/s": 0.277778}
MsgBox, Put the input on the clipboard then hit OK
Data := ParseInput(Clipboard)
Data.Cameras.Remove(1) ; This is a redundant camera for my purposes
for RegNumber, Times in Data.Cars
Speeds := []
LastEntry := ToSeconds(Times.Remove(1))
for Index, Time in Times
Seconds := ToSeconds(Time)
MetersPerSecond := Data.Cameras[Index] / (Seconds - LastEntry)
Speeds[Time] := MetersPerSecond / Conversion[Data.Unit]
LastEntry := Seconds
for Time, Speed in Speeds
if (Speed > Data.Limit)
Out .= "Vehicle " RegNumber " broke the speed limit by " Speed - Data.Limit " " Data.Unit " at " Time ".`n"
MsgBox, % Out
static LimitRE := "(?<Limit>\S+)\s(?<Unit>km/h|mph)"
, CameraRE := "(?<Number>\d+) is (?<Distance>\S+)"
, LogRE := "camera (?<Number>\d+).$"
, VehicleRE := "^Vehicle (?<RegNumber>\S+\s+\S+) passed camera (?<Number>\d+) at (?<Time>\S+)\.$"
Cameras := []
Cars := []
LastDist := 0
for each, Line in StrSplit(Input, "`n", "`r")
if !(Line := Trim(Line))
continue ; blank line
if RegExMatch(Line, VehicleRE, Match)
{ ; Vehicle log line
if !Cars.HasKey(MatchRegNumber)
Cars[MatchRegNumber] := []
Cars[MatchRegNumber, MatchNumber] := MatchTime
else if RegExMatch(Line, CameraRE, Match)
{ ; Camera definition line
Cameras[MatchNumber] := MatchDistance - LastDist
LastDist := MatchDistance
else if RegExMatch(Line, LogRE, Match)
{ ; Camera log section
CurrentCamera := MatchNumber
else if RegexMatch(Line, LimitRE, Match)
{ ; Speed limit definition line
Limit := MatchLimit
Unit := MatchUnit
throw Exception("Invalid line" Line)
return {"Limit": Limit, "Unit": Unit, "Cameras": Cameras, "Cars": Cars}
x := StrSplit(Time, ":")
return x[1]*60*60 + x[2]*60 + x[3]
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